Where can you live in the US that has the best ratio of modern urban conveniences to lack of niggers?

Where can you live in the US that has the best ratio of modern urban conveniences to lack of niggers?

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SLC Utah?

South Central Los Angeles

Throw in social freedoms as well. Fuck mormons

If you can stand Mexicans, southwest Texas.

Hmm. Phoenix maybe. I don't recall seeing a single black person the few months I lived there.
According to wiki blacks are just under 7% population of Phoenix

Mexican culture isn't nearly as broken as nignogs

I don't know what part of Phoenix you went to, but downtown was full of black people.

Scottsdale was too.

Grand Rapids, Michigan. Used to live there.

I was staying in Peoria mid summer. Not a single black. Just ditzy white people and Mexicans

Anchorage, Alaska.

Getting anything shipped there is a nightmare.

What you on about? I literally just got a bunch of shit shipped here last week. Been living here almost 6 years now, and I've never had any issues, and if I did, they were my fault.

Are you trying to escape black people or crime?

The biggest threats on another white man's life and property are by far other white people. They are 6 times the danger (which would be equivalent to roughly a 78% black population if you readjust for population size)

If its crime you want to get away from live around as few people that look like you as possible. ...which is also why black men should not live around other black men.

Southern New Hampshire

Source: FBI.gov. table 6 and table 43

You're full of shit.

Real crime like murder, theft, robbery and rape are committed by blacks at a far higher rate than whites.

Guess you forgot about population size and ratio? Yeah it's easy to ignore because you retards wouldn't be able to make cute little facebook tier quips with fake statistics.


No nignogs in disneyland. Lots of beaners though.

ucr.fbi.gov table 43 - National crime data by race

Blacks ~ 13% of the population
Whites ~ 58% of population (also must take into account many people are labled "white" on crime reports and are really mexican)

Blacks Murder - 4149
Whites Murder - 4000

Argue against this. A population a fifth the size of whites commit more murders per year. Let that sink in.


This. At least they wash your windows

Peoria, Illinois?
If so, there is a Niggertown there.

Vancouver, British Columbia.

Yes, with a lazy police force that will stick the crime to anyone and a justice system that railroads the poor

Portland, OR
San Fran, CA the real thing not ”the bay area”
Bend, OR

Unfortunately, cities have social service locations that dole out EBT, WIC and police stations that require reporting for probation, parole and so there’s always going to be blacks around. In the glorious internet future a social worker will fill out the paperwork remotely for LaTrina and drones will be able to track DeTravarius autonomously, and then we might actually get to have cracker cities again, but until then your going to have to look neighborhood by neighborhood. The census keeps pretty good tabs on who lives where by zip code, so have a look there. Iirc, most populous zip with less than 1% black was SF proper or Malibu or somesuch.

How stupid are you or are you just a nigger loving cuck?

Do you really believe lazy police are arresting blacks, creating indisputable evidence against them, presenting it in court and locking them up?

How do you exactly arrest someone for murder and have zero evidence at all?

I can kind of understand petty crimes like vagrancy or tresspassing, weed whatever. I'm sure the cops do fuck over people like that. Were talking about Muder. Rape. Robbery. Blacks commit these crimes grossly disproportionate to their population. There is no defending it.

Agreed. Comparing Detroit to LA isn’t even a competition.

Isn't portland full of nigger and asian homeless people? Also isn't it full of leftist retards and trannies? What about 15$ avacado toast? What about dirty af streets with homeless shit everywhere.

No thanks.

As far away from the south as you can. Alaska is ideal but Portland or Seattle probably are the next best.

Lacrosse, Wisconsin.

Pine Hills, FL

Portland is indeed a shithole, but for once it’s not nigs fault. Really, it sounds like you actually want a home in the country and a direct commute to a large city in a nice car.


White people: 3,005 murdered
2,509 killed by white people
409 killed by black people

Again. 6x more likely to be killed by your own race.

Burlington -Oakville is the whitest place in the world close to a major city (Toronto).

Except that black people are 1/6th the population, so the odds that you get killed by a random black person or a ”white” person is at least even. ”White” in quotes because that also includes ”white hispanic”.

Thats a bullshit statistic though because crime is also based on proximity. White people live near white people and blacks live near blacks.

A) every aspect of hispanics you dislike is their european side. All the stealing, rape, and murder.

B) your math is off ever so slightly but it doesnt matter. The fact we're in the ball park... The fact that white peoples lives mean as much to each other as they do to black people is fucking shameful.

So this thread is about moving to an all white utopia...
Not gonna work so well if its for safety. This is my only point on the subject.


My life means more to me than anyone else’s actually, is what you meant to say

NM. I can see this was not the thread to bring up the travesty that is white on white violence.

I still say its a sad day when I have to worry more about you than them.

Actually, the statistics we jointly discussed reveal that you have just as much to worry about from either black or white people. So, you can safely judge people by the content of their character amd not by the color of their skin.