First thread got 404'd
If you are depressed, feel free to share here and I'll help where I can.
I don't do it for any profit whatsoever I do it because I am a human being and sometimes a little help can go a long way.
First thread got 404'd
If you are depressed, feel free to share here and I'll help where I can.
I don't do it for any profit whatsoever I do it because I am a human being and sometimes a little help can go a long way.
Can you do my math homework?
My foreskin is about to swallow the moon.
No I am terrible at math.
Come on Anons I have 1 and a half hours left for my daily thing
can you be depressed and not sad?
No, you cannot, when you are depressed, you are sad because you are depressed.
That's called Anhedonia.
Not op btw.
thank you. now i know what i have
You're welcome. Next step is to see a doctor to confirm this diagnosis.
not necessary. will be killing myself soon.
im just tired.
OP, i have an unhealthy hatred for women.
how do i deal with that?
Don't do it user. You are a precious human being with lots to offer. Try change the suicide thoughts into something positive, or start gardening or something to keep your mind clear of such thoughts.
Because of a simple, correctable imbalance? Are you kidding me? See a doctor. Today.
Would you be able to explain this type of 'hatred' in more detail?
Is it because woman neglect you?
Thanks for your contribution user.
>precious human being
I just can't... Stop... Laughing
No prob!
But I'm a patient myself, and not a doctor. So see a doctor! I think you've suffered enough. Time for recovery to begin.
the other day, two different people flipped me off on the way to work
today, someone spat in my face on the way to work
do I have some kind of 'fuck me' aura?
I'm depressed. What now?
stop posting such lowQ bullshit
that's not how this works
people are recyclable and easily replaced
user is next to worthless
No you're not. You can't have a made up disease.
>Would you be able to explain this type of 'hatred' in more detail?
when i see a pretty woman on the street, instead of feeling desire, i feel hatred. black, putrid, foul-smelling hatred.
>Is it because woman neglect you?
no. not really. let me be 100 honest.
i am a good looking man. good looking enough to enough to have dated some very pretty women, but if they are beautiful.... you are basically disposable to them. and they exercise that "right" at their first chance.
but now, if YOUUUUU... are the good looking one in the relationship, or the one with power over her (in some other sociological way), then they act pathetically submissive towards you, and will pretty much do anything you ask them to do, to the point of giving up their dignity at any time.
you see, you can predict to a high degree of certainty how a woman values herself and others, simply by looking at her outer shell. and that is very depressing.
generally speaking: beautiful women are horrible, horrible, horrible human beings.
> only parent is about to die and i'm responsible for it.
what can i do to not an hero from guilt
ah, I know what this is called now
you have the true insight, user
Sad and depressed is not really the same thing. Close but not the same. Sad is a feeling, it comes and goes. depressed is more a constant state of a chemical imbalace in your brain that makes you not funktion properly. It CAN make you sad but the opposite of depression is not sadness, its vitality.
tired mentally, and emotionally. nothing gives me pleasure.
im tired of it. i just want to be spared the pain. thats all.
user I like your pics, please post more
Leave your own existential crisis out of this. We will deal with yours later.
Why is that flower shaped like a dick
i'm not in crisis
you're new to the world
eventually you'll understand
it's not
you just spend so much time looking at dicks, so everything eventually starts to look like one
I'm a fat girl with small tits (C cup) and I'm so self conscious about it. I have a boyfriend but I imagine he could do better.
lol. if you were good looking you'd have no such concerns and trade him in fast.
Explain to us what happened user, why are you the cause? Are you sure you aren't just being too hard on yourself?
And maybe, so could you.
And how fat? 5-10lbs overweight? Or is it morbid obesity? Or is it a false body image due to anorexia?
That is normal, but to be honest, every person is beautiful in their own way. We think beauty is those woman we see on tv and those rich bitches driving their SLK. Some people will say stuff like "But it is in our nature to go for those who are more attractive" which is bullshit btw. Don't put yourself down because you can't look like the next person. You are your own person, also it is your choice how you want to look, you don't necessarily have to be fat.
You have developed some form of disgust towards that, no problem, but don't you think you are fueling that feeling more on purpose?
You sound like a serial killer though.
You've lost your sense of humanity. Don't rub your shitty monkey hands on everybody else nigger.
I haven't got more sorry, I randomly copy pasta'd
Nice trips
>Be me?
>I'm 16 she is 14
>I impregnate her
>I get disowned by family
>Sister hates me but she the bitch who spread her pussy lips
>Our child looks like the anus of a horse
What do?
What the fuck