Just showered for the first time in 5 months. AMA

Just showered for the first time in 5 months. AMA.


Seriously, kill yourself. Don't even tell anybody you're going to, just go do it.

AT what point could you smell yourself by just breathing through your nose and why did you continue?

Why would you say that user? That's horrible
Around the 2nd month and to answer your second question, I just didn't care

God damn you're a disgusting human being.

Christ, that's disgusting, but what caused the change? Did you finally pay your water bill?

post pics of your crib

Yeah because smelling like shit is gonna make you less depressed.

Retard. Kys

Yeah no you deserve death. Sorry but its true. Is you went that long without bathing "because you are sad" then you are a leech on society and should be put down (by your own hand so you can at least say you accomplished one good deed durring your existance)

implying that someone who hasn't cleaned himself in half a year has any form of income and isn't living off of some othwr horribly unfortunate soul

I know
I was forced
It's Messy
You people are awful

You are awful fucking piece of shit

We are the just voice of logic you so deperatly don't wish to hear

I went 4 months one time. Depression as well.

Word of advice. Unless you scrubbed with a BBQ brush your still rocking a few layers of dead skin. Shower again .

then post: it's your chance to get eternally remembered for centuries worldwide

post pics user, I'll bamp while waiting

also: what about dick cheese?
black stuff between feet fingers?
did you develop some kind of dermatosis/itchy skin?

>payed 40$ for this, did I get ripped off?

Fucking yuck cunt i can smell you from here

does your dick still look human

We can suppose by your skin color

HA! I clicked on this thread thinking it was one of those , glad it wasn't just me


Ok, thanks for the advice
Yeah, why?
I'm white nigga

What exactly were you depressed about, showering generally makes you feel better about yourself.

Sure thing.
Good luck. Hope you manage to pull yourself out of the depression soon

Sorry, that "yeah, why?" Was for


About life I guess
Thank you and I hopefully I will

OP how long did you shower and what did you use for scrubbing?

1 hour and with my nails

More like gray at this point

Three questions:
1. How long was it?
2. How much soap did you use?
3. Were there what looks like cracks where your skin folded?
I'd feel awful after a week without showering, never seen someone go this long

are you a virgin op?

tasty. salty butter chicken bits on the wiping hand. fresh off the designated shitting street, pajeet.

Not OP but when you go about 12 days you get used the dirty feeling.

Uncle raped me. Other than that, no prior experience

1 hour soak, 5 minutes scrubbing
no soap, just nails

did you enjoy it?
tell us about it

I'm a mechanic so I really don't want to know what 12 days of oil and grease feels like

Don't listen to them when I lost my child I drank and never bathed for six months but now I'm back in university so it gets better. But I still drink alot

Obviously that's different.


eat that shit

Lol as a single 29 year old male taking care of his veggy mom and dying dad I manage to shower everyday since my depression 3 years ago. What the fuck is wrong with you