
> conservashits

really makes you think


With Anglos, You Lose

might is right faggot

Stay mad that we smashed your teeth out, Lefty.

>let's blame children for the sins of their father because FUCK IT
>let's complain about countries that went all around the world and invaded, leaving behind roads and hospitals

Now I am a #cruzmissile

I am a #shillforhill now

Yes the entire nation should suffer because of the actions of a few corrupt politicians

>the people that invaded 98% of the worlds countries are still alive and are now complaining about immigration.

It's not true, as far as I know, it's Labours who accepted and supported tons of migrants who now vote for them and their shitskin mayor. Tories aren't in favour for now.

>mfw Trumpfags will be physically beat again at some point this election
>mfw they'll take it like cucks too

Kill yourself Conservanigger

Stay mad that we protest your trump rally's and you rednecks low brows chimp out , trumpchimps

Let's just set one thing straight.
In the last 50 years the biggest invader hasn't been USA or USSR/Russia, it's China.
>Tibet was bigger than most European countries
>the South China Sea is bigger than some European countries
>they want to literally invade every neighbour they have, and have five at some point in history which in their eyes gives them a mandate.

Chinks are cancer!

>comparing immigration to conquering a fucking world



Anglo is worst race.

>undeveloped regions with literal stone-age primitives wandering around

Pick one, and only one.

anglo is the reason you exist, idiot

>spread knowledge, medicine, infrastructure to the savages
>allowing them to breed out of control
>open the gates
>give them all our stuff

We deserve this death, natural selection at its finest.

>comparing immigration with invasion
>using this as a defence for immigration

Thanks for winning us Illinois, dipshits. You'll win us the rest of the country too by acting like chimps.

White people bring civilization, shitskins destroy it. That's the difference.


Sure thing racist, the Republican choices were a No Name, a Christfag, or a racist Authoritarian.

All horrible choices.

You do know that wasn't the general eyt right?

Yea the republican voting base is only 25 percent of the country at best

Trump is too polarizing to win the general election and only appeals to edgy alt right wing faggots who haven't hit puberty and dumbass rednecks who get riled up about muh white identity politics

Stay mad Trailer park trash scum

Le bump

I'm going to love it come Election Night when Trump wins. It'll be that much sweeter knowing smug assholes like you are butthurt.

And the left's are a Commie Cuck and a Murdering Cuck

damn thats some impressive butthurt kid

We arguably made things better but if they want a place to keep their traditions and races alive then it's fine with me for them to have their space. I only ask they let us do the same.

It's funny how cucks like you complain about trump (a man who wants to stop the brown hordes) instead of moving to Mexico or South America with the rest of the brown hordes. But no, instead you'll sip your Starbucks coffee paid for by mommy and continue to complain about republics from a Tibetan fingerprinting forum.

>Building empires out of shitholes is bad immigration.

>Pouring in countless sandniggers who couldn't hold their country together is good immigration.

And yet you will continue to shop at Walmart with other low brow conservashits finding ingredients to cook meth for

Stay sharp Cleatus

Identifying JIDF 101
>they always make white trash insults
>they ALWAYS deny they are JIDF
>they are always insulting Sup Forums as if it's entirety is one person
>they are always unabashedly going against Trump with zero facts but come here solely because it is not an echo chamber
>they do not attempt to convince, rather to shame and insult people into agreeing with them
>they are very angry and you can tell from the way they type.

>dont get invaded
Is that bad logic or something?

You want the cities and infrastructure that honkeys made, not just "the land"