I want to become mentally ill by choice...

I want to become mentally ill by choice. For personal reasons i want to get a serious mental ilness like schizo or something similar. Im fully aware of the consequances and what im asking. I cant find anything on google or in the library. Does anybody here have knowladge on this topic and can awnser my question?

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you're fucked mate

Why would i be fucked?

>Take 5 tabs of lsd
>walk in to forest at night

just lurk moar, you'll get there

spare us your jibber jabber and just kys now OP

become a shut in, one will develop as long as you have no real contact with the outside world for a few years.

likely start as anxiety and panic attacks, and then get to the point where they're uncontrollable as more issues develop.

Got a few things you could test out, OP.

>Microwave some CD's for a minute and eat whatever comes out
>Eat a pound of crusted semen
>Dive headfirst off of a one story building
>Pour liquid mercury in your ears and anus
>Get a strawberry syrup enema

Wont that much kill me

Wanting a disease or disability is actually a mental illness by choice, so wish granted.

Yes, you can. I was able to provocate temporary (hopefully) paranoia and schizophrenia this way. You'll need some drugs.

Can you explain those "personal reasons" though?
Why would anyone want such a disease?

Just talk with a psychologist and let him fuck up your mind

I fucked that sentence up a bit.

Wanting a disease/disability/mental illness is actually a mental disorder. You want one? You have one.

How did you arrive at this questionable decision, OP?

LSD can't kill you, just fry your brains. I actually think 5 tabs is too little, you should take a whole sheet. If you really want to lose your mind, it's not a bad way to go. Look up Roky Erikson or the guy who thinks he's a glass of orange juice (although I heard the latter is an urban legend)

This. But abuse benzos u can get a free anxiety disorder. Hallucinogens on the regular or too much will help lift that sanity cap too. Cocktqil drugs, be heavy drug user. Do some research into drugs that cook brain. Africa has some good recipes but ol silk road will set ya right

Im sorry but i reather not talk about them even though im anonymous.

Tnx for the help. I guess ill go with the LSD option.

You are a no good roodypoo then and i don't like you.

Institutionalization and electro shock therapy were also very large contributors to Roky Ericksons mental state.
>I have always been here before


Very true, forgot about that.

So OP, you gotta do drugs and electroshock.

Do they still lobotomize people?



Can a person somehow preform shock therapy on himself or is there a way to make someone else do it for me? Will a mental doctor do it on me if i pay him well?

>op goes for the whole deal and gets lobotomized, circumcised, electroshocked, insulted shaved and is tripping mad balls on lsd just to get an edgy mental state just to find out it really fucking sucks

Legally no, but all you need is an ice pick and a friend with a steady hand. Godspeed OP, time to mongolize self.

He'll be happy when he has to have the TV, radio, electric piano and alarm clock going off at the same time to calm down


Take Hugh Laurie for example, he acted as if he had a limp in the series and now it affected him in his real life situation.

You can train your brain to think something through constant repetition.

>OP just wants to write music that's this unhinged and great

How much would you be willing to pay? I'm a mystic and a professional tarot reader. I can train you to dissolve the barrier between conscious and unconscious, which looks very much like madness to those who aren't awakened to the inner sea. If you're willing to come here, where I live, and pay for the training, I am willing to take however much time is necessary. Real offer.

I've taken 4 tabs in a night and it was trippy but not that bad. My roommate has tripped on 15 tabs and our friend did 40 one night. I believe Steve Jobs had ~80 tabs dissolved into his skin after he ran through the sprinkler with most of a sheet in his pants while running from the cops. I think you would need to take 1+ sheets to really fuck you up for life

dont believe in that stuff. sorry mystic

What "stuff"? It's all applied psychology. It has nothing to do with the supernatural.

You beat me too it. 5 is too little for a permanent insanity attempt.

Why don't you just say your communicating with aliens or angels or some shit OP? Visualize an imaginary friend or entity, ignore real people and talk to it over them. I'd bet that work. You wouldn't even have to fry your brain on a drug either.

head trauma, specifically to destroy your frontal lobe
or just smoke PCP or any of its legal analogues for a month straight and i guarantee you will become a delusional, violent retarded person

i tried that already. for 2 years i had 3 imaginary voices in my head that i constantly spoke too. It wasnt working so after 2 years i stoped.

>applied psychology
Thats kinda interesting, got a link you can share?

A link? The collected works of Jung, Campbell, Jaynes, Sheldrake, Horney, Adler, Crowley, Gurdjeff, Ouspensky, and Eckhart for starters. I'm an actual mystic, not some teenaged LARPer.

Where are you from?

You need to do it infront of other people. Infront of family, friends, employers.. Have a break down of laughter infront of others. Doing it alone by yourself won't be enough.

Your going to need to embarrass the hell out of yourself and make a huge psychotic scene. Institutionalization won't occur unless your deemed a threat to yourself or others. Don't hurt anyone else OP but your gonna need to maybe hurts yourself slightly, maybe go outside a medical facility like an ER and put a knife in your arm..

That or threaten suicide, and make a enormous mental breakdown in front of as many people as you can. You'll tarnish your reputation but it will likely pay off.

i dont want to be instetutionalized. I just want to be insane. also dont have any family and only have 2 friends that i rearly see.

The Great Mother, just like you: the Void which contains all possibility, and from which all created things emerge. Or, if you prefer more scientifically-sounding terminology, the quantum foam whose waveform collapses into the eigenstate we recognize as being "reality."

get mad /sad. set the mood of.

go out in the dark forrest. take 5-10 trips of LSD. with scary music on headphones ? will be life changer.

happend once, totally would do it again

Oh ok. Then, make plans to meet with a psychiatrist. Talk to them and lie about seeing and hearing entities. Be sincere and as convincing as possible. Tell them they tell you to self harm. They will most likely clinically diagnose you with some mental illness. Badda boom, there you go. Next you'll likely be medicated and treated differently.

Unless your asking how you can totally abandon sanity just for your personal satisfaction... Theirs only two answers for that. Chemical insanity induced by drugs, or self induced psychological insanity, which requires intense will power. You will either achieve it in your own or not. You can't MAKE yourself insane, you either are and you realize and accept it, or you induce it chemically through drugs and destroying your brain.

Your a goofball OP.

>The Great Mother, just like you: the Void which contains all possibility, and from which all created things emerge.
Thats on some real right there

>I want to become mentally ill by choice
lol no you don't. You're either just bored, dumb, or a mixture of the two. Get a fucking hobby dude.

M8, I'm posting this from a psychiatric clinic, pic related.
This is the dumbest and most naive thing I've heard in years on Sup Forums, and you know that there is A, LOT, of retardation in here.
I'm in here because of severe depression and Borderline Personality disorder, thankfully not a psychotic or severe degree.
I know schizophrenic people, I know several borderliners, I know schizoid people, depressed, paranoid, neurotic, demented, sociophobic, bipolar, you name it.
Some by too many drugs, some by genetics, some by trauma.

You can be MOTHERFUCKING PROUD if depression is the only thing you've got.
I know that it's not a meaningful thing around here, but your amount of idiocy and naivity even borders on offending me, my life story, and the life story of people I face here literally every day.

If you want a mental disorder:
Long and heavy consumption of Amphetamines. Period. It's the easiest way.

But to be honest, I'd heavily prefer you to try suicide, and this is coming from a guy who already had a suicide attempt.
I don't mean this the "lel op is a fag kys" way, I mean this seriously for the first time.
The people here, including me, are fucked and literally get pity from the employees here, whether we want it or not.
They know that the only thing keeping us from having a good life is OUR OWN FUCKING MIND, and that there's no escape from it.
And you're treating my kind like it's some fucking way to get out of border.
There's a very good reason they're called "disorders" and not "funny screws in your head making you go "WEEEEE!!"".

Sounds like you already have a serious mental illness, why would you want another?

Ok listen never quote me and never ever refer to me or this post.
Go out buy some lsd, not like one ticket but a whole blotter or at least 10tickets .
Take them, there are 2 ways this can go, first your mind gets fucked and you dont come back or second your mindset on the world will change.
Be aware that this will be a heavenly or hellish ride, it might be possible that the effects will last long and maybe you will end up a whole week or so on Acid. In the end you will have results. Usually i am a very respectful to psychedelica but some people just have to learn

>"Ok listen never quote me and never ever refer to me or this post..."
>-Some guy on the web, Nov 2017

Amphetamines for realz? My gf used to be a monumental speed freak. Should I be worried? Also best wishes bro. Sounds less than ideal.

>And you're treating my kind like it's some fucking way to get out of border.
I fucked up, I meant boredom, not border.

Less than ideal?

Nigga, this is the epitome of fucking up your brain with the least effort put into it.

Im truly sorry. I did not mean to offend you or your kind. I know the life of a person with mental disorders is hellish. Im not doing this out of bordom. Not doing it cuz of a fantasy eather. I have personal reasons to why i want to be insane. And when i say insane i do not mean a person who goes around screaming and waving his arms around. I want to be in a state where i cant see the reality anymore. Thats all i want. suicide is not an option here. if it were, i would be dead already. Again, im sorry. didnt mean to offend you

Actually, you know what, OP? It's become clear that you're just shitposting and wasting people's time. I rescind my offer. You have no conception of what you've lost.

>I know the life of a person with mental disorders is hellish

And that's mainly because other people are afraid of you because you're different, so they treat you like shit.

Yes, Amphetamines for real, I mean Speed, as you said.
All the guys saying "OD on LSD" aren't entirely wrong, but if you actually, medically and neurologically want to damage your head, Speed.
I used to take them on a rare base, like twice a month, if at all, and already now I'm noticing slight damage on my memory and intellectual abilities (confirmed IQ 130 at age 6 and a nerd, so I notice quickly when I'm not as much of a smartass as I used to), and some people in here had it as their primary drug while my primary drug was weed.

Heavy Speed consumption can go two ways:
Your brain becomes mashed potatoes, or you become a straight-up fucking nutjob, I mean real schizophrenia business.

Before I can tell you whether you need to be worried, I need to know 2 things:
>How long has your relationship been going?
>Do you have moments where she seems absolutely illogical and yet so certain of her opinion that you just can't find an answer to it and get a slight "eh, that was odd" gut feeling? And if yes, how often?

>Some edgelord wanting to be mentally ill
I am definitely another person that feels a great need of individualistic uniqueness, so I'm in.

OH, you mean that you want to blur the edges of reality?
That's fine to me, my man, you're welcome to listen to me.

Then people are right with LSD.
ODing in LSD will cause exactly what you're looking for.
The thing is, LSD is the closest thing to transcendence you can think of, where anything logical becomes so simple that your logic itself becomes something entirely new.

Keep it natural, bro. Any chemical drugs are like pouring drops of acid on your brain.

Been together a couple of years. Wouldn't say she's ever entirely illogical but she's always absolutely certain of her opinion to the point of not entertaining a discussion, even when she's obviously wrong. I've always put it down to just being a female trait..

Lots of it

forced isolation in the dark with nothing


This. Like 20 sheets of high grade real-deal stuff. OP gonna have to spend a lot of money for this but afterwards the State will be caring for him anyways.


It is a female trait, no worries, m8.
If you don't really SEE signs that give you the feeling "I think there's a loose screw up there", you're fine.

Cheers for the reply matey. How long you in there for?