20% of the meat you eat is fecal matter. You're disgusting

20% of the meat you eat is fecal matter. You're disgusting.

Other urls found in this thread:


itt meatcucks will defend their disgusting diet

Just finished up a nice bowl of quinoa, tofu, black beans, broccoli, and snow peas topped with some cilantro lime dressing.
>vegan food is gross
>I need protein
When will the meat cucks learn?

I love how they defend dairy even though it's giving them gyno tiddies and making them bald.

Yoooo. Go read what happens when a male drinks a fuck ton of soy milk.

literally vegetables grow from the ground and are fertilized with shit. Most of the water on earth has passed through some creature/human. The fact that people eat shit isn't a good argument because everyone does in some way.

do you rim girls?

That wasn't the argument I presented.

Also this is a dumb chart. Simplified it's just saying lol vegans are better than you, and if you disagree get out.
Same kind of thinking the so called left leaning uni students with their safe spaces abide by. Not actually good for a discussion when you refuse people with different opinions.

You guys are arguing about food when there's hungry ass niggers and other people in the world. Shut the fuck up and be grateful that you can get clean food and water.

all the cock you chug is meat

>and gives you xray sight

all proven without the need of any source

I have. You gain protein and phytoestrogens that you shit out as they don't affect estrogen in your body. Dairy on the other hand has dioxins and estrogen.

So you're implying that you are eating 20% fecal matter while eating vegetables? Do you know how stupid and blind you'd have to be to eat shit on your potatoes?

Oy vey this thread again today!

Riiiight. You don't know about estrogen and phytoestrogens much.
Soy milk has the same effect as taking female hormones. Just less intense

Nice source.
See sauces Mr. Tidz.
inb4 you try to refute a peer reviewed study and biology kek

Vegans ARE better than you.

Because of some self imposed moral high ground?
Well okay. But I'm better than you because I drive a small car. And am Canadian. Also I'm not a fat drain on resources. So just because I say so, I'm better than you

If you're not vegan you use hundreds of times more resources than I do.
By your logic, I'm still better than you even from you own self imposed rules. HAhahaha.

guess that explains how i have such a tolerance to your whiny bullshit op.

You came here and commented because you're triggered. Some tolerance.

You've completely missed the point. Resources aside, as you couldn't even bring that point up on your own, you can't just claim your group is "better" because you say so.
It's like claiming Buddhists are better than none just because. Or Evangelical Christian's are better than Catholics cause I say so

Daily reminder that vegans are morally and nutritionally pure.

Healthier with less acne and more fit = Sexier = More sex = Better
Living longer = Better
Ethically and morally pure = Better
More money to spend outside of expensive, disease causing meat = Richer = Better
Healthier = Smarter = Better
In every single way

You had one point which could be true.
Vegans may be healthier. They also may not be depending on who you compare to.
Hell, I could call myself a vegan if I lived off rice and tofu, wouldn't actually be healthy though now, would it

Nice b8 op

Actually rice and edamame would sustain you with a whole protein and enough fats. Eating 100% meat would kill you in a year or two. Nice try inferior.

And eating 100% rice would kill you just the same. What are you trying to get at?

And 100% of the leafy green food is picked by pajeets that shit in the field.
Every single drop of water on this planet has gone through at least one kidney. let that sink in.


20% of your brain is faecal matter

>my brain
Ftfy meat cuck

%100 of the vevegtables you eat have been sprayed with pesticides

> implying animals don't eat pesticide riddled grains
You're a moron

the fuck is going on here?
I leave Sup Forums for a few months and come back to this
then again, this is Sup Forums so why am I suprised

I care about animals. Cats are cute.
I care about eating delicious things more than I care about animals though. Sorry.

20% of the fecal matter you eat is meat you are a horrible shit eating vegan

You eat what my food eats congrats for moving down the food chain

You're 95 % fecal matter, what's your point mr hanky?

So you don't care about animals.

I don't think you understand the food chain, dumbass.

I know bacon and carne asada is tasty meat
>i know you are a faggot
>i know Veganism is a cult
>I know you smell like cowshit from your eating habits

Vegans smell better. Vegans are better at sex. Vegans have more sex. Vegans are more fit. Vegans are better than you.

Suck a greyhound's dick.

You seem to know nothing about vegans. I doubt you leave your house.

Lost 20 lbs on the Keto diet. I'm going to consume the flesh of lesser organisms and there's not a damn thing you can do to stop me. :3

Enjoy smelling like asshole while you lose weight, fatshit.

Don't worry, I'll eat an extra helping of meat tonight in your honor.

You seem upset, friend. A lack of protein will do that. :^)

>Don't worry, I'll increase my rate of heart disease and cancer in your honor

if we switched to growing things more intensive than grass for pasture instead of allll meat. The world would reach peak phosphorus much much faster and the world would die of famine.

>"u mad"
You're an idiot, aren't you meatcuck?

I don't think you understand how factory farms operate there, bud.

tastes good


stay in school kiddo


who pretends to be vegan on Sup Forums in their spare time, who the fuck is paying you?

>While most of the plants you eat are grown by shit

Vegetarians and Vegans make up about 13% of the population in the US. Much higher in other countries. You should try going outside.

Plants grow from compost you eat literal shit

With that logic you're eating shit funneled through a meat tube. You're a moron.
Also who doesn't wash their veggies?
You're eating literal shit, kek.

Yes, and if you brush your teeth in your bathroom, there's fecal matter on your toothbrush. Next vapid argument, please.

Honestly? What you described sounds fucking gross.

Swlf Delusion is the worst delusion
>cultists are the worst

Guess which one looks less like a faggot? That's correct, the one on the left.

Together with homosexualism and feminism veganism is one of the best ways to make population numbers decrease since no meat= no red bloodcells, this way bill gates can finally drop the pulation numbers without firing one single shot, by conquering their minds. GG melinda and gates foundation.


That isn't even close to peer reviewed you fucking neanderthal

TIL, vegans are promiscuous. Now I'm hunger for veg poon

Dont lump Vegetarians in with your cult Vegan fag.
They make a dietary choice you do what ever your cult leader tells you too

Have you ever eaten a vegetable?
Are you on the McDiet?

99% of the pesticide you try and wash off of vegetables you eat. Same difference

I'm not a rabbit.


Veganism is the next step for you user.

Kek you will die soon.

Look up soy boys. Soy contains tons of estrogen and is the reason for the decline of testosterone in Asian males. It's also gives you bitch tities and very unhealthy for males

See me in 100 years and tell me how equally dead we are. :^)



>Morals are subjective.
>Your faggoty vegan shit costs a billion fucking dollars
>Most vegans I know of are smelly, unemployed, and frequently stoned

Vegans eat for a fifth of what you eat for.
Most vegans are fit or slender.
You don't understand morals.

No, it would not sustain you. You would die of several nutrient deficiencies on that particular eating plan.

What is a meatcuck? An insult by a retard that has no understanding of anything at all. Most people aren't vegan because being vegan fucking sucks. You can't even eat a bowl of fucking cereal rofl get fucked animal cuck

Damn you cherry pick the fuck our of your facts. Then again most vegans do. Our large brains are the result of animal proteins and that's why vegans a usually retarded.

You're too lazy to just eat less? Darwinism's finest I see.

Aside from the fact that you're either trolling, really hard, or less likely you're an actual insane vegan zealot, you're wrong.
You're not better at sex, since you retain less muscle density and fiber.
You're not taking up less resources, because vitamins and "vegan-only, all natural, health" products are actually more expensive to "make."
You're just an idiot.
You can only be vegan because you live in a first world nation, and you're somewhat financially stable. Your diet amounts to an all-consuming hobby.
On top of which, if you're so interested in being "natural," a human vegan diet is completely unsustainable outside of massive industrial development, and you'd be a weaker specimen vs those who are omnivorous.
But go ahead and take your assumed moral high ground forgetting that morality is entirely subjective.

Actually I do eat less. Halved my caloric intake eliminating carbs from my diet, lost 20 lbs, sleep less, feel great. All from eating nearly 100% meat/eggs all day.

>implying cereal is healthy and nutritious
I see you've been brainwashed by commercials and the diary jew user. How's it feel?

>Our large brains are the result of animal proteins
Wrong from every angle.

you know whats disgusting a human who believes meat was created to not be eaten animals have no other use other then being eaten .

Oh, and my acid reflux is gone/reduced.

Why should I care?


I would rather die with a belly full of tasty meat then to live as you faggots do.

>retain less muscle density
>products are actually more expensive to "make."
>first world nation
>human vegan diet is completely unsustainable outside of massive industrial development,
Wrong. Plants grow from the fucking ground dumbass. Not in a factory.
>moral high ground
I'm better than you.

You'll die at 50, I guarantee. Send me your funeral address so I can piss on your grave.

Quick rundown on BAIT THREADS
============1. background============
> m00t started Sup Forums 2004
> Sup Forums costs $$$ to run
> not enough $$ from ads: advertisers no like Sup Forums + adblock cucks
> more time on Sup Forums = more jewgold
> STRATEGY: keep users on Sup Forums longer m00t losing it, tired of shit revenue
> befriends SJWs (A.S., Z.Q.), gets SJW gf (Mallory G. from Gawker)
> Aug 2014 GamerGate & Fappening shitstorm
> advertisers say 'bye!'
> Sup Forums is fucked now, need $$$$!!!
> m00t bans GamerGate & Fappening pix (temporarily)
> replaces current mods with SJW mods to enforce bans
> Sup Forums rebels: vandalizes everything
> fuckthisshit.jpg
============3. Sale of Sup Forums ==========
> m00t leaves jan 2015
> Hiroyuki (2ch founder) buys Sup Forums on sep 2015
> Sup Forums still make very little $$$ (compared to costs)
> needmoretraffic.jpg
> 1. POLITICAL SHILLING Shillapalooza: JIDF, CTR, ShareBlue, Ruskies, NRA, etc.

Thank you for conceding the argument. I accept your surrender with grace and tact.

"There are many hypotheses about the food our early ancestors ate, what effect it had on their overall health and the evolutionary impacts of their diets. However, while it is certainly true that they ate other animals, it is also true that they did not always do so, just as it is true that individuals, groups and societies have been thriving on plant-based diets throughout history.
Even if we knew what all of our early ancestors were eating across the Earth during the entirety of our evolutionary history, it would still be illogical to conclude that because some of them ate meat some of the time, we should continue doing so. In fact, a robust body of medical research has concluded that consumption of animal flesh and secretions is harmful to us, and we already know factory farming of animals is destructive to the Earth. Further, this reason for eating meat ignores an important ethical point; namely, that history does not equal justification. Our ancestors did many things we find problematic now. They kept slaves, for instance. So it is both illogical and unethical to conclude that simply because some of our early ancestors ate meat, we should continue to do so now."

You should feel bad about yourself.

Staple foods are just that: staples. However, in the developing world they will add meat or fish to every dish they possibly can since they know it is good for you.