10 Greatest Champions League winners (since 1993)

1. Barcelona 2011
2. Barcelona 2009
3. Barcelona 2015
4. AC Milan 1994
5. Bayern 2013
6. Real Madrid 2002
7. Ajax 1995
8. Manchester United 1999
9. Manchester United 2008
10. Internazionale 2010

Name a single flaw.

In terms of quality Man Utd 08 was better than 99 imo.

>Barcelona 2015 in any top
>no Chelsea 2012
>no Liverpool 2005 or whenever it defeated Milan
>no FC Porto 2004 just because muh club

Shit top, anão

Leicester 2017

>not Milan 03 and 07
shit list
Also Milan 94 should be on top, above Barça 09 and expecially 15 for sure

>no Juve 96
that team made the final three times in a row

barcelona 2015 is the greatest one: literally played against every top european league winner in every stage and eliminated 3? teams that were on their way to the treble (psg, bayern, juve) to win the treble themselves. Not the most beautiful barcelona football but quite effective

So the 3 greatest winners needed ref to win? Kill yourself

>being this much of a farça dickrider

I bet you think they're the good guys and underdogs with muh tiki taka beautiful football, right?

# valors

This, 2bh.

Why can't Real win the CL and the League in the same season?

>1. Refball faggotry
>2. Refball faggotry
>3. Refball faggotry

Outstanding post

Why is it always, out of all the latinos, mexicans and chicanos (who are the same shit) the ones who bandwagon european teams the most?


Negro apuesto que eres hincha del Barcelona de Guayaquil o como mierda se llame, y por ende le chupas las bolas al farça

orale carnalitos

Came here to post this.

Chelsea 2012 is one of the only honorable CL wins

All treble winners take priority

wena coches

Perez stopped giving a fuck about it over a decade ago so the pressure isnt really there to do it. you win the CL, lose the league by 15 points= Perez happy. you win the league or cup, lose the CL= Perez on the phone with your replacement before he leaves the stadium. only exception to this is probably Mourinho but thats because he personally liked him and considered him the best possible guy to put Real back on the perch. he has a mad obsession with solidifying himself as the 2nd best president in Reals history and he knows that winning some league titles when you already have 32 isnt worth it that much. occasionally he will make a push for it when Real are losing domestic popularity in random polls(or he'll just sign some young guys from various spanish communities like when signed Isco, Illaramendi etc.)

1. Messi
2. Messi
3. Messi
4. Other teams

very well put
gypsy knows what up

They memed their way to the trophy desu

>1. le 11v10 team 2011
>2. le overbo team 2009
>3. free pass vs poop 2015
>4. should be number 1 1994
>5. dante shoulda seen a red + penalty 2013
>6. i rate zidane 2002
>7. for me, it's Ajax 1995
>8. meme team 1999
>9. lucky fluke 2008
>10. flawless 2010

should be like this tbhfam:

1. 1994 mailand
2. 2001 buyern
3. 2003 mailand
4. 2010 Sup Forumser
5. 2000 halal
6. 2014 halal
7. 1997 le yellow wall club
8. 2015 uefalona
9. 1999 manure poonited
10. 2017 LCFC

Milan 94 should be first. They didn't lose a single game and destroyed barcelona in the final.

haha epic names friend

>d-do I fit in yet

>lucky fluke
And just like that I stopped being Anti-Semite

Milan 94 destroyed Barça 4-0 in the final (and was missing Baresi and Costacurta) and never lost a game, there no reason why they shouldnt be on top

If they replaced APOEL with the portuguese champion and one of PSG encounters with whatever champion from the 7th biggest league's in Europe (or maybe Atletico or Real itself) it would have the perfect Champions League run.

because 90s football was wank?

why are united customers so assblasted lately?

don't insult me, jew

But Ajax 95 was amazing, David, and so was Heynckes Bayern. The meme is the Dortmund one and Manure 99.

Only in England, rest of Europe was doing very well

>barça 2015
>barça 2009
>no porto 2004
>no >poo 2005
>no juve 96
>no dirtmund 98
>no pre cl era
shit list moor

Don't ever reply to him again

dortmund 97 was a meme in general but their defence was godlike. it is amazing to see the world's greatest strikers get so frustrated against them, and when they finally manage a decent shot there is super-klos at the goal.
for that alone they deserve a place in the top 10.