My life got a bit fucked up. Drinking to forget. Ask me anything

My life got a bit fucked up. Drinking to forget. Ask me anything.

worst thing youve ever done?

drinking is not the answer. what's up?

Probably nothing really bad. Hurt a few people after losing my temper. Not related though

It's looking like i'll never see my son again. Drinking might not be the answer but i'm struggling to work out what is.

what happened that you may have lost your son? divorce?

or blindness?


Wasn't married. Long story... short version is... suicidal depression, moved to 3rd world county, massively helped, chinese condom, 3rd world mother of child was a useless whore...

Middle-agedish... Difficult to nail it down exactly. Somewhere between late twenties to late forties.

you should try drugs makes you forget faster

I've dabbled but not a huge fan. I have mental health issues. When i use them I have issues.

i see...i am in my 27's and only stopped drinking because of no money, i started too soon. i was an alcoholic by 18, fucked me up more than i was supposed to be

I don't have an alcohol problem. Just it seemed like the logical solution. Seriously considering drinking enough to kill myself this weekend. Running out of reasons not to.

> Seriously considering drinking enough to kill myself this weekend
that's not that easy... i wish it was

What's your favorite band and why is it Yirf?

Never heard of them. Don't really have a favourite band, just like music as it comes and goes. I have a lot of friends who are musicians so i appreciate the art of it, even if i have no musical talent myself.

You sound like a quitter. I think I can do it. In the 3rd world shithole I'm in now it's harder not to...

Spent summer in rehab, almost 5 months clean from IV opiates but still on methadone treatment. I started using to do what you're doing, to ignore my pathetic life and all my fuck ups and feel much better.

I miss being a junkie cos the anxiety is getting way out of hand.

Godspeed OP

Thank you, sir and I wish you all the luck in the future.
I might have been slightly misleading in my OP. I mean my life has taken a turn for the shit this week and tonight, very specifically i have bought a bottle of brandy. I actually rarely drink normally.
I just miss my boy. I might seriously never see him again and it's getting to me a bit, that's all.

I always say that I envy the life of a junkie

And with all my layers of mental weirdness, i am the envy of the boring. Everyone looks down on someone.