Tfw as white people begin to take over rap music black people begin to take over indie rock

>tfw as white people begin to take over rap music black people begin to take over indie rock

what kind of sick and twisted timeline are we living in

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I'm black and the black people I know including myself get way more heat for enjoying/particiatin in the indie scene than white people completely taking over hip hop fanbases.

I hate how binary racial things are here.

Already been done

The one where Donald Trump is President of the United States of America.

Steve Lacy is fucking amazing. Name ONE (1) white rapper taking over the scene.

who gives you heat?



When exactly did hipsters become so obsessed with race?

Do you like Bad Brains and Death :^)

indie is a black genre now

We need to reverse streams.

this dude is also a based drummer -- i wish i had more time to play music and get this good ;_;

doesn't matter, both genres have become parodies of themselves.


Fuck black

cest la vie, niggers hate us blacks

yea this guy is really good, i wanna hear what he comes up with one day when he has a full album

meanwhile, electronic music transcends racial boundaries

there may be more white FANS of rap/hip hop but artist wise i'd say the majority of popular artists are black

holy chit thats incredible



that's fucking great

Seeing him next week

Nice; I see he's busy touring. I could see him the 19th if I wasn't a pussy who never leaves his house.

that melodic part near the end was so good, but it was short :(

Hey that's when I'm seeing him user.

you want a medal kid?

different user here, stfu faggot

Kele is a pussy and he's British, doesn't count
Also they only had two good EPs and one good album

>kid on the drums has to get the fuck up and go to the corner to cool off at the end



nice rockism

black people act like they're the only people who have social pressure to act a certain way. get over it dude, you arent special, this isnt new, idont feel sorry for you

are you fucking retarded, if it was just social pressure then NO ONE would give a fuck, its an inferiority complex manifesting from real social trauma, be it racism or discrimnation, then assholes internalising it and taking it out on thier own group, no one gives a flying fuck if you empathize or not, this is a free board and we talked, no one wants shit from you, fuck right off you miserable faggot

wow dude my bad. i didnt realize your life was so hard

someone made fun of you for liking indie rock music

actually....pretty nice

>thinking personal deterioration of dignity has anything to do with music preference
kek dood i don give a fuck about your sympathy im not even OP, you wouldn't understand for a flash of a second, you don't even have a clue what the objective bottom is, the reality that society and onwards echoes to you, reflecting everything wrong and it manifesting in numerous way, just chill and sit and spin

black people are so dumb

Is to indie what Beefheart is to blues rock, first time I've liked an indie rock artist

wow that really oiled my central nervous system

very deep

>as crackers begin to overcommercialize and blanden up hip-hop to make it more attractive to wealthy upper class urbanites blacks return to revitalize the dying rock scene with a fresh boost of adrenaline

woah, really makes... you... think....


deep like your throat bud, lucky you eh


>there is at least one person who actually believes this

extraordinary observation...Watson, was it?

Bloc party
tv on the radio
the list goes on.....

then go on..

this desu. is a massive faggot

Black people, whiteness is generally frowned on in black communities.

It's an us VS them mentality and the fear of black culture being erased

it all stems from an inferiority complex and the only people that can red pill ignorant blacks is cultured blacks, theirs no divide anymore and it will get increasingly better as it already has but sjw jeopardize that shit and go overboards


its already happening

jesus christ my man, are you 12?

really gets the neurons firing


nnamdi is also a rapper

I actually believe the last 15 years or so of hip hop has done more damage than anything else to young black folk.

I can only hope the bullshit mumblerap is a sign it's finally dying.

t. Fox News

go to bed Kendrick

Rap is garbage tbqh
>ayo fuck nigga fuck police and we weed n shieeet

Can't we simplify all music like that?

e.g.: Country
>now i lived in ma tractor sippin beer lookin for a southern gurl yeehaw

>implying I like country

that is not country music
that is modern radio """""""country*"""""""" pop
actual country music has loads of lyrical depth and emotion

yeah like this classic
>i was fuckin my sister down in the jail yeehaw whoo yeah my truck

I love Jason Aldean too!

Redpill on some good old country music user.

It's the only genre of music I truly don't care for, except Johnny Cash, and I would heavily argue that he is more folk rock and Americana than country.

sho nuff

2k music yeee

country music's reputation has been really destroyed by recent trends that have completely bastardized and over commercialized the genre. it's not country music, it's a product created in a factory made to appeal to rednecks and other white people who want to listen to radio pop rap but are afraid of black people. it's really disgusting.

here are some classics

townes van zandt - self titled
gene clark - no other
john prine - self titled
gram parsons - grevious angel
or just check out this song and read its lyrics online as you listen if you dont feel like listening to full albums right now. enjoy user.