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k, keep me posted
i don't know anything about this youtube shit but i was still shitposting when the fine jews got btfo'd, do your part polack
What happened bjork?
whats going on
>youtube drama
I fucking lol. Honestly i'v wanted to make a mini-series that just takes the absolute piss (George Carlin style) out of this all. I can't be fucked to though. I don't think humanity fucking needs/deserves/will use such a thing at all.
>faggot youtube kikes making (memetastic negative) reaction videos
>they make a reaction video of some rich lawyer guy's videos
>he tells them to delete the video about him and give him a few thousand bucks as reparations
>they ignore him
>he sues them and takes them to court, they will lose hundreds of thousands of dollars even if they win the case, and if they lose they will lose their internet dollars and channels because the lawyer guy put claim to most of their shit
is the impression i got from it all
But pic related is Jews REALLY Btfo.
Falling for the anime meme.
They wont loose shit dude
link some video
Case is gonna get thrown out, obliviously. Fair use. Of course they're still gonna have to pay the solicitor's fees, which is fucked.
>tfw I fell in love with that jewess Hila a few weeks ago when I finally got around to watching h3h3 videos
That's what you get for fucking with Sam, beah.
How did they fuck with sam?
What the fuck is wrong with his eyebrows?
They dance around independently of his other facial movements like they are spasming.
is that girl retarded or something?
I think they are heavy drug users.
Girl also talks like retard and looks like crackwhore.
I think so.
He has a mild case of Tourettes(?) syndrome. It's restricted mainly to his facial muscles.
lol nigger get a fucking grip
He has tourettes.
She's Israeli, English is her second language and she's camera shy.
nice quints
tourettes desu
Don't talk shit about my jewfu you pollack fuck.
He can't help it, he has tourettes.
She's not an native english speaker, shes a jew with an accent.
>rolls the Tourettes Roulette
>rolls quints
You win two Bob Sagets.
She's just an israelite.english isn't her first language. I'd kinda like to dress like a nazi and beast fuck her. I bet that she'd like that.
>we got SUED dudes!
>*spastic twitches*
>it could cost us 100 THOUSAND DOLLARS
>btw we have patreon ;-)
>*spastic twitches*
>oh we love you guys, we appreciate you
>*spastic twitches*
>Legal battle could take TWO YEARS and did I mention it could cost $100k? :v)
>btw we have patreon
>*spastic twitches*
at the end of the video
>I feel like I'm not worthy of you guyses affection, or like admiration, I don't know.
Jew is full of himself.
Ethan made a "tribute" video and Sam thought it was gay as shit.
>she's camera shy.
and her carrier is being a you tube whore
>"hehe I mean cmon, don't you even know what fair use is?"
>"he doesn't even respect my first amendment rights"
>"lemme make a video about it to incite my rabid prepubescent fanbase to shitpost and death threat him to oblivion"
Hope he gets fucked out of all past and future money. Cant wait for him to make another gagging reaction video of the Judge finding in favor of the plaintiff.
Why has h3h3 become such a thing at Sup Forums?
Why do we even care about them?
he sneaky as fuck about it. He never directly says he wants his rabid fanbase to fuck with the guy suing, but it's clearly the message between the lines of the video.
To be fair at the end of all of their videos where they explicitly mention Patreon (typically their vlog channel, not their main parody one), they tell people that if they don't need the Patreon money anymore because they're on their feet with their youtube money, and they don't need it anymore and tell people to stop giving if they have any other use for that money.
I would normally expect a German to understand this, but you are probably one of the billion goatfuckers.
Hint: they are jews
They made fun of SJWs at some point and that's enough for pol to care.
It still doesn't explain her crack user looks AND this is after her done her makeup.
I think she snorts salts from Dead Sea
He wouldn't have made a video about it if he didn't want his viewers to be violent.
Otherwise, publicizing a lawsuit is a stupid fucking idea
Hes just another funny jew, nothing special. I dont know why people post about him here.
that's just an excuse for them to mention that they have a patreon. If they really didn't need patreon money, they could just shut it down. The majority of their fans are the same cock-gobbling leftist zealots that used to worship Jon Stewart.
God so much Jew cock sucking ITT love how you all know there story.
creutzfeldt-jakob disease. My dad had it last year.
>love how you all know there story.
know thy enemy
Is your dad dead?
>Sup Forums wants to gas hila
she's quite possibly the ugliest woman I have ever seen
She's pretty homely tbqh.
I'd raise a family with her if you know what I mean. ;)))
Vape nation bros!!!!!!! xDDDDD
Nah, the antibiotics fixed him right up m8.
>She's pretty homely
It's understandable, your standard for women is the british standard.
But CJD is a prion disease...It's incurable and you will die.
She looks like drug user with aids.
She reminds me of Amy Whinehouse, only uglier.
This is not homely at all.
She looks baked.
they get over $5k per month from Patreon alone, and millions of views per week on youtube. They could afford prime kush if they wanted.
I fucking hate this self righteous high horse kike. Not even memeing.
Time to spin the narrative
>Youtube kike working against other youtube kikes to make sure they are painted in a negative light
>make hundreds of videos exposing this bullshit (finebros, keemstar, leafy) and taking them down a notch and even getting some to change their ways
>Finally someone gets assblasted and DMCAs him and attempts to take him to court
If you want the truth thats it.
But they choose to vape instead.
Wait cuck is pronounced chuck?
This is the greatest loli I have ever seen
I still can't believe they gave that unfunny hack a TV show on Adult Swim
Dark eye rings, long teeth. I call heroin addict.
Is his bro retarded? This dude is nice for putting a retarded fan in his video.
He hadn't had it prior? Got it the first time attending a funeral in Papua. Couldn't sleep for months afterwards. He has a Godlike immune system.
Just in case you didn't know, Sam called him out on the video and he only added a "tribute to Sam Hyde" in the description after being called out by Sam.
h3h3 has always been a derivative sneaky fuck.
That said I hope he wins this case because saying mean things on the internet should get you sued.
God guys, do you know nothing about Jew looks? Most mixxed jews look like that, dark eyes, unhealthy look, shes just shy and a kike.
Honestly it warmed my heart when they decided not to ask for money.
he probably just had diarrhea from stomach flu or food poisoning. Either he doesn't know what CJD is or he's lying.
all jews are mixed. That's why you only need to inherit your Jew'ness from your mother. Literally a cuckold religion and ethnicity.
>Retarded Middle-Easterner sues rich influential Jews
It's the Six-Day War all over again.
He ate some strange food at the funeral and began shivering.
>Unlike jesus "spread the other chick" christ
You're an idiot if you want the plaintiff to win, desu. Not a fan of h3h3, but the other dude is a complete parkour faggot with an even bigger ego