How do you guys deal with knowing that the future is full of financial struggle?

How do you guys deal with knowing that the future is full of financial struggle?

i mean i majored in kinesiology
i'm dumb as fuck

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Wanna laugh? I have a masters in Biomed.

Im more concerned about die alone

with money comes women


>I mastered in getting dubs

> you now master in "checkin' em"


Technological advances are significantly helping those with the skills to utilize them hence income inequality among occupations as well as companies in the same industry. Stay on top of these advancements and you'll be fine.

Here's a fantastic article regarding the above.


If you live in a first world country you got no problem quit whining and enjoy the greatest period of debauchery and excess in history

Doing a biomedical informatics PhD. I'm going to be just fine.

>he's worried about monies
>he isn't worried about his health
the real kicker is slowly painfully dying after a lifetime of misery. money is fucking worthless

and just like the first version of the Matrix, it will have been one of the worst periods of history.

Money doesn't equal happiness or health. However when a person is grounded and is mindful of what their personal definition of happiness is, money can help achieve that. Money isn't the only ingredient but it's importantance depends on your definition.

Regarding health. Money's importance in that is obvious, but habits and lifestyle are more important in being healthy.

like you couldn't conceivably retrain in something worth doing

>greatest period of debauchery and excess in history
is this why disease is so rampant?
do you not realize for those to have power, there must be those (exponentially) to suffer under them?
fuck providing some rich psychopaths nice lives, i'd rather shit in the woods and eat wild berries than empower more sick psychopaths who care not for anything or one but themselves

money is synonymous with slavery.
>all that work your ancestors put into setting up societies, down the drain because of psychopaths
>you're forced to live in filth and sickness or slave yourself, endebt yourself, and then slave to pay off that debt
this society is cancerous, there's a reason no one can escape this hell. you must sell your soul for profit, or die painfully and slowly due to the system in place.
fuck. this. hell

You definitely are doomed for financial struggle. Not because you majored in kinesiology, but because you think your major carries that much weight. The kid working next to me majored in sociology makes 80k a year at age 25.

also have connections

Tell me about it. We're in a golden age.

Why anybody would go on to secondary education for anything other than something related to STEM will always baffle the shit outta me. Good luck.

Just saying, I know a lot of people who shit on Kinesiology majors, but you can make it work for you if you apply yourself properly. My friend's brother-in-law got into physical therapy and not long afterwards was able to open up his own practice. He is doing very well for himself, paid off his student loans quickly, goes on vacations every year.

If you don't like it though, try another field.

Well in basic economics, food and shelter don't just spring up out of the ground. Someone has to put effort into making it happen. It makes logical sense that people specialize in something to do it better and quicker thus occupations. It makes sense to have a common in between for bartering/trade to determine the value of something thus money.

Honestly if you don't like society or our economy go live out in the woods. Hunter/gatherer is as basic as it gets. However I see you're sitting on the internet...

become a professional and you're fine. In saying that, most people are dumb and lazy, so there is no chance in hell they'll do law, finance, health or engineering. You can't work as a cashier and expect to live an amazing life. Just try and make the best out of it.

I agree everything is a rat race, and most people don't give a shit about others, but you need to accept the system in order to benefit from it. The sooner you do that, the better off you will be. In the far future, perhaps all 1st world countries will have amazing social services, and you'll only need to work 10 hours/week, but at the moment I think capitalism is having its day in the sun.

connections matter more later in life, when you move between big organisations, because of course your references carry the most weight.

Early in your career you need to prove you have the skills to even get a foot in the door. Make connections in these jobs, for your later jobs as a manager etc.

I agree that a majority of people are lazy and don't accomplish much. It's imperative that you become a professional (specialize in something) and learn to have multiple income streams.

Most people work 40 hours per week and get paid for 40. Some however work 40 and get paid for more than 40. You have to learn to make money without investing as much extra time. 401k is an obvious and safe answer but slow. Picking up a random little side business is how you can earn more money per hour. Too many people don't have the imagination to do much beyond what their boss tells them. With the internet you literally have a majority of all recorded information in human history at your disposal. There's honestly no real excuse for not increasing your skill set on your own.

From what I've seen a majority of jobs, especially higher-end ones, are filled by professional connections and may not be publicly posted at all.

Having a good reputation and having a lot of people know about it can go a very long way. If someone asks to interview you, you'd be a fool to not at least give them 5 minutes.

I agree, building an investment portfolio is one of the easiest things to do, yet very few people have the knowledge or motivation to do so. Just put aside some money every year and invest that in the stock market and it will pay you back ten fold later in life. Such a simple concept that people do not grasp. Get started early, educate yourself in simple investing and home economics, and you will thank yourself.

that's how my dad is getting his jobs. He'll hear about an opportunity before they even publicly list it, and he goes for an interview. They say interview, but really it's just a meet-and-greet. He's already got the job because of his reputation/connections. Obviously you don't get jobs like this when you are in the early stages of your career though.

Well you just work hard at building a career.
Sounds easy, but it's hard work.
I fucked my 20s up by getting a dui. Accumulated over 40 grand in debt.
That was when I was 24.
I'm 30 now I make 55k a year roughly, have about 3k left in debt, it's student debt so doesn't really matter, and I work in a kick ass welding shop now.

Just set a plan in motion and build upon it day by day, save as much as you can and pay off your debts as soon as you can.

I got my first job out of college via connection. I did good work for my professor in a "business simulation" class. A job recruiter came knocking and he pointed to me. I couldn't even find the job online where the company normally posts their jobs. Feels good man, but my next job likely won't be as lucky.

Stock Trader here OP. Future is all Tittys and cocaine. Good luck with the kenesology thing tho.

I make 60k out of college and trying to start a business because that isn't enough for me. I'm alone but I have money... so I think I can make it.