Any comments?

Any comments?

Other urls found in this thread:

where do I buy one?

is this real life?

Stupid Americans and their guns LOL. No wonder they get shot up every week.

everything is a joke nowadays

Do Americans have a small dick problem or something? Why do they feel the need to have such big guns?

Jelly Euro Fag confirmed


>big guns
.223 or 5.56mm for the rest of you...
I'll give you that I don't have a big dick at about 6 inches but really?

i need this in my life


Do eurocucks like muslims everywhere


that's mostly due to the niggers. every now and then we have someone like this dumbass slip through the cracks, and its always bad on our behalf. We cant say the niggers shooting up people everyday makes them look bad because they already look fucking terrible.

Are they saying that it's possible to add a Chainsaw Bayonet to a AR-15?
Because that is badass.

You can, but it isn't practical.

>Assuming I'm Eurocuck

Bitch please, Canada's going to be taking a shit on your Country while you guys shoot among yourselves.

The point is that some dumbfuck wrote an article on guns that has no idea about guns themselves. A chainsaw/gun is pretty cool for a video game but isn’t applicable for real life

Where did
assume you were eurocuck?

a fucking leaf.

TFW Canadians don't realize it's just a matter of time before we "annex" them and they won't have a say in the matter because they're cucks.


Good luck with that and your cuck president.

Last I checked, we kicked your ass the last time we went to war.

>Implying U.S. Presidents aren't puppets for the oligarchs


Why is no one talking about the possible addition of a dildo to this gun and the use of guns as phallic substitutes? This is the most serious problem facing America today.

gotta love the miss named war right? I would like to see it attempted again... could be fun.


You don’t. I don’t think one was actually ever commercially available. I know a guy made one during the whole zombie firearms fad, but that was all I thought.

The difference between pre WWII U.S. Military and post is literally night and day. We own the planet, more nukes than anybody else, more powerful navy, air force, and army. If we really want something we will have it or the Earth will burn with fire.


Jesus, why don't they just stop? These people have no fucking idea what they're even trying to ban anymore.


why is this real

All thanks to the Elder God "Military Industrial Complex".

holy shit the first image is not a shop. that is really in reality what the media showed to the public

Mock it all you want but we've got a loaded gun pointed at earth head's one twitch and everything ends

BWAHAHAHA! your nukes are flaccid, and threats empty. If that was the case, why is the world not modeled after America as opposed to England which became an empire on which the sun never sets? Pathetic.

Yes, that's a great thing, indeed.
Not a chance of that going wrong.

Dubs of truth

where the fuck is the editor on this one

You aren't even close to the only one

Needs moar deagle

This Amerifag is why I’m embarrassed to be an amerifag.


America would be better without firearms that can accept high capacity magazines.

Fact: if Vegas faggot had a bolt action rifle, less people would have died.

Fact: if Texas chick faggot had a bolt action rifle, less people would have died.

Prove me wrong.


>every now and then
American for "weekly"

I'll give you Texas but a silenced bolt action? could have been worse

>Nigger breaks into my home
>Faggot dems reduce me to a gun that can shoot one bullet per reload
>Get fucked by niggers fully auto illegal glock 19

>chainsaw bayonet

Ok Marcus Fenix...

It's really not though, before Vegas it had been a solid 10 months without a serious shooting, how many terror attacks did your "enlightened" and multicultural countries have in that time, faggot?


Enter bullshit scenario


>10 months
God bless America lol.

Still not an excuse for the fact that people who want illegal weapons have ways of getting them, making shit illegal just reduces its availability for the masses that wont do shit like this because they arent fucking dumb.


Is this fantasy?

Caught in a landslide

No escape from reality



And sweden had 16 bombings in the last 28 days. I guess that makes it a utopia compared to the u.s., right?

Emperor Approved!


no fucking way that's real



It's happening. . .

a mass shooting is a bullshit scenario
a home invasion happens every fucking day
your head is fucked up


You should visit chicago. It's apparently the bullshit capital of imaginary homicides. It's cool though; the whole city is a gun free zone. You'll be fine.



Best so far


You guys are just being fucking stupid

lets talk about the most deadly addition that any gun can reasonably have

a suppressor.

male circumcision does this

Open your eyes

i think you're confused. you parents didn't get you circumcised because they didn't want you to breed.

The most deadly addition any gun can reasonably have is a practiced and trained marksman. It's never the fucking gun, it's the shooter.


/k/ here I dont want to take this seriously because i know its just a bait thread but what kinda batteries would that thing use,batteries in a military settings are use sparingly. Would soildiers they just swap em out from their NVGs? from time to time?

to add... do you know what "pussy" is like for intelligent, advanced uncircumcised africans? they've been around a long time with those uncircumcised dicks. they've developed a science:

the females put bitter roots and bark in their vagina and eventually it makes the interior rough as fuck. that sandpaper effect helps pull the foreskin back so the semen can actually shoot.

your parents didn't want your retarded ass to make babies so they didn't have you cut like 90% of every porn star they've ever seen.

if your suppressor had a suppressor, would it look like this?


or like this?


Holy fuck who needs a chainsaw on their gun, do you plan on being attacked by zombies


Weapons of mass destruction get out


Best thing in this thread. Hillary one only has more comments because it's either 1 dude or the trumpkins are out.

gun owner here, the left has always been this maliciously stupid but, even though it doesn't really exist, I kinda want one teehee

>citation needed

I guess ill just take it to my board.

liberals don't even realize half the reason why people buy bayonets and high capacity is magazines is because they tell us we shouldn't own them. Fuck 'em, buy that shit while you still can.

>my board
as if /k/ has any idea about guns and military. they're wrong more times than they're right.

Bahaha you can't even run your own country. You don't run jack shit. You people are a joke, a total joke.