yeah he's muslim it's not like it's anything to be proud of
So you're kurd and you think Erdogan is a good leader? Wew lad.
Don't the guy make kurds responsible for every terrorist attack in your country? I missed something here.
Kurds are my favorite kind of sand people
Turkroach. /endthread
I love the PKK, every time they kill some Turks it makes me happy inside
Islam is a cancerous death cult. Not a religion.
Of sandnigger traditions.
>secret monarchist
More like imperialist. He wants to make turkey ottoman again and oppress innocent people.
Turkroaches are not a nation. They are a rapefest of many different nationalities.
Lel, I know he's Georgian but come on. You can't be serious.
>hates jews
There is Litteraly nothing wrong with being Jewish.
If you call anti-west redpilled then yes.
>muslim who tries to make islam part of the constitution
wow how unheard of
>want to turn turkish democracy into an islamic caliphate
yeah wonder why I hate the one who likes theocracies.
thank you greatest ally
>Islam is a cancerous death cult. Not a religion.
says the jew who thinks that everybody else is cattle
>Turkroaches are not a nation.
we are more of a nation than your country
>There is Litteraly nothing wrong with being Jewish.
that is why you got expelled from.. how many countries again?