How does language form?

how does language form?

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from talking

how can I talk without language?


assigning noises to represent concepts and objects

that's like trying to breathe without air

Language is a product of intersubjectivity, which comes from the facts that we have compatible perceptions of the world, and we're sensitive to each other's bodies.

Pitch in almost all hearing animals on the mid high end means joy, or excitement, lower warning or caution.

Short emphasis of the same sound become meningfull in grouped creatures. Even fish in a school communicate turns in air bladder farts.

The instinctual base for language is pretty much in all creatures. Even a snake can feel vibration of music and apreciate is reverberating in the bones. Creatures without proper ears still observe and interperet patterns in each other chemically or visually.

In mute creatures body posture is language. Try kneeling in front of a kid who doesn't speak yet but walks and it will trust you. You will have made yourself small for them, and communicated a willingness to do so.

Side note, that dog is not ok.

In a not funny it probibly is dying or dead if a older .gif

The assignment of meaning to sounds and formation of non-linear constructs

Winning culture biased history and education drives language types to thrive.

I assume grunts started to turn into grunts that meant something.

Time traveler emoji.

*Raised eyebrow hyroglyph*

This is good stuff brothers, thanks! Now I think I want to go learn more about biological social systems

This is interesting and it's also interesting how a cat gets intimidated when I bend over or kneel. I have also noticed this from several dogs.

It's probably not very comfortable and dying just like the rest of us


By simply communicating . Somewhere along our evolution we developed a complex imagination to think outside the box and teach others to do shit. Communication came shortly after.

If you want to get serious, The Phenomenology of Perception by Merleau-Ponty is worth reading.

By necessity
Concepts are then vocalized and after meanings are agreed upon, communicatiin begins

When you kneel try breaking eye contact while kneeling, palms in close. Do a few shy flicks of your eye to the ground. The aninals can smell the very protien byproduct of aggression or nervous or even indulgence. So being in body language "polite" even if not smelling of it might be taken better. Like a person making a show of being cordial.

I was actually thinking about languages earlier today. Its crazy how there are so many different languages but if they don't have a word that translates from english to their language they just say the english version of the word. And how did people know what each other were saying. How could we even comprehend language and the meaning to it.

God gives it.

God gives language...really? Please explain why you think that

They most likely have the word. And just don't know the right translation. It's not easy.

Yes but how do we know the right translation to any word. Why do words mean what they mean. Why do we even have words? They really don't mean anything at all its just sound formed in a way that makes certain "words", how did people back then create these words with their meanings, idk and you dont know. So i guess we will never know

The language appears to be a unique power of hominides. There's just nothing to compare with other animals.

If we as a species trancend the restraints of time and space reaching for concepts of God and beacome angels to our own paradise. Why not?
Were always reaching for more and never full of our sucess. Maybe the first cuniform was some bored abandoned dimensional traveler trying to carve out bordom teaching people to write.

Animals communicate in different ways then us. How do we know that we didnt used to communicate the same way as animals.

how girl get pragnent

Hominides have this type of communication as well. But language is second one, unique to hominides.

Sup Forums quality hypotheses.

Its the same thing as the "What came first the chicken or the egg" thing. Who was the first person to write and how did they know they were doing it correctly, also without language they wouldnt be able to write anything that made any sense, how do we know that those unsolved codes arent just scribbles from someone long ago who didnt have the language to actually write something sensible, what if they were some old tribe or person that was just trying to leave a trace of their existence by writing random shit down.

Nah. Dolphins have language and accents. Birds have language. Different sounds meaning specific things.

This is NOT a language, it's a different form of communication. Ah, oh, hey, aha.

>The Phenomenology of Perception by Merleau-Ponty

Are you reading my mind? This is cool

I will try that... usually I just try to be fairly slow and they either run or bark

Why are words considered a language and random sounds not? Because they don't make any sense? Are words not just sounds that we made into words? Do we not say words by making sounds with our vocal cords? In reality we are just making sound that we perceive as language

Because words are totlly different from emotional exclamations. They transfer abstract concepts, not only indicate the emotional state.

Goo goo gaa gaa.

Abstract concepts? Please expand on that

Try to explain an animal, what eight means.

See a thimble, call it a finger hat.

Animals most likely dont have the same comprehension that humans do. We can never really know that as 100%fact but whatever. Its all weird, explaining what 8 means to a dog would be the same as explaining it to a baby but some how they still learn an understanding for the word/number by using our hands. We associate our index finger with the number 1 and etc. Maybe we could teach a dog what 8 is with its toes. I highly doubt that there will be any real understanding to it but who knows.

You can explain seven, though.

What do you mean

You can train an animal to recognize seventh thing in a row.

Interesting, I have seen some videos where these people trained a dog to remember stuffed animals by name/or number i cant remember and when they would say the name/number of the stuffed animal the dog would bring back the correct stuffed animal. They did a test with around 30 stuffed animals and it brought back around 98% of them correctly

Yes, but it is a very limited abstract thinking capability. You can easyliy explain to a human what 37364 means.

I actually learned something on Sup Forums at 1am.

How would you explain to a human what 37364 means?

I read that as
>be your pain
Who is this guy?

Teach him to count from one to ten. Then teach him count tens. Show that hudreeds have same idea behind. Then combine.

>points to a pineapple
>foreigner points to pineapple
We can take what is tangible and use that to decode the language. Almost like science or something.

Ten because we have ten fingers. Always something on eye to count.

I disagree.
I speak Dog.
It's not as complicated, sure, but they convey what is important to them. Bees even talk to each other, and I believe ants do too. Bees tell each other literally the location of pollen flowers.

It's a first form of communication, it's not abstacy thus radically different from language.

> not abstract,

Yes, but why name a pineapple a pineapple

People were born to do things, they did it, you can say the same shit about how we can talk to each how the fuck

If an animal did know what eight means, how would you know?

I don't know, I've seen him in lots of memes

Thats what im saying, lol

Bacause it's an abstract concept. I know how it relates to seven: it is one more than.

OP here, this has been a very interesting and fun conversation but its 1:30Am and im tired as fuck. Im going to bed. Hopefully I sparked some type of interest in this if you didnt have one already. Anyways, goodnight.

It's a fucking dog they aren't as bright as some of us. Let them start sonewhere. Teach a pack of dogs 8 and in a hundred years they might be able to do simple math. A thousand and they might be able to do calculus who knows. If you keep teaching dogs for a millennia they will develop bigger brains and communicative ability. It all starts with the same grunt.

I'm OP and I'm not tired you party pooper

You can't teach a dog 8. Try it. It's out from it's counchesness.

they need to do way instain babbler who kill thier langauge. becuse these langaug cant frigth back?

Something familiar in your head to rationalize the abstract.

'Da da' is not language either. Neither is
'I want juice'
All are not abstract, but methinks you could get to 2nd or 3rd grade like that. Just because a language is rudimentary and definitive does not mean you are not speaking.

It's just a method. There was a 12-based counting system as well. If you count arms also.

two plus two is four minus one is three. quick maths

It's not dying. In the longer version of that gif, the dog was having a dream & woke up too suddenly only to run into wall

Because someone else named apple, and pine, or spine. Someone just combined the two. They remixed a remix. Don't ask me how we got Orange though, I have no fucking idea.

Actually, they are abstract. Non-abstract will be "I want this, I want that". Meaning of juce is pretty abstract.

Yes but how would someone with a different language convey that to you? If I got a slightly retarded person who knew fluent spanish and pointed to 8 and said Eight, he might think 8 means black. Just because he would say ocho doesn'tmean he doesn't understand the concept.

I can teach the dog to do things in a series of eights. I can reward him for bringing me 8 things. It's like teaching a baby. Baby steps. You're being obtuse.

Show one thing, say "one". Show two things, say "two". Show three thing, say "three". And so on. Try different objects for sure.

You can't.

'Sad' is abstract.
'Water' is a thing, directly corelative of 'thirst' it is a direct want. My dog can tell me she's hungry.

Why can't I? If I can teach a dog to walk on 2 legs or bring someone who's fallen the phone I can teach it that if it brings 7 treats to me I'll let it eat the eighth. It's not language but it is counting.

Being sad is not abstract. You can show and animal that you are sad or even see if it is. But the word "sad" is abstract.

It's impossible.

if you're genuinely serious i know there's a study or report or something somewhere about kids who use sign language. kids from different communities/schools/groups all tend to form their own slangs and dialects because no one really uses ASL so every generation is kinda making it up as they go.


Well, a sort of.