Cozy night time thread

>Cozy night time thread.

>Post whatever you guys want.

>Lost my virginity today

What'd you do today Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

skipped all of my classes and jacked off in my college library's bathroom. ate some honey walnut shrimp too

You the real MVP.

Started looking for a job again. Been out of work so long that companies probably see the giant gap of not being employed and delete my resume. Gotta keep trying though as I have nothing else to do.

I kinda enjoy applying for interesting jobs in fun locations. Imagine doing some cool work and where I'd live, look at it in google maps. Sorta keeps me positive.

Enjoying the end of leaves changing colors. Temp will be below 20 F tomorrow night. Might go for a walk late at night and smoke a joint in the cold.


Sweet dude, I've been enjoying the drops in temperatures myself. Got so damn sick of it being 80 degrees every day.

Need to take a walk with the gf around the neighborhood in the cold.

Night walks or cold walks are great (provided you aren't in the ghetto). I'm always hot so even when its 70 F walks turn into swamp ass. Plus less people around so quieter.

At night when its snowing, that is the best.


Nah, she lives in a really nice neighborhood.

I haven't had a night time walk in the snow unfortunately, but that sounds fucking great. Sadly it doesn't snow much most of the time where I am.




anyone have good pictures of falling rain? Harder to capture than I thought it would be.

there is so much different stuff going on in this. any more by the artist?



I bombed a midterm today
>still a virgin too

Time to get my shit together




>bombed a midterm
in what


>still a virgin

OP here
I wouldn't sweat it too much man. I'm 21, and yeah maybe I could've found some whore to have my first time with, but ultimately I'm glad it was with someone I really care about.

It'll happen when it happens user.

also this what'd you bomb in?




Day off stayed warm inside and read light novels all day. Now I’m drinking Chardonnay browsing Sup Forums while continuing to read. Congrats op


Great pic. Teach us moar.

Glad you had a good day user, and thanks

linear algebra my dudes, str8 didn't study enough



don't fucking kill me fam


I found the subject pretty difficult when taught in a mathy way, but not so bad when used in physics/engineering. Abstract spaces were a stretch for me at first.

Really useful subject though.

pupper having a nice cozy time there

I don't even know what this chair bag thing is, but i want it.



Same here man. Just found a job out of town. It's not great. But it is an experience.



It's not even hard man I'm just a garbage excuse for a student

I’m just lost :/

I need to go west somewhere for a while. Somewhere with mountains, lakes, streams. Camping, ranching, prospecting, fishing, hunting

Anyone want to go with?

Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Alaska all fit that decently well.

not really, no

Ahh the day of losing your virginity, I remember that. Tis' a magical day

I love going for walks and smoking some grass.
I went to visit an attorney today to file bankruptcy, only the guy I talk to, told me it wouldn't be worth it. Now I don't have to pay 5,000+$ for owed tuition, or pay 2,000 for filing bankruptcy. I don't have to pay dick!
I was so happy that I almost cried.

I boned my ex boyfriend today too, who's engaged to the girl who used to be his ex girlfriend.
We frequently have sex, but lately, we've been getting more and more intimate. At first, I wasn't allowed to kiss him, or even hold him, because he didn't want to betray his gf 'emotionally'. Now we make out, and cuddle while having sex. It's almost like we're dating again, and I'm ecstatic with every new addition of intimacy in our relationship.
I even slept in their bed with them. I got one side of him, she got the other. Long story, but it was super satisfying to violate the sanctity of their bed. We boned real quick while she was in the bathroom.

I'm applying for food stamps and government assistance. Gunna make a bunch of money doing nothing.

Shits looking up. I'm not as exhausted with life as I used to be.
White privilege is fucking great.

>Anyone want to go with?
Sounds lovely, but I'm a terrible roommate and have damaged nerves.

I'm there in state of mind though.

I want that alpaca


Packed the bags for a trip to South College. From Arizona. Cannot wait for that weather. It's still 80s here. It'll be high of 50 there. Feels good man.

Hippos are so fucking ridiculous. I can't imagine what crazy life forms developed on other planets.



some bob ross kinda awesome stuff. I should watch some more of him, that is ultimate cozy show.



Yeah man when. You wanna kik about it? 10/10 horror movie plot btw

where is this, its fantastic.

Imagine opening your door and that is the view. I'd love to be a rich hermit that lives in the mountains and just reads all day.

meeting up with Sup Forums anons will inevitably end with eating someone else's cum.

somewhere in Norway I believe


Right on

Gonna light a candle and read with this playing full screen:



thats what im getting if i get paralyzed or some shit. Just gonna hang out there forever.

Lost your virginity? Some questions.

> How old are you?
> How would you rate your partner in terms of looks?
> Did you lose your virginity normally, or did you buy a hooker?
