Tfw 5'3'" male

tfw 5'3'" male.

early childhood divorced family
alcoholic dad
abused harsh by 5 years term elder brother(used to shove up in my mouth just for fun, got beat often since no any adults were at home to take care. had done house chores like washing dishes and washing laundaries always)

always positioned as weakling. beta. easy target to be looked down by everyone else.

What do? now im 22 and living on by myself having my own rent room. just living alone.
but getting older and getting more realistic, I feel it's so obvious that I was just designed to be placing lowest class so the only meaning of my life is to make everyone else superior.

Im feeling truly painful. and writing this down in pretty serious mood. I try to keep move on but it's just so fucking painful and unfair....

should I do mass shooting? im going my brothers home as first target. when it's voted up i'll broadcast it live. not joking.


yeah. fucking laugh at me.
that's what ive been always treated.

but at the end when you get to die, finally everything's getting totally fair.

do you live in the hood? join a gang, don't throw your life away in a shooting, live lavish for a while

you have my vote brother
go for it

what's your job

I agree, if you have fb start msging known hood ppl in ur area and just hang with them and eventually getinvited or ask to join whatever gang they're in. do alot of hood crime stuff and lead up to a mass shooting of some sort

hate fucking everyone.
whole of my family members neglecting it. fucking seen what was happening and nobody fuck care.

I want everybody just fucking die.
Everybody fucking everyone just get wiped and die all all of the people

Hey, man. I think you're a legend. Going through all that shit and here you are: a survivor. Your hardest days are behind you, I promise you that. And you must have a hide like a rhino. You're tougher than you think. And I bet your heart is pure, which is more than I say for most everyone else. You can do anything you want. Don't piss all that away by doing something antisocial. 22 is young. So young. What I wouldn't give to be that age again. You can fuck up for another decade or two and still be young enough to change your life and turn it around and live an outstanding life. You're putting too much pressure on yourself, dude. Take it one day at a time and do good things one at a time. You'll be great.

fuck this guy don't listen to this fag this isnt what u came on Sup Forums for

Dude, you should become a trap. Get treated like a god by real men and get the easy bux.

fuck this guy (if you don't no one will)

how does one find known hood people?
i used to know crips in high school but they're locked up now

you need to get those anger out man, it is not nice having them in your system, why are you hurting yourself, go fuck some shit up

My bro ur only 22 u can do anything u fucking want with ur life

if you need some guidance and help im here my brotha. you clearly have demons inside of you that make you even consider go on a mass shooting. u should come back to the good side my friend

Where do you live user?

don't tell this guy where you live
he's probably FBI or some shit trying to bust you before you bust a cap.

>living on by myself having my own rent room
Okay, Tomik.

do you actually WANT to do mass shooting? if so, do you want to an hero after, or try to get away with it?

nah just wondering so i can maybe help him out with his life

Fellow manlet reporting in, just be alpha, that fucking simple, join the infantry, let them beat you till your balls drop, shoulder check Dem 6'6" bitches, get a degree or trade, make a fucking life for yourself.

Tldr man up lil nigger

move to the philippines. you still be taller than most of them

learn karate you faggot


learn ju jitsu

I guarantee you'll feel 110% more confident and happy knowing that the height of the other guy you're strangling doesn't matter when he's on the ground.

seriously man. I'm 5'8 and I get trashed on all the time for it. but knowing that if I got them on the ground they would be dead fucking meat is enough for me to laugh at them

Mfw all the serious replies in this thread. Have I accidentally logged on to Mumsnet?

doesn't post face

fucking newfag. fuck off back to reddi t

Dude I’m the same height as you and yeah I’ve been in fights and lost more than I haven’t but at least I’m not a fucking pussy about it. Man the fuck up, you just have to be smarter and tougher and make up for it to survive in this shitty world. Don’t let girls treat you like some cute little thing and they’ll respect you more. Does it suck to be this short? Of course it does, but so what. I’m willing to bet you’re just like I used to be and have tried everything other than just having some fucking confidence, because it seems like it won’t work and you don’t want to fail yet again. It works. All a mass shooting does is show the entire world you were to much a fucking pussy to make it. Being short isn’t being crippled.

>implying that 5'8 is anywhere near as bad as 5'3