This is why I study law

This is why I study law

Me being in engineering, it's the opposite :/

You want to dress in a black pantsuit?



2/17 is not complete hags...

classes with mostly girls are shit! they sync ther periods and they get psycho once a month, plus girls alwats gets upset, and leads to inevitable drama

trust me ive been there

THAT is why? You're getting cheerleader effected hard there buckaroo.

There is 1 cute chick there and MAYBE 2 moderately attractive women. The rest are dogs.

And not the kind of dogs i'd have licking my balls for treats.

So when you rape them there smart enough to be there own lawyer? Cool

The dude is among the top 5 most feminine.

i wish i had made my career choice off of the likelihood of women counterparts wearing pantyhose to work. i work in a corporate office now but the dress code is lenient

Period syncing is complete bs. Stop spreading falsehoods.

I see at least 4 cuties, but to be honest. I know these type of girls and they're generally quite dumb but full of themselves. Also the student type of girl drinking bottles of beer and smoking at home.

its true...look it up on the new thing called 'the internet' you nigger lover

So you can talk to a bunch of 3/10's you're not good enough for? Solid plan.

Period syncing is science fact.

>full fucking potato in the back
who the fuck let that thing in there?

Actually... It's not. Purely confirmation bias. It's sort for like when you're at a red light in the rain and your wipers sync up for a few strokes with the car in front of you, but then they get out of sync again.

There is no biological mechanism that indicates the possibility of periods actually shifting their schedule to be on sync with others.


Going left to right

Moderately cute, nice smile.

Fucking fox, curious to see her without glasses or coat. What are you hding in the big ass jacket?

Holy fucking fivehead Batman. Even if you get this chick some bang to cover that up, you still god those manly fucking brows and that nigger nose.

Look at her necklace, I think she finally got her precious...

She looks like here voice is too deep and she thinks she's better than other people for no reason. She's also gonna age like milk.

I will cross the deepest rivers and climb the highest mountains just to smell her feet. 9/10

Oh hey there Mister Ed.

Only redeeming feature is that her teeth probably come out. Also her handjobs feel like Pearl Water Wigglies on your penis.

Give her short grey hair and she's Carl from Up.

Congrats Dana Carvey, you're the 4th most attractive woman in the room.

I can't tell what's lazier, her eye or her poorly-done pony tail.


Dude, you're wrong. Sorry. There have been plenty of studies done on this and the results have always been the same.

It flat out does not happen. Any situations where it seems to are, as I said earlier, confirmation bias.

That makes me uneasy as fuck.

so they send you in jail for sexual harrassment after you smiled to them

To grow into a corrupt prick, who dies alone and guilty?

9 out of 10 of those women are going to drop out of work by the time you and them hit 35+.

lotta ugly white girls?

Good luck user. You're now in the worst situation you could be with all this heightened shit about sexual harassment and feminism. You'll be luck if you end up delivering the mail there.

Virgin detected


I won't hate fella, good shit. You tie your tie like a fucking highschooler at prom. Get a skinny tie, learn the prat-knot.

What the fuck even is this one? One of those fish you see when you go way to deep in the ocean?

Hey baby. what are you up to later?

Oh god, here's where it get's bad fellas. This fucking 2/10 is the best it's gonna be till the end.

Could be kinda cute if god hadn't put the "face and head width" slider all the way to the right.

Hey, Brian Dennehy got a wig. good for him.

Cheryl, you're a fucking cunt and everyone knows it. Sell that shitty watch and buy a real perm. Polkadot blouses are for real estate agents and watches are for men.

all the bitchy, cunty puss one could ever dream of ...

post of truth.

Stop this is cringe af

Jesus shut the fuck up, I cringed just scrolling by.

You went to school because of in a class of 18 people because there is one cute girl and a few you'd bang after a few pints?

Lawyer here. Female law students and female lawyers are the most insufferable, angry, bitchy SJW's you'll ever encounter. If you're even remotely attracted to any of them then you're a worthless cuck.

There were 3 white guys and no 1 Indian female in my VLSI class. Two of the white guys were russian. It's highly likely that I was the only person who had English as a native language.

You're as good looking as the best of them. I'm sure a law student like you can shop around. I do miss having something to look at sometimes though (engineering problems).

study law for the actual law you cuck, cant be a professional if you want to bang your peers

every major except engineering has tons of women

Then you’re a fucking moron. Women in law are terrible mates. One, they’re not as good looking as women in other professions. A Law School 10 or a Big Firm 10 is a Real World 6 in most instances.

Second, the long hours and high stress turn already fragile emotional people into wrecks. They sit at their desks for long hours slowly gaining weight, or they look for the first opportunity to bail out of the profession by getting married and pregnant. And the ones that don’t bail turn into vindictive psychos in order to climb the partner ladder and handle opposing male litigators.

Half the women in this picture will be 40 lbs heavier in five years. Show us a picture of that B&M office’s female senior associates and partners. I’m sure those bitches look a lot different than the fresh young chum you posted.

Fucking this