I sliced a bit of the tip of my finger yesterday. Can this get infected? Do I HAVE to bandage it?

I sliced a bit of the tip of my finger yesterday. Can this get infected? Do I HAVE to bandage it?


better safe than sorry man

Can i just put a plaster over it? I can't be bothered to bandage it.

It can. No.


just disinfect it, and leave it 1 day
that's some baby wound

just fuckin hydrogen peroxide/neosporin that bitch and slap a band-aid on


Holy shit, please tell me everyone itt isn't serious.

you should keep it clean.. put it in some vinegar lemon juice tincture to keep it moisture and clean..

Lol. Why is your dick out?

you could literally leave it up your arse and you'd be fine.. why is everyone so soft in this thread, jesus.

Are you some kind of vagina op? I bet you moisturize.


You can also pee on it...

somewhat related
should i cut the skin off or just put it back where it was?

op damn.. you have some sort of a booger on your finger.. disgusting

Not me fam

Can this get infected?
Yes. Any wound can potentially get infected - even the tiniest scratch. But you also have an immune system to take care of business. Otherwise it would happen every time.

Do I HAVE to bandage it?
No, you don't HAVE to. But since it's on your hands and you use that touch stuff all the time, it'd probably be better to do it.

For future reference, buy some ointment that contains povidone-iodine and put that on a band-aid. Also, do it right away. Otherwise it kind of defeats the point. But this method also can not protect you from the nastier germs. Infection with chemical agents is a whole different story and rarer.

Thanks. You a med student by any chance?

So what if it does get infected?
If it doesn't you have a good immune system, if it does, you deserve it for having a shit immune system, and it'll help you get a better one.

Fuckin' immune-lets I tell ya.

This is a no bully zone. Fuck off Mr. Chad Immunovich.

Fine, I've got mold to eat anyway.

I'd like to see your immune system handle open wound contact with streptococcus bateria. Oh that's right, it won't - you get an eysipelas.

Third year med student reporting in.

you have aids

Nice faggot bait

>bandage : no
>plaster : yes

a simple plaster will
>prevent infection
>make it heal faster

you should never it dry, making a crust will slow the healing process and high up the risk of a scar.

do you ?

Your finger is already lost

> put on ointment
> bandage it
>don't let to dry out
>advice other than just leave it alone

You probably sliced it because the first time you turned a wrench is when you were 25 years old. Fucking pussy

It took me a few hours but I've finally managed to sanitize the situation. Thanks guys!



It's not going to grow back in place lol. Just cut it off.


Why not?

It already looks infected with staph

That's not how it works fam lmao

I hope it does and you die pussy take it like a man and quit being a little bitch

amputation will be the only option OP

>Ask a question regarding proper hygiene

Next time wear knee pads when you give some mean head

Bandaging it will help it to heal faster


Really? How does it work, oh great internet shaman?

Hate to say it OP. Based on what I can see you have cancer.

You should probably stick your thumb up your ass.

She's probably telling you consoles are gay, PC MASTER RACE

y ur dick out op?

Cut it off. If left alone it could peel more.

the skin is dead already. Better to wait for new skin to grow

That's just glistening enhanced by the light source to my right.
Besides the spores don't just show up like that on the surface of the wound.