Why Belgium ? Why ?

How fucked are our neighboor Sup Forums ?

What is the point of no return when you admit a minority can no more dissolve itself in the population ?

Which country will be the first to experiment civil race war ?

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I think the Civil Race War front lines will be in France

France or Belgium desu. I would say us but our populations are too segregated by large regions.

Why Belgium though? I never understood. That France is a big nation with history in the mahgreb region (north africa) and therefore full of muslims made sense to me. That Germany imported a shit ton of them in the 1960s when their economy was booming is also the reason why there are many over there. That Bongland has a ton of Poo In Loos, of which most Muslims are Pakis makes sense since they share a lot of history with the subcontinent. But why Belgium and not, say, Netherlands or Denmark?

Ethnic tensions in Gaul sparking the downfall of the Empire? You don't say

Out colonies were largely converted.
The ones that came and settled here assimilated.
We did get a lot of muslims around the same time as Germany though, everyone wanted cheaper labor so Turks and Morrocans came.
Belgium needed the same, don't forget, half of it is de facto France anyways.

you have more sandniggers than us! And we have a lot, even a city in magreb shitskin country!!!!!

France is a special case.

Fo years I have been hearing old men saying "ça va péter, ça va péter" ("it's gonna blow") and nothing ever happen. Seriously, in term of culture, media and general propaganda, everything is made to keep this country running.

I check the radio,there's an interview about the only muslim woman of a tech insitute.
I watch the news, some leftist philosoph praise multiculturalism saying our country has always been like this.
I go to see a movie, it's a remake of an old classic only with more diversity (even if it occurs 30 years ago)

We have some serious case of cucking. And I'm not saying this lightly. I seriously think we are surpassing the expectation of Orwell and Huxley... Hell, no totalitarian states has ever come this close of this kind of control over the population.

There won't be a race war in France, unless there's a power shortage and a general break out of information networks.

>But why Belgium and not, say, Netherlands or Denmark?
>implying those two are not just as cucked

Belgium never had many christian roots, so it was more Liberal,atheist and cucked just like Sweden.

the less moral and religious values a nation has,the easier it is to suicide by letting in different strong cultures to take over ,user.

we imported shit tons of them after ww2. The first were Italians, a lot of anger and frustration because of the differences, but they integrated and the anger passed. So we took in Moroccans, the same happened, bu the integration got worse and the anger with it.

Belgium was very religious until 50 years ago or so. My parents even still had to go to church every week, schools run by nuns and priests etc.

I'm from Belgium and I never heard this

How stupid are you. Islam is officially the largest religion in Belgium. There's a lot more arabs than those 780K that don't get counted as practising muslims but are still Muslim as soon as they have a reason to riot.

Voilà mon cher :


T'as de la chance de vivre dans un pays ou ce genre de stat n'est pas anticontustitionelle

In France this kind of statistic/survey is made illegal by our constitution

>Why Belgium? Why?
Because French and dutch genes. Nothing good can come out of that mix.

For a moment I thought the girl on the right page was a monkey wearing a headscarf. Then I saw she was holding paper in front of her mouth.

Kek, 23% in Brussels. That's like 165k, or one in 8-9 of people living there.

I live in Antwerp, there's about 35% Muslims here. Among children under 12 its already 56%. In a decade the majority of all people and at least 55% of all adults will be Muslims.

I don't think there's enough people willing to fight left in Belgium.

Most cities are plagued by groups of muslims looking to rob or fight you. They never play fair, either, the numbers are always on their side.

Who will stand up to them? We don't have any organized groups such as PEGIDA or Generation Identity.

the belgian waffles will be seasoned with blood of the infidels!!!

Socialists imported them and let them conduct their operations freely to use them as voting cattle. We all see the result of that in places like molembeek and schaerbeek, where most of the terorist activities are happening.
Socialism at it again. Brussel was once a flemish white dutch speaking city, now it's a shithole and the home of the communist-judeo european union.


>Brussel was once a flemish white dutch speaking city
It's a flemish city, in the old times it was dutch speaking people living there. Fucking frog.

> sweden has 1million muslims out if 10mil population
>swedes birthrate 1.6
>european muslim birthrate average 3.0

WewladsI wonder where this train is headed.

Don't worry soon we can be part of the white flight to America and fight under the God Emperor!!!

we moeten organizeren, broeder. Laten we niet altijd praten en effectief stappen ondernemen. wat zeg je?

Only cop in the cyber department of belgium confirmed

Do you hear the morning prayer where you live ?

I look forward for the first hate crimes against homosexuals, trans and lefties by muslims.

Our national party recieved 25% of the votes last election

I'm muslim and I only hate racists. Lefties and homies are friends for me personally

Kek, I live behind a synagogue, so there's always military patrolling around. No mosques here aside from small indoors ones.

Kek, yeah true, I'm not allowed to actually do some work and look at the thousands of Belgian Muzzies cheering ISIS on twitter so I'll have to occupy myself with entrapping NEETs on Sup Forums

Because you know you are still a shitstain in numeric inferiority, your fellow creatures take confidence here.

>jews are protected by the military while mudslimes rape and murder everyone else

ok i think it's time to start the nuclear armageddon

>mfw Europeans did nazi this future when they killed the national socialists in 1945.

>Almost 800,000 Muslims live in Belgium.

Jesus Christ, there are about 400,000 Muslims living here and the total population of Australia is 23 million, more than double that of Belgium.

You guys are truly screwed.

Jup. My city has also proudly anounced more security measures a few years ago after a previous attack. They were gonna spend 8 million on the security of 'citizens' and we ended up with a few mill of cameras in the Jew part of town where I live, more police patrols here and reinforced gates for Jewish schools :))))))

They are supposedly 'the prime targets' even though everyone knows and awknoledges that if Jews are hit by attacks it's not intentional and just because they happened to be around.

Jup. The only way you're not gonna walk among a majority Muslim people on the street in the city of Antwerp is if you go to the shopping streets, because a lot of people even from other countries come to shop. But even there it's noticable at all times.

>400,000 Muslims

no it's >500 000

>that feel when no neighbours
ty based ocean

What is the German speaking part of Belgium like? Are they free from Muslims?

Just looked it up, it was 470,000 in 2011, so yeah, it's probably a bit over 500,000 now.

But my point still stands, it is nowhere near European levels, relative to our population. Heck, there are more Buddhists in Australia and Hinduism is the fastest growing religion here, not Islam.

No clue, desu I hear nothing of them ever. I just kinda assume they are infested with French speaking Belgians by now like the walloons are doing to Dutch parts.

this fuckin kikery really needs to be made public by some free media or in a book or something... the world needs another novel like "camp of the saints", this time focusing on muslims and jews, the real threats which work in collusion as fellow semites.

You know these are just PRACTISING Muslims right? These same numbers were used to show that Christianity is smaller than Islam in Belgium. They only counted people generally regarded as going to the Mosque every once in a while etc. not general Arabs from Muslim heritage.

So what you're saying is that the "Muslim" population is actually higher? Probably closer to a million or so?

Muslim born pretty much always declare themself as muslim even if they smoke, drink, play poker and eat pork.

Belgium has no government.

It's funny because it's true!

I can't make estimates on that, but I know these numbers were used in another article that divulged on how it excluded an amount of Muslims for being 'not-relly-Muslim-kk??', so yeah. Also, I'm not sure how many generations you remain a foreigners or are officially named a Belgian in all stats, but since they've been here for 70+ years..

Agreed, but the people making these numbers don't.
I mean I live across the street from a Muslim Drugbar (I've actually taken pics and detailed some movements and got the polcie to preform two razias and the place was shut down a couple of months and got 11 people arrested, kek), but they smoke and drink (highest crime in Islam) and even do it on Ramadan, but you bet as soon as the word 'discrimination' drops they're all innocent MUSLIM victims.

Au contraire, Belgium has too many governements and no leaders.

>Belgium never had many christian roots

You stupid fucktard, our country was called the "Catholic stronghold of the North"
The two times we revolted for independance, it was for religious reasons

Rust in vrede, broeders

>shows only wallonia and brussels

Hey France, let's see the figures of France, I thought % wise France is even more fucked compared to Belgium.

But we are the proud owner of the jihadi capital of Europe.

Here you go nigger
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>feels good living in the Ardennes

Charleroi : 16,3% muslims
Antwerpen : 18,8%

Hahaha explain this vlaamsecucken !

We're all equally fucked under EU. The guys we're voting for don't represent us.


Which one was part of the Holy Roman Empire again?


Please take Wallonia, France. We won't blame you.

t. half-fleming

According to the map, doing this would whiten France, and make Vlanderen more brown, are you sure ?

Will you drink your cup of tea and eat your fish and chips if I spit in it ?

I'm ok with that. We'll even take Brussels as a discount. We'll let Antwerp etc to the Vlandereen.

Most parts of modern Belgium were parts of the HRE through history, despite often switching between french, spanish and austrian ownership

Wallonia votes left to cuck you, just like Scotland does for the UK.

Yes I'm sure.

Much more wealth in Flanders than among you welfareniggers

Seriously, fuck off you striking bunch of communist faggots. You make Venezuela look like the beacon of civilization

Taking in Wallonia would mean more strikes and more power to the French PS. I'm not sure if that is what you want for France. Wallonia is a socialist shithole where the people never learn. Let it rot in hell

>You make Venezuela look like the beacon of civilization
A-at least we have no t-toilet paper shortages

>Most staunchly catholic nation in W. Europe
>Never had many christian roots

Stfu you retarded literal ape

What's the problem.
Mudslimes fit in with the Beligan custom of kiddy-diddling just fine. A sterling example of cultural integration. Bravo Belgium.

>yfw infighting in the white race will be one of the nails on the coffin of western civilization

My (cuck)contacts on jewbook are already flipping their shit over this map, glorious

Most of them live in or around big cities, so a lot of people are unaware of how many there actually are.