R.I.P. to all victims of 9/11/2001, you will be remembered. Today is the day thay 9/11 was exactly 16 years ago...

R.I.P. to all victims of 9/11/2001, you will be remembered. Today is the day thay 9/11 was exactly 16 years ago. Us europeans also feel for you.

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and to think, this tragedy could have been prevented if America had banned guns

Exactly! Without guns, the plane had never been hijacked

>and to think, this tragedy could have been prevented if America had banned guns

fucking brilliant for humor something or another. seriously, this is how these people really think i guess. i'm sitting here as i type with a .44 on my hip. no building around here has ever been taken down with my revolver

RIP to all 9.11 victims.
We remember.

i see what you did there



murifag, doesn't understand how the rest of the world dates everything and only understands MM.DD.YY cause reasons.
Brains soaking in grease from fries.

so much weak bait
europoos are so subhuman

fuck off, YYYY/MM/DD is the best format. it makes the most sense. and this is coming from another murifag

kek triggered murifags

the only meaningful 9.11.

I was gonna say "I appreciate good word play" but I don't know what it is. Word play? Culture play? A dad joke? Number play?

hold up, it’s been another 5 minutes has there been another terrorist attack yet eurofag?

Trolling is a art

Wrong, DD/MM/YYYY is the best. You start a date with values that change most often to least often. This is also the best for filing.


You, sir, are and idiot :-(

Fuck all the 911 victims. May they all burn in hell.

>videos moments after the plane crashes of firefighters covered in rubble after rushing people out of the lower floors
>undeniably secondary explosions
>people actually thinking it was terrorists

YYYY/MM/DD is sorted chronologically by computers, also its the international time format, so... it makes the most sense. why would you want the leading number to be the most often changed? when you count you change the trailing digit.



Whats even the logic behind mm/dd/yyyy??

All these murifags with sand in their vaginas. Good keks

Idk that's how its taught in America. We use the fucking imperial measurement system and Fahrenheit. I have no reasonable justification.

Because if you were to speak the date, that's how you would say it

For as long as time has been kept, languages say the month followed by the day. So it was then written that way by a superior race.



>"hey user whats the date"
>11th of November
>11 is in the subset of November
>smallest to largest

america is so fucking retarded

Not really.

a tragedy felt by window cleaners everywhere

>4th of july

Merica is retarted as fuck! How they manage to operate... One doesn't even know

Nigga do you even freedom?

You know, I dont understand why Europeans don't like Americans. You know aside from our bitching about everything, shitty taste in beer and misplaced sense of superiority.

I did once but I didnt like it so I gave it back

Yeah, but it got drowned out by Texas shooting

I have a theory, that the US reminds us of our worst, degenerate and decadent behaviours. The USA is Europes unacknowledged shadow self.

No you would just say the eleventh you stupid fucking idiot

Like gender. There was two. Now it's complicated

It's because of a white western feminism and the road from the houses of the season.

Don't believe everything you see on 4chins. Some people actually understand how indebted we are to the US, for helping us and keeping us safe.

DD/MM/YYYY is the most human way to date. Why would the leading number be a value that changes once every 365 days? When filing, you'll have folders dedicated to months and years. Within those folders, its most logical to begin the date with the day. Also, counting is irrelevant to this. How are you going to say the trailing digit changes when other languages write numbers differently? The Chinese, for instance write "21" as 2-10-1 in symbols. Roman numerals? The logic of counting doesn't apply to dates.

>look everyone I made an original joke pls luv me

if someone asked me what the date was inferring to the day and month, i would say the day then the month - and so would most of the world

obviously an example which makes the whole idea of the date format redundant, is redundant - you stupid fucking faggot

ha! your an idiot:
Today is November 11th

Makes sense. Could be Americas complete lack of culture. America's over-diversity leaves no room for personal beliefs and as a result nothing is sacred. I'm second generation Italian-American and I can already see my family giving up on customs that I'm sure my family had been practicing for centuries back in Italy. Its sad, really.

>being an irl mongoloid

ok bud have fun

Except that’s the way he typed dumbass. Doesn’t matter how irrelevant europoors put down dates. Oh and you’re a faggot along with OP

Rip 11/9

>When filing, you'll have folders dedicated to months and years. Within those folders, its most logical to begin the date with the day.

What are you talking about? This is the exact reason YYYY/MM/DD exists. You make a year folder, inside that folder you have the months, and inside every folder you have the folders for the days.

This is what Americans actually tell themselves.

I'm actually a yurofag. I speak two other languages besides English

Even the use of the term "gender" is shitty. The correct word is SEX and I haven't seen anyone correcting the terminology.


What do you mean lack of culture? On every sports game and any opportunity in general Americans produly sing their national anthem. Is that not enough culture for you?

I don't, I think our "stick our dick in everyone's business" policy is causing more harm than good.

And for each file in each month or year folder you start the date with the day because you already know what the month and year is for the article you are looking for. Seriously, are you that dense? Or have you never worked at a business before.

Yeah, of course you are. I bet you watch American television all day to remind you how thankful you should be.

I agree with you sir but ISO 8601 says otherwise

Yeah, singing your anthem is cultural as fuck lol.

We don't owe America shit. America wouldn't exist if European explorers never found the land.


Thats literally the only thing Americans have in common, and even now many people are protesting it. Just like everything else. If we would stop protesting for 10 minutes about shit we dont really care about just to fit in, this country would be a better place.

>stick our dick in everyone's business" policy
Except you don't know what you're talking about. There is no such policy. Most of the time we interfered our allies asked us for our help. If you have any friends you would know you can't always refuse doing a favor for a friend.

Yea it’s called assimilating. When mudslimes continue with the same traditions in their new country they’re called backwards.

Sex is biological, gender is the way you act.

no, he actually started trying yesterday
probably going to have to ignore it all day

And yurope would still be a third world shithole if it wasn't for the Marshall plan.

>Most of the time we interfered our allies asked us for our help
No one asked you to nuke japan. No one asked you to fuck up the middle east.

Has it been 50 years already?

So sad, if only they let that old man Padduck into the concert maybe he would not have bazookaed those towers with his assault rifle attachment

never forget

>your an idiot
are you even trying?

I'm not talking about assisting allies, and making personal attacks doesnt make for a food argument. I'm speaking about how we need to interfere with every dickhead dictator and Middle Eastern conflict like we are the world police or some shit.

bc its a holliday dumbass

Like I said, most of the time we are asked for help.

Nobody ever asked the Americans for a favor, it's rather America that tends to force their "favors" on others and then expects them to cooperate. "We just started this war for you so now you have to get involved as well. You can thank us later."

Europe would be better if you amerifags didn't stop the Nazis. Now we're filled with fucking immigrants all because of you.

No, a fag is still a man, lesbians are women . Anything else is mental disorder cured solely with medication.

Assimilation implies adoption of another culture, not turning in to a materialistic, narcissistic uncultured fuck.

always remember the 9th of november


That’s some revisionist shit right there. Denial is difficult to to overcome

In recent history maybe. But we had no business going to Vietnam, or interfering in Palestine.

It's happens quite often that those accusing others of something are the most guilty of it. It's not my fault you don't know any history.

Sorry to break it to you bud, that’s the definition of American culture right there. You’re smarter than you know

Sex is biological, if you are born male you will never be of the female sex.

Gender is mental. A man can believe he is female. I personally agree this is a mental disorder

Sexuality is the sex/gender you feel attracted to. Being attracted to the same sex is also a mental disorder

Ok retard

This is what I've been trying to say. We're just rubbing our dick all over everything all the time and end up like, "yeah we helped"

Ok so who invited the US to overthrow the democratically elected government in Iran in the 1950’s?

>or interfering in Palestine.
As much as I hate admitting this Israel is our ally, and they want our help and our presence there. I think I just threw up in my mouth.

Forgotten victims of 9/11


>no business interferring in palestine

the business is that you are literally owned by israel

I know, but as someone who has tried hanging on to my own culture its depressing to see it in action. And it gets worse with every generation.

With guns, they would have been able to shoot the hijackers, averting the whole disaster.

We took away half of Palestines land, gave it to the jews and scratch our heads and wonder why they blow up buses. Thats all I'm saying.

Named after a date....

If everyone on the plane had guns the mudslimes would have never been able to hijack the plane.