I want you to decide my day, each comment is an addition to the plot line, there are no rules

i want you to decide my day, each comment is an addition to the plot line, there are no rules.

go back to bed

go back to bed

Take a piss, but cut it off halfway

Hijack a semitruck and head for alaska

you monster

Convert to Christianity.

convert to satanism

Suddenly, pirate waffles.

Semen in eyes.

dance down your street as if in some crass musical

go walk around a busy part of town and every time you see a nigger say "fuck you slave monkey pick some cotton"

Smoke some meth

Get naked, cover your face in semen and run around an elementary school yelling allah akbar

Shit in a bag
Print this pepe and staple it to bag
Tie it to a helium balloon
Shit space program

cum in your hand and bitch slap a random person with it

ask your mom if she can blow you

Put a rubber band around the base of your dick as tight as possible and drink a pot of coffee, black
Wear rubber band all day

Pawn your tv and buy scratch off lottery tickets

leave your home naked, see how far you get. (tell cops itsa social experiment)

Recreate the movie die hard scene for scene

Give an inspirational public speech about equality and modern problems, then scream "I FUCK ANIMALS" and start wanking.

while naked, run to the nearest synagogue carrying a note in your anus. once you arrive, remove the note and scream the following in front of the synagogue:

Here Fate itself seems desirous of giving us a sign. By handing Russia to Bolshevism, it robbed the Russian nation of that intelligentsia which previously brought about and guaranteed its existence as a state. For the organization of a Russian state formation was not the result of the political abilities of the Slavs in Russia, but only a wonderful example of the state-forming efficacity of the German element in an inferior race. Numerous mighty empires on earth have been created in this way. Lower nations led by Germanic organizers and overlords have more than once grown to be mighty state formations and have endured as long as the racial nudeus of the creative state race maintained itself. For centuries Russia drew nourishment from this Germanic nucleus of its upper leading strata. Today it can be regarded as almost totally exterminated and extinguished. It has been replaced by the Jew. Impossible as it is for the Russian by himself to shake off the yoke of the Jew by his own resources, it is equally impossible for the Jew to maintain the mighty empire forever. He himself is no element of organization, but a ferment of decomposition. The Persian I empire in the east is ripe for collapse. And the end of Jewish rule in Russia will also be the end of Russia as a state. We have been chosen by Fate as witnesses of a catastrophe which will be the mightiest confirmation of the soundness of the folkish theory."

Dubs demands it

OP u ded?

I need a play by play of my day. I start out in my room and then what, I need a script, dont let me down

go to airport
shout allahu akbar

Wake up
Get out of bed
Remove all sheets, blankets, and pillows
Stuff them down your garbage disposal one by one(if no garbage disposal, use a blender)
Take shower in cold water with no soap
Stay wet, no towel necessary
Shave only the left side of your face
Put icy hot all over your dick and balls, make sure to get some in your pee hole
Put on clothes inside out, socks on outside of shoes, underwear outside of pants
Eat a block of dry ramen noodles for a good breakfast, snort the seasoning packet for extra energy
Fill mouth with used coffee grounds and brush teeth with them, no rinse necessary
Walk or take bus to nearest sporting goods store
Buy B.B. gun and ammo
Do the worm upon completion of transaction, screaming “thanks Dad”
Unbox and load B.B. gun
Go to local coffee shop, ask for the largest coffee, hold the coffee, and 5 creamers and 7 sugars. Ingest.
Force yourself to vomit in the sink in the bathroom
Go to local park
Attempt to shoot the eyes out of squirrels and birds for the next hour
Once the hour is up, throw the B.B. gun away in clear view of children, loudly mumbling about it being a tool of the patriarchy
Go to the nearest grocery store and purchase 2 bananas and a roll of tinfoil
Make yourself a hat (preferably with antennae) and wrap the bananas tightly with at least 3 layers of tinfoil
Place wrapped bananas in each pocket
Make a ball of tinfoil to chew on
Discard tinfoil in nearest convenience store microwave, set for 8 minutes
Go to nearest court house with metal detectors and ask to use the bathroom
Explain bananas and hat with “the internet told me to”
Ask for them back upon leaving
Return to convenience store
Put all hot dog toppings and a can of cat food in a cup, top with soda of choice, enjoy a nutritious dinner in front of the clerk
Go home, call the power and water company, and demand your utilities be cut off immediately, give no explanation
Pull your mattress off it’s boxspring, and place in your yard. Burn it

Shoot up a school