Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/Deva-Vegan-Vitamins-Multivitamin-Supplement/dp/B001GAOHVG/ref=sr_1_3_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1510276304&sr=8-3&keywords=deva vegan&dpID=41pJ1OH63cL&preST=_SX300_QL70_&dpSrc=srch


vegans are the best!

Sage goes in all fields

Death goes in all meatcucks




I agree with that, we should eat dogs too. Stop hypocrisy.

sage doesn't work with an image newfag

the be born and die for for a high purpose to feed the people. that much more as you can dream about.

Learn English meatcuck

I eat vegans.

no need for that. meat understand every language, meat don't judge.


Why invest?

i got me some pork

tfw you live in europe where this is disappearing due to laws and image concerns of supermarkets
tfw eggs are now more expensive
tfw you never cared one bit about chickens
tfw even if you were to be a chicken
tfw glorious death in the meatgrinder serving the will of our human overlords.


>tfw when I'm a low test meatcuck
>tfw when I die of heart disease at 50
>tfw when I have a higher rate of cancer
>tfw dairy gave me acne
>tfw meat gave me prostate cancer
>tfw dairy estrogen gave me bitchtiddies
>tfw muh meat is as detrimental to health as smoking
>tfw vegans have higher testosterone
>tfw heme iron gives me stomach and esophageal cancer
>tfw eggs give me cancer faster than smoking
>tfw i have a weaker immune systems
>tfw i lack antioxidants
>tfw i got the diabetus
>tfw when i have statistically have 5 more nutrient deficiencies than vegans
>tfw I don't care about the environment or realize the marketing jews have convinced me to eat the most expensive products

alright.. i'm out

I love how anyone that tries to debate/debunk Vegan Gains fails miserably. I don't even like the guy.

bacon tho...

mfw bacon on average is 20% fecal matter

I would go vegan if that would not be linked with risks of several health problems.

and stop with this "we can go off plants only" shit, look at your teeth, they are teeth of a omnivore/opportunistic carnivore, our stomach is not fit to digest starchy/fibrous food. We do need meat to stay healthy.

dry or somewhat fresh?


Non-human animals do many things we find unethical; they steal, rape, eat their children and engage in other activities that do not and should not provide a logical foundation for our behavior. This means it is illogical to claim that we should eat the same diet certain non-human animals do. So it is probably not useful to consider the behavior of stoats, alligators and other predators when making decisions about our own behavior.
The argument for modeling human behavior on non-human behavior is unclear to begin with, but if we're going to make it, why shouldn't we choose to follow the example of the hippopotamus, ox or giraffe rather than the shark, cheetah or bear? Why not compare ourselves to crows and eat raw carrion by the side of the road? Why not compare ourselves to dung beetles and eat little balls of dried feces? Because it turns out humans really are a special case in the animal kingdom, that's why. So are vultures, goats, elephants and crickets. Each is an individual species with individual needs and capacities for choice. Of course, humans are capable of higher reasoning, but this should only make us more sensitive to the morality of our behavior toward non-human animals. And while we are capable of killing and eating them, it isn't necessary for our survival. We aren't lions, and we know that we cannot justify taking the life of a sentient being for no better reason than our personal dietary preferences.

When humans eat flesh, we don't actually tear it with our cuspids. Instead, we soften meat with cooking and then pre-tear it with utensils before grinding it down with our flattened molars, which are particularly well-suited for chewing vegetation.
Using dentition as an indicator of diet is a hard case to make. Domestic cats and dogs have similar dental structures, but cats are obligate carnivores and dogs can be vegan. Gorillas are herbivores with long canines.

Vegans are much healthier actually.
See: I can prove all of these things if you want a sauce dump.

The average vegan has 3 deficiencies and the average meatcuck has 8.

Taking one multivitamin + eating whole plant based diet = Much healthier

that is called informational terrorism and is manipulation of facts.

Even if whole graphic would be factual then it does not take into account any other health risks of veganism and vegetarianism, and reason why most vege have lower hearth disease rate than omnivores is not due to their diet being better but due to a fact that most people that eat junk dont care if that junk contain meat or not so they eat a lot of fucking sugar without any concern for their health and thats how they raize that risk of death for omnivores. Fat is not what causes problems as we used to think, its sugar, something thats nonexisting in meat.


Try google. It's commonly known.

Wow, thats actually disgusting

>implying it's not CHD


Everywhere you look you'll find that meat is cancerous.

Go vegan for the animals.

We should eat diet that suits us best, and its just so happend that if it comes to a type of died it have nothing to do with morality or lack of that.

Our biology is not different than biology of any diferent organism, we are not special, why not eat turd like dung beetles? Because our particular bodies did not evolve to consume fecal matter, we cannot compare ourself to dung beetle in that case because we do not share common biological structuures hat would suggest that we are simmilar to that beetle in terms of eating poop.

We share simmilarities with animals that eat meat and plants, and due to our cooking some of those similarities are dying out because we dont need those structures that was once usefull in eating meat, but no longer needed, but that point us also towards being omnivore because we evolve so well, and adapt to our environment so well that we start replacing our own teeth with tools to get more energy from food easier.

aboput gorrilas news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2010/03/100305-first-proof-gorillas-eat-monkeys-mammals-feces-dna/

also another of our monkey cousins youtube.com/watch?v=OUPhRYi_caY

Our body was evolving alongside a meat, we was succesfull only because we had meat that is rich in calories and easier to digest, we are unable to synthesis some proteins on our own because there was no evolutionary pressure to set ourself up on plants but there was that pressure to be as good at eating meat as possible.

Its our nature, and sure nature does not mean intrinsically good or only way to go but in that case it means thats the only known way to stay properly healthy because we cannot substitute meat (not for plavou but for nutrients) in 100% and we are not going to.

they are not healthier, they are just good at manipulating informations lol.

They are healthier.

>every single study says that vegans are healthier. Maybe if I just ignore them then my constant heartburn and obesity will stop.
75% of ameritards are obese, no shit that vegans are healthier. it's common sense

Why is this board so full of degenerate fascists? Pedophiles, furries, traps, cucks, vegans? All the lowest life forms on earth gathers here. It's like a fucking apocalypse.

Vegan is even navajo for bad hunter.


Nice naturalistic fallacy essay.

Haha. Fuck, i forgot fat gun nuts in the list. ^^


yes and wverywhere you look you will find that world is ruled over by a lizard that change shape

Most problem with healths that omnivores have that vege do not have are problems with sugars with low fiber and simple sugars. You see usually with coming into vege you also start put more attention to what you eat, any benefits are not from eating plants but from planning what you eat in better fashion than "shoove everything in my mouth and call it a day", there is plenty of unhealthy vegan food full with high fructose sirup and shit.

Why omnivores score lower? Its because most if not all junk eaters are assign to that cathegory and they dont care about what they put in their mouth. If you look up recent studies you will find that actual problem is not fat as we used to think but sugar thats added to everything nowadays. Those junk eaters stuff themself with sugars (all of which are fully vegal) and they have health issues therefore raising health issue score for omnivores.

Omnivores with proper diet are healthier than any herbivore humans. Thats just a basic biology, your organism need meat, there is no way currently to replace it, there are better and better solution to in but no way to actually replace it.

But yeah, belive in a informations presented in a way to make it look like it prooves some point while it prooves nothing. Corelation does not mean causation.

>We should eat diet that suits us best
That diet is vegan. Less land, less resources, less murder
>Our biology is not different than biology of any diferent organism
This is simply not true at all
>We share simmilarities with animals that eat meat and plants
We can think and are intelligent. We can choose to not eat animals as we are omnivores. Sustaining on plants alone is enough, especially as modern men.
>Gorillas and monkeys
You're not a gorilla. Because gorillas rape and murder each other does that make it okay for you?
Evolution can proceed as we nourish ourselves with plants. The evolving man couldn't use fire. Does that mean you shouldn't?
>Its our nature
No. It's not.

All Vegans are pussies. Discuss.

Your food eats hundreds of times more shit to produce food that still has shit in it. Kek.


that's a whole lot of words just to admit that vegans are healthier.

Yeah, but that's mainly chickens and turkeys.


>Omnivores with proper diet are healthier than any herbivore humans.
>your organism need meat
>there is no way currently to replace it
Wrong. I eat only plants.
So, I assume you know three basic macro nutrients and lack the knowledge to make a point about anything other than them.
>hurr i'm a nutritionist
It's funny how meatcucks turn into PhDs in nutrition when the word "Vegan" is mentioned.

and 75% of ameritards eat excessive amount of FULLY PLANT DERIVED sugar.

Hmm wonder why does those two numers cover each others. I am pretty sure its not because people who dont care what they eat have health problems, its all meat.

vegan diet is not healthier than omnivore diet, vegan diet is healthier than eating 7000 calories a day, no matter if those are vegan calories or not.

You need to know how to read studies, not how to read a flashy titles that confirm your biased world view

>I have no arguments against veganism but 'vegan are gay hurrr'
You're a moron.

but vegans are healthier in average, as you just admitted.

Bullshit. I raise my own food in my own home.

>being so stupid that all you can say is "sugar is bad"
Read a book.


First of all bitch, yes you can, the fuck you think Sushi is.

Second of all, cooking meat has existed since before humans evolved, only makes sense that we evolved to deal with cooked meat better.

Third of all, shut the fuck up.

That's a pretty big 'home'.

hehe edgy, vegans btfo, now you can get back to ignoring science and morality.

Nice strawman. Nobody thinks you can't eat meat raw you fucking moron.
>since before humans evolved

You are not a caveman. You live in a society of modern man.

Cavemen also raped eachother and murdered.
inb4 'hurr rape and murder is just fine'

livestream yourself eating raw chicken, also not an argument. you shut up.

The way humans evolved to be omnivores did not include eating cheeseburgers every day. Meat is a prize for a lucky or particularly successful day of hunting and gathering, which mostly consisted of gathering. When agriculture hit the scene, meat was even more a special occasion because consuming it meant killing your farming machinery.

The logical diet is one which includes meat only very sparingly. There are some nutrients which you will pretty much only find in meat or supplements, but they are trace compounds that you need to eat like once a month or less to keep from becoming deficient. The nutritional value of meat is staggeringly low compared to fruits and vegetables outside of these trace nutrients and the cons outweigh the pros by far if you're eating meat more than once a week.


our biology works exactly the same as biology of anything else, there are no special god laws of thermodynamics that are aplied only within human body idiot

Do you see a difference between providing your body nutrients required to be healthy with a choices you do that does not affect your health and are simply neutral to you and you can say no to them without loosing anything?

Yes, evolution will take place as we start feed ourself only plants, people that do not have mutations that will let them better use provided resources will start dying, children will be dying, our species will be less healthy for next 100 000 years untill we get to a point where ourr organism will evolve to actually live off plants only

And yes, its our nature, and if you do not understeand how biology works and thinks your ideology is better than someones else than its your problem and you can kill yourself to make space for more trees on that planet.

Forcing ideas onto someone isn't an opinion.

>Getting this mad over 5 words

>still implying you can't sustain on a plant-based diet

>"u mad"
Looks like schools out.


>I, being an uneducated biased human, one of 70^9 people can state that my plant based died did not makes me sick till today so all people can go vegan and its healthy for sure


Not sure why anyone cares what anyone else eats. We are all meat.

Only a fucking queer wouldnt eat a burger

You do realize that you can get every. single. macro. and. micro. nutrient. from. plants.

(other than B12, but we can synthesize it)

Your argument is so riddled with error and lack of knowledge I'm not even going to respond. Seems like b8. Nobody could be this stupid, right?

I do eat burgers. veggie burgers.

>projecting gayness
>so closet gay that grasping at what's left of my masculinity requires me to associate it with my diet
Real men eat plants. Low test meatcuck detected.

Faggot burgers


Take it easy there, user.

I don't get why some people get so upset at vegans. The way I see it, the less people there are eating meat, the more there is for me.

>t. never taken economics

You tried

who fucking cares, that's because they are made of food. top of the food chain baby, like I give a shit about a cow being sad. give me that burger, give me that steak, let me at some pork chops, nigga, I don't give a shit about a fuckin livestock animal, fuck em.


your burgers literally contain ground up dicks, faggotron

No one fucking cares if you eat plants. Humans are omnivores for a reason. We eat whatever is edible. You arent going to fucking change hundreds of thousands of years by eating vegetables, or by shaming those that dont. Newsflash. You are only here because our ancestors ate MORE than just vegitation. Maybe you need to be reborn as a fucking elephant, so you can graze and go fuck yourself with your trunk.


You do realize that vegans only make up an insignificant portion of people, and aren't great enough to really have an effect on the amount produced, right?

You just replied to a person trying his hardest to make English in attempt to argue with a vegan.

You're dumb as fuck. You should go eat a carrot.

veganism was .5% of the US population in the early 90s. Veganism and vegetarianism are now 13% of the US population.
Veganism is projected at 20% of the population by 2022.

Go take an economics class.

And you just got jebaited. Suckle my fat steak nugget tits, nigger.

i've considered going vegetarian for my health but I really don't know where to begin.
Don't think i'd ever go vegan though, seems like too much of a pain in the ass . plus i don't care about the wellbeing of animals.

>i... i-i was b8ing...


>still replying

>still helping me push my thread to bump limit for visibility

no one fucking cares if you have consensual sex. Men are rapists for a reason. we arent going to fucking change hundreds of thousands of years by getting consent, or by shaming those that dont. newsflash. you are only here because our ancestors fucked MORE than just women who consented. maybe you need to be reborn as a fucking woman, so you can ask yourself for consent.

Im already a woman

interesting. so you don't need supplements at all?

>assuming that i dont want that

Not as a vegetarian. I would recommend these though:

amazon.com/Deva-Vegan-Vitamins-Multivitamin-Supplement/dp/B001GAOHVG/ref=sr_1_3_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1510276304&sr=8-3&keywords=deva vegan&dpID=41pJ1OH63cL&preST=_SX300_QL70_&dpSrc=srch