Hi /pol , i'm currently in France and, i don't know if the medias are talking about my country's situation...

Hi /pol , i'm currently in France and, i don't know if the medias are talking about my country's situation, but it's a big mess here : it started with refinery strikes a week ago, and now, the trains, and even nuclear power plants are stopping. I hope the government will do something, otherwise...

What's your opinion from the outside?

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Thats normal in france tho.

C'est la suite de grève générale?

Color me surprised

Why is France the only country to do something when EU is trying to force their shitty laws?

ouai c'est ça

I'm completly against the government and with the CGT on this one. Fuck this government of globalist drones.

You think you have it bad, I just read this article on an Italian newspaper
>last census data shows a resurgence in birthrates for the Italian population in the last two years
>one possible phenomena that authorities are taking into consideration to explain this is the increasing migratory wave
>the Italian population seems to be very accepting of immigrants, as evidenced by the ever increasing rise in multiracial births
>it is estimated that around 73% of newborns have a migratory background
>the most common biracial couple involves Italian mothers and foreign fathers (97% of newborns), with fathers mostly coming from the following countries: Nigeria (78%), Senegal (12%), other (10%)
>Many prominent Italian intellectuals have expressed their excitement for the multicultural future of the country, which is rapidly becoming the biggest meltingpot in the continent

Frere, j'aime la France, j'ai meme appris la langue car vous etes mon ami mais vous etes toujours en greve.

Oui j'avoue que moi aussi je considère les grèves françaises comme un meme, mais celle-ci est justifiée.

Quelle est la raison derriere celle-ci?

it's about a law that the population is against for the majority, but the governement decided to vote it anyway

Most of this is probably happening in southern Italy which is not really Italy any more. Secession when?

The "loi du travail" one?
The one there forced thanks to the 49 - 3?

Notre gouvernement de traitres tente d'asservir encore plus peuple en adoptant une loi écrite par Bruxelles.
>french lower and middle classes will be fucked even more
>globalists elite could continue to import cheap labor
>french government isnt working for French interest, but for EU's interest.


Les antifa c'est des facho, au trou les assassins.

Noraj de l'apprentissage



Kim Jong-Un is proud of them.

I know senpai, it's been all over the news, could not miss even if I wanted. RT news is covering this day and night.

Wow, makes me sick.

They want to reduce the labor legislation from 500.000 pages to 499.000 pages, so for French people...


Are you the engineer?

>Italian intellectuals

Tient longtemps que j'ai pas entendu parler de JV.com. La-bas aussi on sens un coup de barre a droite ?

Da Vinci.


>They want to reduce the labor legislation from 500.000 pages to 499.000 pages

the 500,000 pages cover only the first chapter m8

no the Media has not reported on it at ALL, probably to try and keep UK in EU.

The only reason I even knew about it is because ThuleanPerspective on YT made a video about it.

I'm surprised it does not have more threads on Sup Forums, it seems like an important event.

course if Sup Forums really is just shills that would explain it.

I didn't know I was the only one in the world, but yup I'm one.

Here's a fun question.

Q. What is the country in the world, with the highest % of its residents being primary French speakers?

Did you guess France?

Nope. It's actually one of their African colonies, I forget which one.

On dit tribord.

>this is the same France that colonized my people in the 1880s
jk Daddy please come back, everything is shitty and only you can fix it

Ils sont jeunes et ambitieux mais ça longtemps qu'ils penchent à droite... ce n'est pas le plus gros forum français pour rien.

There are only a few Taiwanese posters so it was a good chance it was you.

There are no Taiwanese posters because there is no Taiwan, they are all Chinese posters just with the wrong flag displayed.

Who's "my people" ?

>What's your opinion from the outside?
France needs to have a real economic collapse in order to wipe away all this socialist nonsense.

>taiwan is not part of the U.N


jerry, comme disent les gens de là bas.

Veto :)

Poll only care about niggers.
If 1 coalburners have sex with 25 nigs, it makes the news.
But if 2M of europeans protest against a shitty law, no one cares. Its too complicated and no meme worthy.

The Vietnamese

Now go back and fix that shithole so I can atleast be proud of my people

>learning italian
>not so usefull but muh heritage and it's a coll cunt
>see this post


I have a serious question. Why are the french so economically retarded. I mean I majored in economics and i know a lot of people in the US are largely ignorant of economics here (pernie zanders supporters) but not to the same degree as the french populace.

but it could be so easily exploited, or at least inflamed. A great opportunity.

at the very least it should be NEWS.

What's the problem with this labour law?

In most countries people have to do some work to produce goods and services. That's not oppression, it's just the way the world works.

Look at all these frenchfags acting like they knew about it all along.

What's the matter, new ThuleanPerspective video spook you?
Why haven't you spoken up before?

So liberals will rule without any obstacle ... bad idea. France just needs a Trump to be great again.

> With a population of over 79 million,[1] the Democratic Republic of the Congo is the most populated officially Francophone country.

Officially. In reality the most used language is rape.

it's not retarded, it's entitled i think.

i have muh benefit/privilege, and i want to keep them, even if it makes me unemployable

Do you really think some fag from Georgia can tell something relevant to french people ?

Have some decent roads, maybe we could start to communicate later.

well is that supposed to mean it's NOT happening? or just that it hadn't gotten bad enough to be worthy of discussion?

strikes happen all the time, but strikes that make petrol stations empty do not.

>In most countries people have to do some work to produce goods and services

That's why France produces more goods and services than Australia, that's why you have to rely on our technology and our labour to equip your army.

Belle tentative la DCRI

Pourquoi vous allez pas voir par vous-même comment la jeunesse est à fond derrière le FN ?

Our GDP per capita is way higher mate.

(I'm not even going to mention HDI.)

Your economy is a fucking joke. Low growth, high unemployment, huge debt. It's not sustainable.

It's absolutely happening. But it's been happening for a while now and I just find it amusing and shameful that someone finds this stuff out about their -own country- so much later, through a youtube channel.

And I mean, they did. I haven't seen a single thread about this before Varg Vikernes' channel put up a video about it. Which was a few hours ago.

Le taïwanais francophone poste souvent dans nos threads, belle tentative la newfaggerie.

More on French student strikes

Petit bonus sur l'affaire Black M

I see your point

>and even nuclear power plants are stopping
I hope you mean auxiliary workers are stopping and not everyone walking off.

When it comes to matters of public safety does France allow emergency personnel and essential government workers to strike?

You're economically retarded. This is globalization in full force and globalization will kill this planet. The one driving force of all of this is ONLY lower prices. ONLY that. and nothing else. This leads everyone to making their workforce work as much as possible and payed even less.

Fucking hell looking at the salaries in the USA it's what they're doing too. You get no stability you have one job and work your ass off without even diving decently, no healthcare, shitty environment (because it's too costly), etc etc.

This isn't a matter of left or not. It's a matter of not letting yourself get cucked and make your country shitty because you accept stupid laws and a huge loss in standards of life.

What world do you want, one where everyone thrives to reach new heights and for human development or one where you can only hope to get poorer so your masters have bigger yacht ?

It's only because of mineral lol.

>falling for my b8
good goym

I'm sorry, did that hit too close to reality?

You should be ashamed of yourself.

for foreigners, the outcome is very simple:
we are no longer a country, we are a province, under the German administration, in the 4th reich.

Our gov. gave up 100%, and is just passing the laws he is asked for. Loi Travail, Aka Loi El Kohmri, from the name of the lampist that endorsed it, is one of this EU-commission inspired mandatory law.

Politically, there is a complete an total agreement on this law. From so called socialist party to extreme far right Front National.

70% of the people don't want this law, but the Gov. has used a decree to pass it, and refused to negociate.

So, there is one remaining organisation in France that can resist to this Oukaze: It's a syndicate, CGT (Confédération Générale des Travailleurs).

I'm 1000% with them on this.

What do you actually produce?
Arms? Nope
Nuclear tech? Haha Nope
Satellites? Still nope
Luxury goods maybe? Nope

We could erase you from the map and nobody would notice.

Expatrié en fuite agitateur de drapeau blanc dans la place.
Comment ca s'annonce pour les prochaines semaines ?

La merde par la cgt et la connerie par la gouvernement avant l'été.

Les natio. suivent le mouvement ?
Un espoir de voir tourner ca en quelque chose de plus épicé ?

>we are no longer a country, we are a province, under the German administration, in the 4th reich.


But the new law is better than the old one, you cant imagine the incompetence here because people who have a long term contract cant lose their jobs, they just stop caring and yet they cant be fired.

the new law isnt the best, but it will force lazy fuckers to work or get fired, thus creating new job opportunities.

They're not as retarded as extremely selfish.
With the traditional French trait of selfishness-for-the-greater-good.

No corporation ever will admit to demand gibs for themselves, like blacks or hispanics can do in America. 100% of their demands are for the greater good of everyone else :
- Public servants -> more jobs to reduce waiting time
- Teachers -> higher bonuses to attract better candidates for the kids' sake
- Machine workers -> less hours per week to prevent accident

It's a gigantic tug-of-war where everyone nudge more money toward themselves, while screaming how much more they want to give to the society.

Any corporation naive enough to declare they want to keep money "well, because we want to enjoy more money" will automatically be legislated against when the government needs more money, because "Everyone else is participating so much already !!"

The only way to get ahead is to cry louder than the rest and hope the next round of "redistribution" will be in your favor.
Yeah, I chose to take a plane ticket instead.

To some extent. It's a major share of our exports indeed, but only 8.5% of total GDP.

Our economy works because we did a lot economic reforms since the 70s.

Typical French situation.

Coté média c'est sans surprises: ils tirent à boulet rouge sur la CGT.
L'obs a même viré son rédacteur en chef second parce que c'est la copine de Frederic Lordon, l'un des intellectuel de Nuit Debout/

Coté gouvernement c'est le bordel. Valls est complètement momifié, un vrai Juppé. Macron comme à son habitude dit un truc et le lendemain dit son contraire. Les députés PS commencent à comprendre qu'ils vont se faire virer de l'assemblée nationale pour 30 ans et tentent une sortie pour renégocier, et l'aile gauche du PS (Montebourg) lui demande carrément un référendum que le gouvernement est assuré de perdre.

Coté Syndical, la CGT tient bon dopé par une base hyper radicalisée mais n'as pas la force de frappe pour l'emporter seule. La CFDT qui vit traditionnellement couchée s'est là carrément roulée par terre, FO hésite et SUD Solidaire sont à fond avec la CGT. Les confédérations de cadres hésitent aussi pas mal, car ils savent que la loi n'est pas bonne pour eux, mais ils sont plutôt de droite alors assez mal pour bloquer.

Au final, il faut que le mouvement tienne 15 jours et la loi sera bonne pour la poubelle, et le gouvernement PS avec.

Great source.

haven't heard anything since the Paris attacks

>but strikes that make petrol stations empty do not.
Every 5-10 years, last one was in 2010

On sait très bien qui sera le prochain président, c'est pas la peine...

Le FN n'est pas construit pour gouverner, mais pour l'opposition

>What's your opinion?
I dunno. You're pretty irrelevant.

>la jeunesse est à fond derrière le FN
Pas en prepa en tous cas

>with fathers mostly coming from the following countries: Nigeria (78%), Senegal (12%), other (10%)

i didn't know that coal burning was this common in Italy.
i always thought Italian women were classy and feminine

En quoi ?

Putain de baby boomers à la con. J'ai vu à la pompe 90%, 95 des mecs qui font leur plein sont des retraités, les types viennent avec 3 ou 4 jerrican.

Scommetto che ti segavi mentre scrivevi quella roba.

New Paris Commune when?


Italian women are the new whores of Babylon mate.
There's a reason Italy has the largest shitskin population in Europe

Juppé ? Avant il était déjà rigide, maintenant il s'est carrément momifié.

et vous semblez oublier tous que ça gueule maintenant parce que le PS est en train de faire la politique du programme de Juppé, et pour lequel il n'as pas été élu.

Could a frenchmen give me an actual rundown on the law/laws and why how bad the strikes are? There doesn't seem to be a lot of information on it.

are those greek flags ?

This. Lesson number one about French politics, you do NOT fuck with the labor unions, they will shut the whole country down and laugh at the chaos if they get pissed off enough.

Filthy mainland communist scum desgnated


Who cares? We produce less shirts than Bangladesh for sure. The fact remains that our economy works.

Market cap of Aussie-listed companies is about 1.2 trillion (USD) vs 1.8 trillion for France (our population is three times smaller).

En classe préparatoire aux grandes écoles (Sainte-geneviève, Henri IV, Louis-le-grand...)

T'es un con, rien à voir avec le globalisme là.
On a grand besoin de réformer le code du travail sinon on va se transformer en pays du tiers-monde.
Apprécie ton avenir sans travail et retraite, parasite.

Classes préparatoires des grandes écoles.

> normal que ça ne parle pas trop aux militants du FN, ils se sont arrêté au certificat d'étude eux.


La Bretagne et la Vendée, abruti.

as a French guy living in Oz I take offense to that. Aussies are fucking awesome and they're my brothers, so you might be my fellow frenchman, and I love you for it, but back off cunt

Nope. Bretagne, It's a French region.
It was a protest of French cuckservative that called themselves "Bonnets Rouges".

In fact, a fraud on what the French revolution really was.