Louis " im not tryin to put my dick in just sit there while I choke my chicken" CK

Louis " im not tryin to put my dick in just sit there while I choke my chicken" CK.

>OP is stupid enough to fall for unfounded allegations

Louis "I may have crossed some lines, but only 5 times" CK.

>this guy right here gives a shit about this talentless, fat, ginger idiot who wouldn't be even remotely successful outside of America

>this guy right here spaces like a redditor and falls for unfounded accusations because he's precisely as stupid as the general populace


>this guy right here doesn't seem to understand that I couldn't give less of a shit about whether the accusations are true or not. He also thinks me hitting enter twice makes me a redditor. Interesting.

Lib "believes anything he sees reported in the media" tard

>trying to keep talking after being exposed as a redditor and a feminist brainwashee

Like you don't see this sort of format all the time. Give me a break.

>doing it again after being told it's unacceptable
Are you gay or a nigger? Try acting white for once in your life.

If you're going to take a woman now, you need to kill her afterwards.

Louis " I know you think I'm an ugly bald jerk so sit still and I'll do all the work" CK.

So pathetic.

Fuck right of and pump molten steel in asshole.

Louis "Trying out my edgier material on a smaller audience." CK

Louie " had 5 fun days but at least I'm not gay" CK.

He's pretty successful outside of america you dumbass.

Louis "What's the deal with Ovaltine? Why don't they call it...hnnnngh." CK

Louis "This will go faster if you start crying" CK

So much kek

So is this finally the time when men collectively will go down?
Where it starts out with taking down actual dirtbag rapists but soon everybody who so much as looked at a women is now a sexual predator also?

Do you not understand the concept of setting a precedent?