What is your favorite anime? Sup Forums

What is your favorite anime? Sup Forums

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It used to be Dragon Ball Super until they brought in the fucking lesbian duo.
Never watching that garbage again.

Samurai Jack

My favorite is Air Gear. But i also really like ghost in the shell series.


pic related and also fav scene in movie

Probably Black Cat Detective.

Samurai Champloo

one punch man cause bill burr likes it and anything bill burr likes has to be good. i wanna eat bill burrs ass

Shigurui death frenzy
A real gem


Your Lie in April - this is what I was watching on tour on my phone. It's a tragic story about a high schooler that lost his mother and with her his ability to play the piano and how he overcomes that with the help of a dying violinist. This is really cute and left me in tears.


This story is about a high school guy (common theme honestly) that inexplicably gets pulled to another dimension and falls in love with a beautiful selfless half-elf. He learns that in this new world dying isn't what it is in real life. If you watch this one, let me know who you ship with the main character! Can't really say too much more without ruining the best anime series ever made ^_^

The patrician's choice

There’s this one where the devil himself works at a bootleg McDonald’s and he’s rivalling up against a bootleg KFC

Anime is the reason why two bombs wasn't enough

Minecraft: Story Mode

C'mon bro.
That one was a total waste of time.

The Devil is a Part Timer?

So much pleb tier taste. Sayla is very disappointed in this thread. 0079 is where it is at.

Does this count? I love Samurai Jack but I'm not sure if it would be considered an anime

Golden Time (HIGHLY RECOMMEND) trust me this ones good and my second favorite of all time:
A very good anime about a college student that has a fight between his past self and his current self, delusions and what not. He has amnesia, and has to go through his everyday life with his former self constantly coming back to him and haunting him.

Parasyte, I liked the themes in it

Go back to facebook.

That sounds like an anxiety attack.

Kokoro connect-super underrated it will change your life

xxxHoLiC, Detective Conan or Dr. Slump
can't decide

Gintama love everything about it

Literally the best. I'll cry when it ends.

Little Busters, basically a better version of Clannad.

did you cry when ace died? probably the best character in the series and they kill him lol

Zoro is my inspiration

I cried so much I had to take a break after that one lol! I love the character development so much! I love them all

Welcome to the NHK, it really helped me to go out of that shitty neet life I used to have, I mean I enjoyed a lot of that time but it had to end.


saddest scene ever. i cried so hard.

I love the parodies they do!

Akame ga kill

Top shelf pick my man