Can you cheer me up Sup Forums...

Can you cheer me up Sup Forums? Just found out I could be responsible for someone trying to kill themselves and they may have succeeded. I don't know what to do lads I'm freaking out.

Bumping with images of puppies

Call 911



I wasn't present for it, one of her friends messaged me about it telling me she took pills.

Fuck dogs

the only solution is to kill yourself

Who cares. Just forget about it.
Don't waste time on the mentally ill or other ppls problems

I like to be the a rock for people, kinda a shoulder to lean on ya know?

Well this girl I work with who is a subordinate of mine got into a argument with her bf and I was all like it's gonna be ok. Basic shit.

Well it somehow lead to flirting and I was a retard who went with it it goes on for the night and into today, she sends pics and asks me to come to her place and I decided to end it because I realize that it's wrong and I'm a sack of shit for trying it.

Anyways that doesn't go over Well she becomes depressed and sad even though I explain repeatedly it's not her fault but mine.

Ffw to now on overdosing on Seroquel.

Well that's just like your opinion man.

I'll get right on that

I understand where you're coming from and I agree with you. But fuck man, if she does that's all on me. I killed her.


not your fault at all, you did what seemed to be right, at a certain point you cant control how ppl will react

so at this point yea call 911 like it was said before

I don't have any more dogs so random shit I guess.

If anyone dies respond I'm on my phone so it'll take a sec to reply.

She's already in the hospital, her friend said they gave her a shot to try and make her throw up but she hasn't woken up yet. That's what everyone else has said but how am I supposed to explain to her sister hey, your dead sister that had nothing to do with me that's all her?









