Jared "workhorse" Eickhoff vs. Brandon Finnegan

Fuck the Mets

looks be delayed a bit, we'll see

It rained for 30 seconds there some thunder it will pass

Sounds good

There taking off the tarp!!!!

8 o'clock


great, time for a quick WaWa run before the game



Friendly reminder that Shitsinasty and its heroin addicts are paying this busy one hundred and five (105) million United States Dollars

Christian Bale plays for the reds?

C'mon eickhoff prove me wrong

prob the the worst 1-2-3 i could have hoped for.

they're getting some bombs at some point

I hope votto flips out tonight

off the plate but pretty close

This has a feeling of 1-0, random solo HR wins it in like the 7th inning kind of feel

if it's up NERIS better close

Hope not. I want to see joey hit some bombs.

Does finnegan wear his jersey like that so you can see his chest tattoos


>Runners on second and third

Votto coming up

Give Finnegan 110 million!!!

Nice, farmers night


finnigan mvp

Finnegan for mayor

These woos are beyond obnoxious

voto for assistant mayor

I knew it was coming after that abhorrent at-bat by joseph

And there's your final score.

I knew it!!!!

guys i can come work to the us pretty much everywhere, where would you guys go? low taxespreferably and the less niggers the better

Wouldn't put money on it

Votto for president

Thanks Satan

Nashville Tennessee


GG Reds. See you tomorrow.

Don't give up hope yet their bullpen is shit

Louisville Kentucky any good?

Also could do Minnetonka, Minnesota

Louisville is tight. It's small and the highways are all fucked, they've been under construction for 15 years bt fun city never been to Minnesota

What a beamer

Still hope

There's a lot of young people in Louisville

G-good thing howard's up next to send these guys home


I'm listening to the game via radio, and it's annoying as fuck.


Pizza pizza pizza!!!! Whooooo!

10 k's they got pizza fuck yea

WTF didn't know my dad was at the game

He gets free pizza

>time for a 1-2-3 9th inning

A-at least we didn't get swept this year

why are they all screaming woo


Stop trying to have Odubel steal bases.

illegal block

pretty shit game overall, eickhoff had a good game tho

Reds win

Reds win

Two shit teams equals one shit game.

Reds win

Reds win