What left this paw print? I went out and saw it on the back porch...

What left this paw print? I went out and saw it on the back porch, but I'm having trouble with some identifying the culprit.

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Looks like it could be a skunk or something similar

Be a pretty big skunk but


a t-rex

Nah Racoons almost have hands.

It looks like a human footprint...someone on their tip toes

that's what a bear's footprint looks like.

No claw marks tho...

Hunter for 13 years here
Issa bear faggot

declawed bear then.

OP, that's a bear you better run

my bad, it is a bear

looks like some niggers were crawling around your back porch

Thanks guys should I be worried about walking around in the morning? here's one by our laundry room from a while ago as thanks

95% sure it's a bear

offer it sex, you'll be fine


just remember... brown bear, make noise and antagonize it, black bear, play dead.

it might be the other way around.


personally I would be

op where are you are