Last night I heard a voice that said, “Don't give up your gun”

>Last night I heard a voice that said, “Don't give up your gun”
>They keep washing right up on those shores
>Man they're gathering their numbers up
>Those bleeding hearts come marching down my road
>Well I'll be waiting right here at my door
>It's a lie to say it wouldn't be fun
>If you're joining them then I got one
>With your name on it

holy fuck...

i feel like this song is the anthem for all of us real americans

>thread for Desert
>whoa dude these lyrics speak to me...
>OP doesn't realize it's satire

Every time. Jesse is mocking you, you dumb sperg.

Fucking hell are you rednecks really so retarded

what? i thought he was a christian

Yes but hes not a cunt

I don't identify as a Brand New fan like most of my generation and peers do. Aside from a few songs, I think they're just mediocre. I haven't listened to SF much but it pisses me off how obvious it is that fans brigaded it to the top of the charts. It doesn't hold up vs the hype that the fans gave it. They were just taken by surprise and excited, I even saw tattoos, pathetic. You only get tattoos of bands like Black Sabbath or Floyd, maybe Black Flag or god forbid Weezer, but Brand New. These fans are just babies and oblivious to good emo.

Im willing to be the bigger man and look past the satire. As an alt righter this song really speaks to me

He was raised Catholic but quickly began to detest the religion and a lot of its practices when he grew old enough to think for himself. I don't know for certain whether or not he's religious, today, but I know that he has no positive stance on a lot of the organized / profiting / exploitive religions today. (See: Archers off of TDAG.)

Reddit: The Post

>Alt righter
Oh god please stop

that poster is right. this song means a lot to the last real men in america. to gun oweners, to people scared of foreign barbarians, etc.

>The last real americans
So not you then

>You don't need a gun
>Resist le evil facist nazis
Big ol brain of mine

I'm a part of what some people call the "alt-right" and it feels punk as fuck. It feels like an actual counter culture, or rebellion against the PC culture that dominates American colleges


>T. Leftie baby

Leftie baby, wow what a great insult. Surprised such a small closed mind could come up with it

If you actually think that nazis are a threat in the United States of America you huff glue

Im sure if your forefathers could see you theyd be ashamed

Are you actually this fucking retarded

Are you actually this retarded

*drinks period blood*
I am the Arts truly realized


>Well last night I heard a voice that said, "This is the end."
>All my nerves have been worn to the threads,
>I only honestly have one or two left
>I got my faith, I got my family, I got a wire fence around my whole stake
>If I believe only half what I read, I got a reason to be dug in deep

idk, it really resonates with me. i'm just glad we have this song.

Fuck I hate you

>Le librels right

Thank you comrade maybe we can meet on the fields of combat against the White Supremacists

Pal the only thing youre gonna get it is kicked the fuck up. Nazi scum.

Alt Right so starved for real artists they have to misunderstand leftists to get anything worthwhile.
Lmeemao Peepa

Kek maybe its because anyone who matters thinks theyre garbage

Excellent album. Wasn't sold on it at first, but the more I listen, the more I fall in love.

>doesn't recognize its pasta