Trump says his tax plan will “hurt the rich”. He gets a billion dollar tax cut

Trump says his tax plan will “hurt the rich”. He gets a billion dollar tax cut.


GOP shills and Russian trolls in 3...2...1...

>GOP shills and
Normal Dem behaviour, blame the opposition for the very things that they do.

a other crybaby on Sup Forums.
why are we not suprised

bumps his own thread in six min.
total loser



No guns allowed at speeches. They get their safe spaces wile we live with gun nuts who kill each other constantly.


Here's how the federal reserve works. If anything, cutting taxes would not add to the deficit, but merely keep it the same because the government did not tax them and destroy them.

Sup Forums is always fucking right jesus fucking christ you cannot make this shit up

Give back the scoops drumfy boi


Right about what exactly? Trump is a Jew lover.


Oh no dem Russians hacked my Sup Forums acount to post spiderman!

just because Krugman knows more about this than you, and is right, you have to bring up his forefathers religion? fuck off deflecting troll.

yes lets not talk about obarrys failure


sure kid

too stupid to answer yourself


I am really not sure which of these is the most retarded, or the most likely t be a shill. maybe all of them.

Trump is such a Jew

Somebody a little salty? Faggot.

I already told you the russians hacked my Sup Forums account to post spidy to defend drumfy boi

Hey libtards why should anyone pay the government anything?! I'd rather the rich man keep his money than waste it on a retarded worthless government that will do more harm with that money than good. It isn't that I'm fighting for the rich guy or tryna fuck over the poor guy. I just don't like government. - user trump lovin republicunt

aww an ad hom answer
looking for shills kid?
try looking in the mirror.

that would be you sweetie


Tough words from someone typing away in his mom's basement and benefiting from all the luxuries and protections that this government provides.

because you think that society would run sweetly and peacefully and get everything necessary provided for by the free market with no government spending at all?

how quaintly naive.

sure kid

get some life experiance and get back to me kid

Nice facebook image you got there. Did your dad post it first? You know that's not how it works right? You're aware that when Clinton left we were in a surplus of 3 trillion right? You're aware that private sectors saw their best years during those times right? You're also aware that private sector got tax breaks from Bush and we went into massive debt at the exact same time right? I'm sure it's just a coincidence. You fucks love screaming about red pill blue pill.. but you've clearly taken the wrong one.

another one



> I think anarchism is a good idea
> calls someone kid and suggests inexperience.


I'm 53, retired at 48 after selling my business - I think I know more about how things work than you - any anarchist who isn't seriously retarded is just not thinking things through.

good luck being my slave when I raise my warlord band and raid your utopia. Or will you live in a sleepless armed compound, desperately regretting the civilization you threw away?

anarchists are inexperienced and know nothing about human nature.

you democrats are history deprived lo infoed grew up,,no, I take that back,,aged staring at msnbc ,gaming, know nothing but pop sports,drugs gossip & hollywood.
trump is a 60s democrat closer to a bluedog reaganista than the altright ( your term for any non democrat menu jockstrap)
trumps tax plan will mean the guy he signs over managing his companies will get a tax increase not a decrease,the electricians plumbers floor polishers in his bldgs will ALL get a tax cut of from a thou to 2k & more you have zero idea of whats in the damn plan you info is from where?
colbert snl? huffpoon? yahoo? matt bai? the nyt?


Well, if the obvious giveaway to the billionaire class pisses off enough people badly enough, then it might actually result in the deployment of pitchforks and guillotines we've been so desperately needing for decades.

So he may yet be right.

its simple.
he's not hillary.
this is their base of thought for anything.

sure kid


They played enough video games to know what Anarchy is like. It's not like human nature to band together and form small groups of hierarchy's anyway. Some parts of Africa is basically an Anarchy.

people are so retarded they will thank you for making insane profits and allowing them to have a shitty dayjob

its not even morally better to change this because they all have the dream they will someday be like you (they won't) and that keeps them going

weak with no argument
my assumptions were correct

sure kid

Sure kid

having fun living off your parents that work for me so you too can someday work for me when you realize without me you're freezing starving on the side of a highway

so weak

sure kid
think everyone is a lazy millenial like he is.

You're weak

I ain't got a dog in whatever you fags are arguing about, but typically you don't see someone use "kid" as an insult unless they are also a minor.

Only a kid would think being called a kid is insulting.

so weak he can only repeat me
you autistic boy?
sounds like you are.

sure kid
you mist be retarded then
if you are a millennial then you are retarded.

Lol, Krugman is a plant and a shill. Even Tom Woods debunks him regularly.

Literally none of that is an argument.

Not an argument.

So, you're a nigger. Got it, kid.

That guy clearly made an argument, he said the person knows more than you, which is a claim, and because of that you brought your argument into it, and then he gave a conclusion, telling you to fuck off.

sure kid
you don't get to decide what is and what is not

It's not a very good plan. It taxes the middle class a lot more. The only perk is the simplicity of the form. It sounds like if you have multiple rentals ou are using g for retirement, this plan would probably bone you.

They plan on getting rid of personal exemptions, which I are with. Once someone has more than one or two kids they will have to pay for them, which is a good thing.

Capping home interest is a touchy subject. On one hand, it will hit the rich very hard.

everything from intolerance and violence to corruption and pedophilia. they do it and then blame the other side.


Not being able to deduct state taxes will rape people in high tax states like ca.

sure kid
stay mad if you can't stay on topic

Source from the tax plan itself? Oh wait there is none, this is all shilling and brainwashed liberals. If you are going to criticize a policy at least show specifically what you have an issue with. 3/10 bait though, got me to respond.

they deserve it

>implying hillary wouldn't have spent twice that amount hooking up her own bankster buddies
>implying healthcare and education should be handed out to losers and layabouts
>implying you didn't let the last guy slide for racking up more than that every single year he was in office on far less worthwhile projects and agendas

what do you think the "Clinton Economy" was.
the biggest scam there ever was.

Probably. It would bring the real estate market to a screeching halt in expensive areas.

I think it would force a fundamental change in the housing and finance market. The way houses are sold on the higher end would probably change. It might force higher valued homes to drop in price.

>sure kid
translation: i have no argument
>stay mad if you can't stay on topic
not mad at all, but you're the one who brought up russian shills, so i'm on-topic. stay retarded and stay a hypocrite. $hill harder, faggot.

preaching to the converted on this one, user.
i like how he exported shitloads of jobs and fucked the economy with his nafta shit, then when it all hit the fan under bush's admin, the libs just blamed him instead. you can't make shit like this up.


yawn its another onesided winner
yea you won last place kid.
here this is for you.


well the millennials are living with it.
sad to say many will never have the standard of living their parents had.

p1 Krugman knows more than you
p2 if krugman knows more than you then you will be butthurt
p3 if you are butthurt you will deflect by trolling about his religion

p1 adn p1, therefore c1 you are butthurt
c1 and p3 therefore c2 you are trolling.

that is an argument. also valid

and all premises are trueand passing thanks to .

you have a problem, child?

can you try posting like a human and not a downy.


In a capitalist society you should aspire to be rich and thus benefit from tax cuts. That's what motivates people to succeed. The problem with socialism and having no real major penalty to not working or working shitty jobs is that people get content with just that and don't care to make anything of themselves. Thus socialism or an effective high minimum wage encourages people to be failures. Seeing people homeless is meant to be a strong deterrent to others as to what can happen if they don't take their life and education seriously. So basically democrats are fine with devolving humans for the sake of humanitarian reasons instead of pushing people to make something of themselves.

look, idiot child troll said it was not an argument, and that other person who said it was could not say it was. I just laid it out for him in clear logical form. because he is a troll and idiot child. Now if he wants to talk about what an argument is, or debate logic, he can, but he lacks a leg to stand on.

Mind you I suspect that the all the "sure kid " responses are either a bot or a troll anyway. or a real honest to god shill. this was a typical tactic during the election last year - just "sure kid" and yawn and not actually debate. boring unoriginal and sadly effective.

Essentially the plan would be slightly lowering higher end taxes by limiting higher end deductions. Most people wouldn't feel much of a change. Although it's pretty funny that jerry brown, the govornor of ca passed all of these super dickish laws to order california workers to not comply with any immigration officials or laws.

Now it's his state getting ass raped by the new tax plan. I bet he thought he could be a total asshole with no consequences. I hope they throw out all his deductions and tax the living shit out of him and Diane feinstein.

pretty much this

Sure, kid.

didn't bother reading your post.
you seem to get upset rather easily.
an intelligent person would realize they don't belong here and leave.
you're not that person.

You really think that struggling by on benefits and minimum wage is not enough incentive? you really think that allthose people are jsut happy to live like shit?

problem is they don't know how to rise, and they don't have resources to invest. they don't have land or money, or time to spare, or ideas.

so what's your job then ? Let me guess. You work at mcdonald's or live on welfare ? Otherwide you'd have your own opinions

I just hope next ca elections jerry brown loses the next elections. Just trying to survive behind enemy lines.


ITT typical republicunt shills with nothing to say, just putting their fingers in their ears agong lal lal lal

inb4 "sure kid" or "yawn"

sure kid

ok Grampaw, time for bed now. and don't forget your diaper, we don't want any more "accidents"


>deal with it.

guess its true
all millennials were born with a vagina.


I work from home as a software developer making $74k a year 2 years out of college. So yes since I'm a successful white person it's only natural that I am Republican and hate socialism, because I made an effort to get where I am, and if other people don't like that, then they should motivate themselves to do the same. I came from a very poor household living with my mom who only gets $1000 a month on SSI and yet we managed to barely get by and I still managed to get my bachelor's degree in computer science and now I'm being rewarded for my efforts. So failures who demand $15 minimum wage or other forms of socialism have no excuse except that they don't want to but they would be content with that life if only it could at least give them a 1st world living wage.

>They don’t have the ideas or skills to get money
>but they deserve more than the market rate do a what they produce
Lmao naw dude