Looking for a way to contact Jim Carrey directly, preferably by mail. Any info?

Looking for a way to contact Jim Carrey directly, preferably by mail. Any info?

[email protected]


I would if I could.

Put out a casting call. Say your making a docudrama about the brave English doctor who discovered rhat vaccines cause autism.

Careful of the herpes.



There are mixed allegations in that regard.


Hello, my son.

How may i help you?

Careful of the 'alleged' herpes, my lawyers have told me to add.

are you the guy who "knows" him? I hear he's up in Seattle smoking meth with hookers

Try his agent. That's your best bet.

OH MY GOSH! It's the spirit of Terrence McKenna!

Well, I'd really like to write a nice letter to Jim Carrey, and I want it to go directly to him. Do you have any suggestions?

I don't give out my address, whats up?

I don't know him, but I would certainly like to.

Thanks for the heads up


That is definitely a clear option.


Write it out, my son, i shall deliver it for you by crossing the eather.

Any response, i will pass back onto you.


Thanks Terrence.

in this day and age, you're asking a stupid fucking question like that?
why don't you do like everyone else and try twitter or facebook you moron,

It literally took me seven seconds to search "contact jim carrey"
you useless lazy lump of shit.
Jim Carrey - Primary Address
Sherman Oaks
CA, 91403

I don't want to reach out on FB or Twitter

Address or you found fuck-nothing


Postal address. (My uncle is his agent):
The mask,
5 Hollywood,


Ah of course

Thanks for the help though. I found what you were referring to.

You cannot contact that which does not exist, OP.

Well, I can still contact the avatar of Jim Carrey.

think they read mails so you kinda need to be lucky a bit that he reads yours as well


Yeah I am hoping it gets to him!

wut iz zis?

I posted in wrong thread, sorry.

lol ;-)