Triggering Military, the ultimate edge

Triggering Military, the ultimate edge.

Other urls found in this thread:

The sharpest edge.

wew, lad.

She's crying for her dead husband.

I'm crying because her dress is too long.

That used to be someone special.

you are one fucked up person dude. kill yourself

so special that he joined the military to be an anonymous, expendable nobody.

prob op is triggered because hes to fat to join

A special rank and file grunt buried by his own government and given a stone

Thats a pretty fucked site user
The edge is in the rearview on this one

She was probably nailing some other dude while he was out getting shot. Usually what happens.

I made this. Guy's were mad. Bad part is.....I'm a mayreen too

>ITT: fat neckbeards and malnourished transgender liberals make of men who go hurt doing things they're physically to beta to do.

Careful guys this amount of edge is sure to make your katanas jealous.

are you trying to say that the military is mostly under-educated midwestern and southern rednecks that would be driving trucks for work, living in trailers and committing adultery on each other?

Because you would be correct.

lol #rekt


she has some nice feet

>"Post most offensive memes."
>posts meme
>"woah too far."
>post most offensive meme...but not too much


this website is childishly edgy and autistic but still, fuck the high horse mentality the military crowd puts itself on.

Its a volunteer service endemic to every fucking country on the planet, and we tend to use ours to stick our greasy fat american penis in other countries business. We aren't facing any kind of existential threat that can be defeated with a conventional military, so the "fighting for our freedom" shit is bullshit

Enlisted tend to become cops and truck drivers. They're nowhere near as special as they think they are.