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looks like a river city ransom boss
Kek, was this yesterday?
Yes Riquelme, you might've missed on of the best copasula threads ever.
watón culiao/10
Madre culia/10
fuck i came here to say the same thing only with streets of rage
i don't believe you
Could you beat him in a fight, /espee/?
pretty rare desu
This guys looks dangerous. He could heem every there and he knows it. You can tell by the way he bounces and beckons would-be challengers with his hands, this guy means business.
How motivated is he?
Fat people are often underestimated in a fight. Be VERY careful if you have to fight a fat guy. Don't let them grab you unless you have legit wrestling or BJJ training.
bjj is useless though.
As a fat hooligan myself, I second that.
where's his neck?
he's like the janitor on a hotpocket overdose
The trick with fighting fatties is to push them off balance with a kick. They have horrible balance and the fall alone is enough to defeat half of them. Going to the ground with them is stupid even if you have grappling experience.
There are literally dozens of videos on YouTube of people successfully defending themselves with BJJ. BJJ is a big martial art, it covers everything from judo, wrestling, sambo, all that stuff. There are parts of BJJ less useful for self defense, and parts that are essential. Yeah, ideally you want to also train in a striking art. Doesn't mean BJJ is useless.
Couldn't draw a dime
this. its how Sandu Lungu made a name for himself.
Why is Hurley in Chile?
ayy sorry. censored now so janny wont have to do it for free
>eat fighter
that wire also makes it look like he is on a leash
good post
>/conmebol/ trying to force shit that happens in almost every cup into a meme
Not with that aesthetics. Only Gordo de Central can be compared.
he would beat all the coins out of my body.
Which team you support?
i'd outbox the shit out of that fat faggot