Is my dick small?

Is my dick small?

Nah. Dont buy into the porno horse dick meme, you're average, maybe a bit above depending on country

Well, it's quite small. Looks like 4.5 incher

Damn no! I Would suck it ..

Nah, same size as me and i do just fine.
Youre average and perfect. Just be a man and protect her and she have everything she needs

Looks like mine, except I have huge hands, so that makes it hard to judge. I hate my hands and dick in same picture.

no OP!!

it's average. I'd suck it

Looks bigger than mine. I have full blown insecurity about mine and never had sex

Please do, i could use that

Do I have a small dick?


My thumb at the bottom for comparison

Nothing to worry about.
Looks like you are a bit chubby though. Try working on that instead of worrying about something you cant change

What I mean by huge hands. XXL gloves

Seeing all these small dicks make me feel a little better about mine


Kill yourself you small dick faggot.


losing a bit of chub can make it look a little bit bigger too which always helps

At first k was insecure about being uncut but looking at cut dicks makes me happy that I'm natural. Thanks mom





Pboyle694 on Snapchat. Give me all your cock.
