Would you fuck this for $500?

Would you fuck this for $500?


why not?

id fuck anything for free

Nope. Id rather just fap. Same result.

i could pay $500 i guess

Forgot to mention she has thrush and that white stuff is thrush discharge


I fucked a value menu item at McDonald's.
ba da ba ba ba

It's afraid

I hope it was a warm apple pie

I'd do worse for 500
I'm confused, is this a trick question? Or a virgin posting what he thinks is subpar pussy?


I am a virgin and I'd fuck wearing a condom anytime.

Pussy is overrated. Get a blowjob its 100 times better

Thrush isnt an std or even sti for that matter. Happens in a multitude of places usually after a cycle of antibiotics...

Double cheeseburger

I’m shallow. It puts me off fucking her for a while.

I would if I could
What about anal?

Pff alright guy
Good thread
Real banger this one

Did you clean your dick after ? It would suck to get a fungal infection. Theyre easy to treat. But they itch really bad

And at that takes a cream or pill to easily fix

Yeah, she’s sending me to the store for it now :(

Gross look at that hairy fucking butthole. Wouldnt do it for 1 million.