Can anyone here solve a Rubik's Cube?

Can anyone here solve a Rubik's Cube?

yeh, my fastest is about 37 seconds

There is an App for that
>itt everyone in the world.

I'm much slower than that. 42.

yees, ~15 seconds

sure i can.. eny

never solved one in my life

do you use the beginner method? i need to learn advanced so i get sub 20 times. 37 and 42 is still fast for beginner method though

I can do two layers but I have not yet figured out how to do the last one.


im with this user i have a few times with online instructions just dont care enough to remember all the steps

My fastest is 7.52 Seconds.

that one already looks done

50 Something secs

take all the stickers off and put them back on in the right places

Yes, with a hammer.

1:30 after some coffee


Dude for real? Last layer is just as easy as the first two. Spend the time on youtube to learn the last layer, you're very close.

I'd rather figure it out in my own. I've found that looking for sequences of the form ABA^-1 helps so I'll probably just try more of those.

My fastest solve was 11,29 sec about 3-4 years ago. Im a top 50 “cuber” in my nation

my best was about 20 i think, it was a mix of basic f2l and beginner algorithms for the last layer

my fastest time is 42 seconds

I learned how to do it. Never figured it out for myself. I've never really been a speed cuber either. usually takes me about a minute or maybe a little less if I can skip an algorithm or 2.

Anyone solve it not using the layer method?

YES I CAN! 30 seconds is best, 40 seconds average.


Yeah, I'm not a speed cuber though. I just like to collect all kinds of twisty puzzles and solve them.

Just bought an air sm

Can do it in about a minute.

Yup, around 60 secs

takes me like 2 minutes. but i drink a lot so....