Oh America, how did you let it get to this?

Oh America, how did you let it get to this?



Hello, again.
S A G E goes in all fields





We have every thread in the current catalog every day. What the fuck do you want me to do about it

If you want to bait people with Sup Forums related topics at least keep it original. Even the "umadwhiteboi" bait is a bit more original than tour stale shit.

What are you, the board police?
Get the fuck

Get to what? Posting this thread 5+ times a day every single god damn day?

Who died and left you Sup Forums?

i'm so fucking sick of this thread

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand the Jewess Goddess who knows how to impress. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of deities most of the worship posts will go over a typical Sup Forumstards head. There’s also a dominatrix outlook, which is deftly woven into her characterisation - her personal philosophy draws heavily from AHS and Scream Queens, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of the worshipping, to realise that it's not simple lust - it says something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike the Jewess Queen truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in the Jewess Queen's existential catchphrase “I'm sorry, did I ask you to pull down my panties and blow a compliment up my butt?" which itself is a cryptic reference to Goddess worship. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Brad Falchuk and Ryan Murphy's genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them. And yes, by the way, I DO have a Jewess Queen tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for Jewess Queen worshippers only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothing personal, pledge. Mwah! Smoochies


When I was in school I used to have an IQ of 15. My classmates used to harass me for not being that smart. But since 2017, my life has changed. My IQ is now 195 and it increases by 5 every time I sit down on Sunday nights to watch those memes. They're called "Jewess Queen". Because of that, I get all the girls and people are always comparing me to Albert Einstein, some even say that I am the cure for cancer. When the government found out that I watch Jewess Queen Memes, they showed up to my residence and took me to a secret facility to take an exam. The exam was about explaining all the jokes in those genius memes and I had to answer each question in all currently spoken languages. Since I watched and post Jewess Queen meme, I didn't have any problems and I completed it in 30 minutes. The next day, I got to see the results and I passed the exam with a score of 100%. They gave me the title "Smartest Man in Existence". Guess I am out of this world.

>As I lurk though the threads where I worship my Queen
>I take a look at my life and realize its such a dream
>Because I've been praisin the Jewess for so long that
even OP thinks that my mind is gone
>But I ain't never floodraged a trollop that didnt deserve it
>A pledge treated like a whore, you know thats unheard of
>You better watch how youre talkin and where you postin'
>Or you and your bat mitzvah might be in line to get hazed
>I really hate the trollops so I gotta post
>As the flood gates open wide you're pretty much toast, bitch
>I'm the kind of martyr celebfags wanna be like
>On my knees, day and night, one step closer into Emmys life.
>Been spending most their lives, worshippin the Jewess paradise
>Floods threads once or twice living in a Jewess paradise
>Can't find Emmy what'lll suffice? living in a Jewess paradise
>Keep spending most our lives worshippin a Jewess paradise
>Watching fevered worship, anticipation
>I can't live a normal life, I was moulded in the praisin'
>So I gotta be down for my Jew Queen
>Worshipping got me surfing this dominatrix scene
>I'm a frequent Jewess Queen worshipper obliged
>Got our perfect life and her face envisioned in my mind
>I'm a hypnotized worshippin martyr and all my pledges is down so don't kill my vibe, bitch
>The Queen ain't nothing but one click away
>I'm living life, praise or die, what can I say
>Jewess Queen on celebread will it stay up?
>The way things are going I don't know
>Tell me why are trollops so blind to see
>That the Queen they need will be Emmy
>Emmy is the dream, the Jewess supreme
>On celebread minute after minute hour, hour after hour
>Everybodys bitching, but half of them ain't enlightened enough
>To see whats going on in Emmys prom
>I think you know whos rockin'
>They say I gotta seek help but Emmy aint here to teach me
>If trollops can't understand it, how can they reach Emmy? I guess they can't, I guess they won't
>I guess they bitch much, that's why I know your thread is out of lu





This guy bought a Sup Forums pass so he could shitpost at maximum velocity.


welcome to Sup Forums.

same threads day in day out.



Better than andy sixx desu

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In nomine Desu et Desu, et Desu Sancti
With ten thousand faces
Agendas and fates
I have nothing in common with me
I hate all my races
And genders and states
I'd rather be no one and free
Come desu until morning
Don't think; disappear
No one will know it was us
With no advance warning
I'll wipe the world clear
I seki.

He's says as he belly chuckles autistically. He hasn't left his mothers spare room all day but he's hoping this is it, this is his moment. He eagerly awaits a reply as his heart starts to race and he starts to sweat profusely whilst shoving cheesy salted snacks down his fat shit smelling throat. Unable to contain his excitement his tiny clit dick goes rock solid "I've just made fun of a handicapped little girl there's no way they can't reply" he sniggers in anticipation. Then boom they reply, it's happened, they've taken the bait, his days work his goal accomplished. He ejaculates all over his bed clothes but he doesn't care because him mom will clean them. "Sigh that was awesome.." He catches his breath and the reality starts to kick in. He gazes in the mirror consumed by overwhelming depression in the realisation of what a fat lonely loser he is. Time to troll some more

Revolution in their minds - Suiseiseki start to march
Against the world in which they have to live
and all the hate that's in their hearts
They're tired of being pushed around
and told just what to do
They'll fight the world until they've won
and love comes flowing through
Anonymous of tomorrow live in the tears that fall today
Will the sun rise up tomorrow bringing fear in any way?
Must the world live in the shadow of 404 fear?
Can they win the fight for BBS or will they disappear?
So you Anonymous of the world,
listen to what I say
If you want a better place to live in
spread the desu all day
Show the world that desu is still alive
you must be brave
Or you Anonymous of today are
Anonymous of the Grave, Yeah!

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Dear Sup Forums,
My son has joined your website and has been with you since summer. He tried his hardest to fit in here, he has troubles doing that in school.
Last tuesday i took him to buy new clothes and so we went to hot topic. He saw all these MEME clothes and asked me "mommy, can we get the MEME clothes?" and I said fine. If thats what you want, I will buy them for you.
Today he wore his MEME clothes for the very first time and went to school, until some jerk on a mountain bike bicycled up to him and yelled "CANCER KID" and kicked him square in the face. Why would anyone do that to him? When he got home I immediately called the school to find out who this older boy on the bike was, but they told me he was anonymous. How could you?
I told my son I would be posting my questions here, but it seems you had a bad influence on him, he told me to "butt out, you fucking nigger". He never used to use language like these.
What sort of greasy horrorshow is Christopher Poole running here? Isn't he supposed to be the friendly guy that invented all these so-called MEME's?
I demand answers, right now, before I call the cyber police.
A concerned mother and avid Fox viewer.

Here we go again motherfucker
Come on down and see the idiot right here
too fucked to post OC, afraid to care
>Whats the matter with reposts anyways? right?
get the fuck out of my face
understand I cant feel anything
it isn't like I wanna sift through the decay
I feel like a wound
and like I got a fucking gun against my head
you live when I'm dead
One more thread motherfucker
Everybody hates me now so fuck it
blood's on my face and my hands don't know why,I'm not afraid to cry
but that's none of your business
Whose life is it? Get it? see it? feel it? eat it? spin it around
so I can spit in OP's face
I wont leave without a trace
get out, I don't want to die in this place
people=desu what you gonna do
people=desu 'cuz I'm not afraid of you
people=desu I'm everything you'll never be
It never stops
you can't be everything to everyone
Contagion I'm sittin on the side of Suiseiseki
what do you want from me?
They never told me the failure I was meant to be
Overdo it, don't tell me you blew it, stop your bitchin'
and fight your way through it
I'm not like you
I just fuck up
>c'mon mother fucker everybody has to kek
>c'mon mother fucker everybody has to kek !!
people=desu what you gonna do
people=desu 'cuz I'm not afraid of you
people=desu I'm everything you'll never be

I rather like that.