Eczema discussion thread Sup Forums I know I'm not the only one

eczema discussion thread Sup Forums I know I'm not the only one
I've had it all my life, especially on my hands, sometimes really bad, sometimes almost not visible but you can still see that my hands are fucked up. what helped for you? how bad do you have it?

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I started using womens body lotion and a coconut oil shower gel

85% of it fucked off within 3 weeks, rest is just slowly phasing out now

i had it,since i started to shower only with rubber gloves its nearly gone

damn, wish I had it that easy, literally have a cabinet full of different products, nothing can remove it fully and other factors like food, sleep and stress make a huge difference as well

yeah water makes it worse too, unfortunately I'm a cook so I touch alot of food products + wash my hands alot,

I was using axe for men and that shit was drying my skin the fuck out. I'm glad all it took for me was to buy women's products kek

have you been given any steroid creams?

for me it was the shampoo,sometimes i forget to put on gloves and i can watch it slowly come back

if by steroid creams you mean hormonal creams, yes
as I said I have a cabinet full of stuff, including special soaps etc
I have one hormonal cream that's extremely strong and it fixes most of it in a few days but I can't use it for more than 4 days in a row so then it comes back

Nivea hairspray, whenever I tried washing it out of my hair it would run into my eyes and it would cause visual migraines and I'd get weird anxiety attacks too, I think it was fucking with some of the tissue in the front of my head/brain.

strongest cream I've ever used is Bepanthen (active ingredient is a growth promoting amino acid or something)

yeah bepanthen is one the weakest I have lol, kind of works with some places but my hands are too fucked up

Had it really bad as a kid on the back of my legs and arms, even got to my neck and face making high school a nightmare. Most of it went away now, but sometimes they'll just be a spot that itches like hell on my leg or torso, then bam, big dry red spot.

afaik chronic eczema can fuck your skin up and it'll remain vulnerable for months

Had extremely severe eczema all my life. It destroyed my social life from the very start, is constantly infected due to hundreds of open lesions all over my body and has left me mentally and physically scarred.
On the brink of ending it because of the constant pain and discomfort.

A cortisone shot and clobetasol cream...

I have eczema on my arms but it doesnt itch or anything but now I have it on my pinky finger and it itches like shit. idk what to do. I have used aquaphor but doesnt help really.

yeah the itches are insane at some point scratching with my fingers wasn't doing it so I did it with my teeth or the roughest part of my jeans and shit

yeah it's really hard when people see your eczema, I have to hide my hands all the time and get extreme anxiety when people look even closely to my hands


I have personally dealt with eczema my whole life and there are times it is so bad and all over my body. I have taken so many drugs for it and I found out that the reason some of the reasons I break out is because I have a wheat allergy. It also doesn't help that I live in the desert. Desert is not good for skin.

Well I was in school around the time the Harry Potter movies were released so I was instantly named "Scabbers", had rumors spread that I was contagious etc.
Spent the entire 12 years of school on my own.
Really fucked me in that regard. Thats not even going near the last 20 years of continual pain and discomfort

Seriously why I wore hoodies to school every day. Covered my neck and my arms. I would rather be made fun of for wearing a hoodie all the time than my shitty skin.

i got eczema on a fucking finger (not even the size of a quarter) and my gf threatened to leave me because I was out getting herpes by fingering hoes with my ring finger

I swear we're the same person.
I always wore black jeans instead of trousers, a hoodie always zipped up TO THE MAX and spent my life in detention for not abiding by uniform rules

just gonna clarify that in her mind she thought i was out fingering bitches, I was not

yeah I always try hiding my hands but it's impossible, people always said "ew wtf is up with your hand" I just said it was a wound from work but eventually they knew it was something else, didn't fuck me completely but definitaly made me very anxious

Also tea tree oil on those fuckers

I used to say it was burns. Stopped working after the "burn" wounds never went away or kept changing place

same, people thought my job was crazy since I always had burn wounds or cutting wounds (sometimes my fingers split open from the eczema)

Never had it but my friend had it, he always said going to a tanning bed made it go away cause it would dry it out. I know theres different types of the shit but its worth a shot

I've lost a fingernail from clawing at myself before.
The worst part that the state of me I couldn't stop scratching for 2 seconds to do something about it so just kept wiping a bloody nub of finger all over the place

Have you tried cutting wheat out of your diet? I stopped eating wheat about 5 months ago and my eczema is almost completely gone now. It mostly just shows up when the weather is cold (because of the desert) and when I am stressed. Have you also checked your laundry detergent? Only thing I can use is Costco brand anti-allergy. Everything else causes breakouts.

I've been suffering for 20 years.
I've tried E V E R Y T H I N G. Nothing just works for me hence why I'm constantly infected and right on the verge of saying byebyes forever

truee eventually you don't care about the consequences you just NEED to scratch that shit, I used to do it with my teeth. lately it hasn't been scratchy for me but still fucked up though

I have resorted to make up to cover up some that I cant hide on my hands. It actually works and the one I uses doesn't rub off easily and doesn't cause any more breakouts. Plus it helps protect the water from getting into it when I wash my hands.

nice dude

should've told the kids that they should be glad not to have this shit

DUDE YOU CANT STOP THE ITCH! It's like those videos you see of the drug addicts that scratch their face off. I know how they feel. IT WONT GO AWAY.

Yeah, 24 years of eczema here. One thing that helps sooth that annoying itch and calms it down, but is expensive as fuck is "Mother of all Cream" shit amazing.

Had really bad pompholyx for 5 years. I stopped taking anti depression meds (fluoxetine) and pompholyx cleared up after about a month or two.

how do you find your triggers? i developed it this year for the first time and i dont know why

Exactly. I've done the bad trying to relieve symptoms of it. I've tried getting high, coke, speed etc. I live in the UK which makes it even more drastic. Eventually the best thing I can find is to just have a cigarette every 30 mins or so to take my mind off it.

Worse is when you get too hot. Especially at night when you cant help it. You just wake up and spend an hour desperately trying to rip your skin off

only way to stop it is to scratch it until it's open and bleeding. the pain feels so much better than the scratchy feeling. sometimes considering to just cut in it

when you rip that scab off at high speed from scratching its like a climax feeling.
It gets addictive though

God damn belt buckles made out of shitty zinc alloy shit keeps fucking my shit with eczema fuckers just make a belt buckle out of high quality materials stop using zinc cunts.

Make a food log. If you eat something that makes you itch you'll feel it within thirty minutes to an hour.

Use Dove bar soap.

Make everything NON scented.

Smoke can be a trigger.

Laundry detergent can be a BIG factor.

for me it's juices of fruit / vegetables / meats and water
I work as a cook and everyday after work my hands are suffering from it

Mother of all cream stuff helps the itching but didn't make it go away or look less ugly.

At least that's what happened for me

Which body lotion do you use?

Seriously. I have to make the room so cold. Showers are the worse. I usually end up shivering after a shower because my skin cant even handle having warm water on it. I only shower 2-3 times a week at most because my skin goes crazy.

Fuck man. I've never talked to anyone before that knows how I feel and what I go through.

I have eczema as an alergic reaction

OP make sure that you are not around ANYTHING that you are alergic at.

For me, it is mainly dust and animal fur. I honestly can pet a dog and have it for a fucking month, but if I am careful, using gloves and stuff like that, wash my hands all the time, then I am pretty safe.

I have also heard that milk is pretty bad with eczema, chocolate and such.

Stay away from LOTIONS and use CREAMS. Lotions are water base.

Good brands are

Mother of All Creams

I personally use the latter two, but I also have a severe nut allergy and Cetaphil started using almond oil in their products. Fun day when I bought a new one and broke out in hives and had to go to the hospital because they neglected to inform that they changed their ingredients.

OP, I have had this for years.

Stress is the number 1 cause.
Dairy number 2, stop eating cheese, milk, yogurt. All that stuff.
Sugar number 3 no more soft drinks and sweets for yiu. If you want a snack, buy some seed and nut mix. It'll take a week or two to get rid of the sugar craving.
DRINK MORE WATER, dry skin is dehydrated skin, so ease off the booze tea and coffee too.

Please try this for 2 months. Its worked for me for several years now

staying well hydrated, which means drinking lots of water really helps me. Also tanning. The vitamin D you get from tanning is very beneficial. Sometimes tanning can have the opposite affect so you have to be aware.

pro-tip: if you need something to cool your skin with, aloe vera is a godsgift, but you will need something that prrevents your skin from getting dry as well like coconut oil.

OP here tea is literally water with herbs
but yes you're right stress is definitaly a big factor

fucking caight eczema this july near my nose and mouth area and its fucking ruining my self esteem, how much time does it take to heal, ive been on medication for a month and been applying a cream ever since I visited the doc that was in mid july



Not OP, but I have tried this and it doesn't work for me.

I have to be careful because I have a HUGE list of food allergies.

I stopped eating dairy for a year - no change
stopped eating sweet for three years - no change

It's seriously a case by case thing which is unfortunate.

Allergic to aloe vera. Burns my skin.



Have you tried a kinesiology session? Might be worth it to see what else you suffer from?

welcome to the herp... gift that keeps givin...

stop kissing faggots assholes user

my hands are 100% more clean than any cook I've ever worked with. most cooks don't wash their hands alot. I'm actually "addicted" to washing my hands (doesn't help my eczema), my hands are probably cleaner after masturbating than yours normally

Ex-Gf had really bad eczema. Was looking into joining a clinical trial for some new drug...daupimilab or something, I don't remember.
Basically eczema is an autoimmune disease that works on many of the same mechanisms as in asthma so this new drug developed for asthma originally was found to have something like an 85% cure rate for eczema and was supposed to be coming to the market soon.

This was from over a year ago so details may be fuzzy, worth doing some googling though if you have it really bad.

anybody got rosacea

Dupixent (dupilumab)

I'm so glad there's others that can relate to mine.
I've literally never been able to have people understand what it's like because there is no way they can no.
The sting of washing, the tight unmoving skin, the non-stop pain and itching.
Now I just need to find someone who can sympathies with the infection side

Always had it on my hands. I love restaurant/food service work but I had to stop. The feeling from scratching the scabs is like H to me. I drink water and coffee but always twice as much water:coffee at the minimum. I always liked jewelry and because of that found out I am allergic to silver. Even one ring would fuck my hand up for damn near a month. Being around uranium helped me. I wish I was kidding.

I don't know about the age of you guys, but I had it when I was a kid and teen. I had it under my feet, and it would basically split the skin open, bleeding and making me unable to walk properly. Would limb my way to school/highschool.

It kind of dissipated completely around 20-25 years of age, and now in the age of early 30'ies it's part of my past.

did you do anything in particular to make it disappear or did it just disappear by itself?

Coal tar.
Why has nobody mentioned this.

because it isn't good for open wounds

...because it doesn't work on eczema.

At the time of being, then I participated in several treatments, including some kind of ray treatment (cannot remember the name, sorry), but those results were - as far as I remember - neglectable.

And I used a cream called Camfarine before bedtime (Danish product -, and it would sting like crazy. It might have had a slight effect.

But I'm 100% sure that it was just time that passed, and my immune system decided to finally grow the fuck up. It's common as I understand it.

My advise from my own experience would be to just live healthy. Exercise and somehow proper diet. And avoid moist conditions for your skin, where you have it. It worsens it.

idfk my ex gave it to me, unmarked tub

the showering gel is Fa coconut milk

> And avoid moist conditions for your skin, where you have it. It worsens it.
By "moist" I mean avoid having wet feet trapped in a shoe. Using creams providing moist is probably a good thing.

I'm similar situation, already posted earlier about diet and using oils.

I had it behind my knees, on my legs, other side of my elbows, hands, ears, scalp.

27 now and a two fingers are lightly affected which is due to recent stress in life. So not surprised. I drink more water when it kicks in and watch my sugar in take mainly.
Oil helps for the skin during the day as it doesn't evaporate, read the ingredients.

And check your shampoos guys, if there's meth something in it then change your washing lotions. It's one of the worst chemicals to have on your body.

Realistically evaluate your life and see what's causing you stress. Chances are it's coming out arse ways through your skin.

Listen to your body.

I feel like a right hippy and preacher here but all this has helped me. Perhaps age makes a difference too.

And a kinesiology visit probably wouldn't do any harm as well. Google a local one to you. Often the food we love the most harms us the most. (sometimes due to indulgence)

I fucking hope this helps some of you. I haven't posted here in about 4 years, just popped in for a look. So that should say something about this.

Good luck

I was having allegic reactions to citrus.
I stopped touching oranges and shit and it went away for me, i know im lucky though.

I've kinda got a bit of this on my left hand, think it's worth going to the doc to get diagnosed and treat? Didn't really know what it was before now

Nice to know that it has gotten better and you have grown smarter on the condition. Let's hope it continues to dissipate. Good luck, user

post pic or describe it. definitaly go to a doctor, not that it's dangerous but you should just treat it the right way before it gets out of hand

Coconut oil. Shea butter. Cortisone.

Could you film yourself saying that while walking towards a camera, please?


I don’t know if it’s the same thing, but I have Chronic Dermatitis, it’s a severe case. I’m debating whether or not to snap a pic of just my arm, or not, but if not I can at least describe. So, my body is about 40% covered, my back is almost covered completely, both of my arms, my chest, stomach, my sides where about the obliques are located, my thighs, and legs, even my ass. It ranges in concentration from light to heavy, heaviest being probably my back and arms, lightest being my shins. It wasn’t always this bad, and it’s been in other places like my face, but regardless, I’ve dealt with this in one form or another since 15. I’m 31 now. I work in Corrections as a Corrections Officer, and I was asked legitimately by one of my inmates last night in the most polite way possible, had I been burned on my arms. That’s about the severity of the rashes and scarring, and I’m a black man, so it looks quite worse for me than some white guy. I used to be pretty self conscious about it, but I learned that if you’re still gifted with a little charisma and gab skills, you can get girls, I learned that. I have REALLY good insurance now, and I take Dupixent and I’m starting to see real results now, the places where my rashes are, are receding, and my natural skin color is starting to show again (I’m a lightish skinned guy, but on my arms my skin is darker), and I can’t wait for what the future holds. Find your solution, pursue it, and don’t hang your head in shame.


all this shit is caused by what you fucking eat

try fasting for a while you fucking clowns, switch up what the fuck youre eating, and when i say eating its anything you put in your mouth

holy shit

I rarely respond to any shit on here but I dealt with for years and tried everything you can think of with no relief, for over 6 years. Had incurable spot on my nutsack and crotch that NEVER went away and made me miserable. That was until a family member shared a prescription ointment with me she had gotten prescribed for her eczema. It was a topical steroid called clobetasol propionate ointment usp 0.05 and IT IS A MIRACLE CURE. After 2 days it was completely gone! I went to a dermatologist and insisted they give me a script for that and only that, my eczema is no longer an issue because a tiny bit of this shit knocks it out over night without fail. It's expensive as fuck but it works every time like magic and worth every penny. A $100 tube lasts me almost 2 years. Make sure to get the ointment and not the cream, the cream is weaker and gets used up faster. Good luck OP


I feel your pain man :(

Stay hydrated.

I have skin problems but not nearly as bad as exzema. My problem is that in winter the cold dry air starts making my fingerprints split the fuck apart, so every other week I end up with one or two fingers in a bandaid while my skin heals from where it split. No amount of lotion seems to remedy this, I think it's mostly from the soap at work and frequent hand washing.