For me, it's Billy Boulder
Gary Granite
Alan Asphalt
For me, it's Rock (João Guilherme Rodrigues da Silva)
Timmy Tarmac
Percy Pebble
Stevie Stone
Cory Concrete
Rudolph Ridge
Zane Zeolite
Sammy Sedimentary
Aaron Asphalt
Barry Basalt
Connor Cobblestones
Daniel Dirt
Eric Earth
Fred Flint
Gary Granite
Harry Hornfels
Ian Ingots
James Jasper
Kevin Kryptonite
Liam Lignite
Max Minerals
Nigel Nickel
Oliver Ore
Peter Pumice
Quentin Quartz
Ryan Rocks
Sam Sediment
Tom Terrain
Uther Uranium
Vincent Variolite
William Wolfram
Xavier Xonotlite
Yorick Yttrialite
Zack Zircon
Shane Schist
user Autism
Barney Block
Larry Limestone
Ian Igneous
yeah this was funny the first time but
Steven Silicate
Patty Porous
Sid sedimentary
insert copypasta here
Larry Lava
Carlos Cascalho
Ronnie rocks
Tommy Topaz
Simon Savesit
John Stones
John Stones isn't alliteration though.
Jimmy Pebbles
For me, it's Jimbo Pevleszkiy
Petrică Pietreanu
>yeah this was funny the first time but
Jimmy Glass
excellent post
I believe I referred to him as Gary Gravel around five months ago, when >pebbles was the preferred meme post.
What do you lads think about that? Can anyone beat it?
Fred Flintstone
Ricky Rubble
Crazy-Pave Dave
Some one please be honest with me
How do any of you find this funny?
>Some one please be honest with me
How do any of you find this funny?
John Updike
Manny Minerals