Remember whom you serve

Remember whom you serve

a tree


I like how this keeps coming up like it's something new.

People were doing this when I was still a teenager, I'm 36 years old now. It was probably a year after the towers fell that I saw it first.

What's more interesting, to me anyway, is the fact that most all American bills have residual cocaine traces all over them.


One of many names they go by.


Obviously you're a virgin and have never seen one.

He qualifies.

They run the drug trade too. Very appropriate.

IIRC, some of these folds were done on bills older than 2001, if you catch my drift.

>9/11 was an inside job

The series started in 1996 with the 100 and counted down to the 5 in 2000. Perfect timing for the operation.


So the government runs 7/11?

I was involved in 9/ 11. i placed the charges at the base of the world trade center. Me and 50 other people who worked directly for president Bush organized and carried out the act. The majority if the other 50 people have been eliminated by the government and there are not many of us left. Im scared to tell my story out of fear of being found but i know Sup Forums keeps IP and info private.

Ask me anything.
PS. I dont care if you believe me, most sheeple never do.

Is your knowledge of the Op limited to the basement, or do you know what technology was used to blow out the upper floors as well?

the charges used were a top secret form of C4 thats 100 times stronger. It was mad into long thin glue strips that kind of reminded me of thick Duct Tape. we wrapped the charges around the framing and attached remote detonators that were simply activated by the push of button using technology we now call Blue Tooth. all floors used the same style charges. I was only involved in the ground and basement levels. others did the work up on the higher floors

Tell us about building 7

Or maybe why it smoldered for a week later. C4 would not have burned for days

Makes some sense that the lower floors would take c4 but the burning was more like thermite then c4

>building 7
Building 7 was an accident. it just caught on fire and burned till it fell. it sucks because building 7 makes people look into what we did even though we actually didnt do that building intentionally

Thermite was used but only in small amounts and only toward the center of the buildings. it wasnt used on the framing though. they used it for a reason that i wasnt told

That's funny cause the BBC reported building 7 falling 24 minutes before anyone knew it was even on fire. Furthermore other operatives have claimed responsibility for building 7. It to was a controlled demo, and anyone who has seen them would know

Whom....who....hmmm learn2english

That shit serves me as I'm basically The Godfather


thats what i hate about building 7. we didnt do that one. but its on of the biggest things that draws peoples suspicions

Building 7 was so reinforced, it's structural integrity was proof of a control demo. Of all the buildings in the world that was the 1 that wouldn't collapse even if 2 planes crashed into it.

The All Ighty Ollar

Fucking liar. I've seen the Japanese proxy pics. The Jewkike "art students" with their "project", the wet work dog, the white van. Fucking liar, Bush had nothing to do with it. The Jewrat kike Silverstein bought the towers k owing full well that they needed more renovation due to asbestos than they were worth. He got paid double if they were demolished due to terrorism. Guess what the fuck happens four months after he buys them.... Yeah. Go fuck yourself.

Obviously you are the real virgin if you think vaginas are not natural mind control device

That tells me that if what you say is true, then you were just as compartmentalized as the others and we will never be able to put together the whole story without the dead assets input


>Remember whom you serve

He's lying. Look who had something to gain. It's why the Hindenburg went down, it's why the Titanic sunk. Massive insurance payouts, the oldest Jewkike trick in the book, insurance fraud. How this shit isn't obvious and common knowledge in 2017 is fuckin amazing to me.

It's not like anyone with half a brain can't tell that shit was all inside work. Everything points to the gov not some rag tag terrorist.

You subscribe to IHOP scenario, then.

I don't get it

JP Morgan and the other family's had every thing to gain, but these people don't do anything that doesn't serve more then one cause

The very fact that only 13 countries didnt look to the world bank aka the fed for their currency, and after 911 there were only 3 paints that picture

only a handful of people who were involved are still alive but were all in hiding. none of us know everything because we were all involved in different things and werent supposed to talk about our duties with other on the project.

it actually had more to do with the stock market and political influence in the middle east. i dont know exactly how but thats what i picked up

the whole story will never be put together. most of us are dead and now in hiding and non of us knew much outside of out duties on the project

The Perps