Should we be more nationalistic and less tolerent of some lesser races?

Should we be more nationalistic and less tolerent of some lesser races?

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We should be less tolerant of stupidity regardless of anything

Race aint the problem mate. It's culture.

yes , white people need to go

No, black people need to go. All of them

To lose a war like nazis and the south did? Yeah nah

I just know one thing, that we should finally get our shit together and act like rulers of a planet and not like degenerate vermin.
Yeah right, good luck with that.

I know you're trying to troll, but don't kid yourself. We didn't fight WWII because we were against fascism. We nuked Japan and spent the next 50 years trying to eradicate an entire political system. Then the 90's happened and we all chilled with some weed, and then the terrorists bombed 3 buildings and we collectively lost our shit again and decided to eradicate Muslims and just try to be PC about it. If we were any more nationalistic we would literally be the Nazis.

So no, we really shouldn't be that unless we also want to be the biggest hypocrites in written history.

Europe for europeans
those who feel like we've wronged you should be thankful they're still alive

fuck off back to Sup Forums
for your lazy ass to click


fuck off back to plebbit, lefty faggot.

No, I'll stay right here. In defiance of you, of course

If they do not assimilate.

No niggers


FYI, I am a very oldfag to Sup Forums

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agree, all non europeans should leave europe and the rest of the world should stop communicating with them and stop trading with them. Let them see how industrous they can be without the world.

protip: you have been wanting for non eruopeans in your lives ever since the romans landed mate

I honestly don't see why not

>lesser races?

I'm more with equal, but separate.