Most overrated TV series thread

Most overrated TV series thread

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this is basically /thread.
Show is shit tbh.

TWD deserved more hype in the beginning, and now deserves less hype than it has...




I still like it. Fuck you.

Hardly any reloading in a close quarter shoot outs, everything’s bulletproof, yet a handful of walkers is frequently too much to handle. Been with it since the start but I just can’t enjoy the sheer amount of bullshit any longer


Thrones of games. I could swear literally every single person on this planet watched that shitty show. We get it people die and incest it's a thing. OMG so illuminating


super convoluted ≠ cool

First season shit and slow, second season just OK, only made it half way through the third cause it's absolutely trash

I've had the exact same experience. I thought it was just me that got bored of the show, but maybe it did turn to shit on the 3rd season.

The thing with GoT is not as much that people die as that unlike most tv shows no one is safe. Or well at least until last season with Jon snow magically being alive again and a bunch of other bs.

Amazingly accurate statement.

Something being overrated just means you don't like a thing that a lot of other people do like. It doesn't make you right and them wrong. It usually means you have crappy taste, you're saying you don't like it to sound cool, or you're just an asshole and simply not liking something isn't good enough for you so you have to also try and shit on it for the people who do like it. Pretty much any way you look at it, you're a loser.

First seasons was good.
I can explain to you how every TWD episode goes
> Everything is good
> Maybe kill a couple walkers, supply runs or whatever shit.exe
> Oh lets do the standard shit we done so many times before
> Someone does something incredibly stupid, new guy is with you, no safety measures exe.
> Shit happends
> Someone gets bitten (Except for main cast of course)
> They have to kill some walkers/people
> Exciting oh wow like they wont make it out.
Then they do and the episode over, wait untill next for the same bs.
> Cheap ass sliding under dumpster excuse.

>be super-experienced walker-killers by now
>still get snuck up on by the noisy zombie fucks

This 8th series is garbage TBH, still watch it but it's tedious

>The thing with GoT is not as much that people die as that unlike most tv shows no one is safe
This, was amazed Sean Bean died straight away 1st series

Show is fucking garbage

I dont get the hype. It's basically knockoff futurama with more adult themed jokes.

The old dude is drunk and burps a lot. It's hilarious the 1st 73 000 times.

>Pretty much any way you look at it, you're a loser.

Don't forget that everything is meaningless.

i don't know if is bad or good
but them ?trekkers? is the worse fanbase in the world

Fuck you asshole

You clearly don't have the intellect to understand Rick and Morty.
If I was as dumb as you I'd kill myself without hesitation.

omg thank u

anyone who know shit about coding knows this is garbage

I still love the show.
I know it's terrible now, but I get a hard-on for anything zombie related.

This has turned into absolute shit.

Season 1 was good
Everything after is mostly shit

I can't bring myself to pay the $$$ on Amazon to watch it. Don't think I will. I saw a clip with "the fighting speeches" from Rick, the King with the Lion, and the chick. So SJW. Ruins everything.

>...[if] you don't like a thing that a lot of other people do usually means you have crappy taste.

You really want to stand behind this statement?

I bet you feel the same way about The Big Bang Theory.


I actually did unironically like the show the first few seasons. It was fun, nerds talking need stuff, reminded me of my buddies. Until it devolved into stupid jersey shore relationship drama.

My main issue with TWD is how fake everything is. weapons have little to no recoil or muzzle flash. the main case almost always gets a highly improbable but very conveniently timed last minute rescue (Terminus was the worst), and everyone just seems way to clean and kept for a post apocalyptic environment. like think about about.... Where do they shit? there is no running water and also why are women always shaved and have thier eyebrows perfect?

also after all those years who the hell gets killed by slow ass noisy walkers anymore ?


Most retarded and childish writing I've seen in a modern series.

In what way is it good?

dunno that show, this said, i'm spaniardfag

Nope. Game of Thrones

Serious question: how the fuck does the tiger know who to attack and who not to attack? There has to be incidents where it annihilates an ally. If I were that tiger, I already would have eaten Judith and Carl

I can never get behind shows with a laugh track. So artificial and overused.

its been years, somehow nobodies wearing full leather armour that would prevent 90%+ of all zombie bites

there are people somehow inexperienced in killing zombies, yet they are so laughably easy to kill at this point its funny.

we never ever go near anything resembling an urban centre for any reason.

walking in circles in rural & semi rural areas having endless repeating soap drama

its been shit for years.

KYS now loser,before I do it for you

> Show is fucking garbage.
Nah. Show is decent and even good at times.
Fanbase is cancer.

Literally what every fan in the world says.


It's OK to have a low IQ.



You take that back you son of bish

show and source material suck
over complicated and wants to be smart making it just garbage
good in season 1, got big for itself season 2, season 3 was just it jerking itself. fanbase also got worse as time went on to HoN level tier
started funny, quickly went down hill. wanted to be next fraiser but failed

This show is good and entertaining. Not garbage but the hype is really, really annoying. There also seems to be exaggerated hate towards the show as a result of the hype. The only thing I didn't really like at first that I had to get used to was the way they drew the pupils on the characters.

>but the hype is really, really annoying.
I've literally seen quite good looking girls on Tinder saying in their bio "if you can't watch Rick and Morty with me then swipe left". JUST

Eat shit you triggers cunts, the show is a flaming shit heap and you fuckwits defending it only prove my point

I just wanna shake every fan boy of this show and scream "IT'S BEEN OVER 15 YEARS! IT GOT A CONCLUSION MOVIE! MOVE THE FUCK ON!"

I enjoy TWD right now and I don't really care what people think.
>inb4 you must be retarded then

You must be retarded then

>being this new



Now sure how this show is underated. It's quite underground afaik.

I meant overrated of course

So Underground it went on 7 more seasons after it was set to end due to being overly popular and every hot topic has a dedicated section to it

You had a different experience than mine or a different circle of friends. I've never had anyone even mention Supernatural. Whilst they couldn't fucking shut up about Game of thrones or Walking Dead or Dexter or Breaking Bad.
speaking of overrated... can I just mention that seth rogan movies are not that great? Ever seen that family guy where peter gets the seth rogan gene and the doctor tells him it will make him seem funny even though he never did anything funny? Yeah, family guy pretty much summed up his humor.

Seth Rogen movie:
>*lights a joint
>stoner fans: "omfg dude look he's smoking weed!!! that is so fuckin funny!!! he's smokin weed just like us!
>*something in the movie is barely funny and then Seth's character laughs at it with his retarded laugh
>lazy college kids: LOLOLOLOL!
>*protagonists are walking around high as shit because that's so funny
>stoners and lazy young adults: THIS IS SO FUCKIN FUNNY!!! BEST COMEDY EVER!!!

It has something to do with his voice. It seems like the voice is tickling your funny bone, so you are forced to laugh. Which is the reason why I hate his voice and him. Nobody tells me when to laugh. I'll laugh if the joke is funny, not if you think you're funny, when you're not.

>The Wearisome Moral Dillemma™

What show is that?

I get what you're saying but The Big Bang Theory is like the most successful show ever, so...

Okay, how is this show not just Mary Sue/Deus Ex Machina shit? I just watched a bunch of clips online and it's just Rick having whatever device is most convenient for a joke/situation. Shields that kill people, that reflect bullets, he can teleport, he can clone himself, he can shoot lasers.

How is this a show people watch? It's fucking gibberish.

The Walking Dead was god tier, then it just kept going.

Fuck you, asshole.

season 2

show's fucking great, some fans are garbage, most people making fun of shitty ass fans are worse.

Ciclejerking fucks

It's also a good, funny, entertaining show. Unironically.

it was good until people started noticing the show. i still watch it but kind of good still.

Holy shit, somebody else on here as old as me???
"1928 Porter, that's my mother dear"
That, and "Please Don't Eat The Daisies"

Them feels when Higgins just died the other day...

I'm tired of dumbshits talking about this all the time


I REALLY wanted to like this show, but it's just a bunch of pretentious pseudo-intellectual drivel...


Yes. It was entertaining but not nearly as good as people made it out to be. By the end of the second or third season I hated Jesse because of how much of a bag of shit he was.

Firefly, Buffy and Dollhouse ALL need to come back!
>Whedon is GOD

S01 E01 was good. The rest is shit.

It's NOT overrated, it's an awesome fucking show!

>Watching TV
All TV is overrated

>all t.v. is overrated
>posts Frank Flintstone

>not nearly as good as people made it out to be.
>"My minority opinion is the correct one, the multitudes of contrary opinions are all wrong."

Not saying this show is overrated, I'm just about to start it. Heard it was good , can any Anons confirm?

>Implying he isn't also a cereal mascot

the wire

Shit show. Getting worse




Show is good
Fanbase is cancer
Haters are somehow even more cancer