Hey Sup Forumsros, my gf just gave me an ultimatum: stay on Sup Forums or stay with her

Hey Sup Forumsros, my gf just gave me an ultimatum: stay on Sup Forums or stay with her.

What do?

Girl bro

Depends on how hot she is

post pics

Go with Sup Forums. If you cave on this, you'll be her bitch for the rest of your time together. Be a man and stand up for yourself.


But I've been with her for 5 years, ima newfag to Sup Forums, about a year

Nice ass but that could be a trap for all I know. Need more.

Sup Forums


nope stick with Sup Forums

that's funny

so you're saying she looks like ass?

she looks like ass.

Based on the evidence I would say
>if you're an ass man
>if you're a tit man
Sup Forums

Ya I'd tell her to kick rocks.them titties are played out.shes out.Sup Forumsastard

i can smell spices just from looking at that picture.
got any of her face?

Stick with Sup Forums user, we'll never let you down, you fucking faggot

She gets on Sup Forums to see what i see sometimes, dont want her face floating around and getting sued

Ask your self:
Is she worth Sup Forums?


Show more bobs and open vagene

Sup Forums

I work at subway bros, And Im a minority, not exactly looking good in the single market

Why are you on Sup Forums to begin with?


leave the roastie, we're your real friends

Implying you have a gf

Sup Forums...is this really a question?

Stay with her and only secretly browse Sup Forums like u should’ve in the beginning. What kinda edgy faggot tells people, especially their GF, that they browse this shit hole

I do, shes the kind thats really stingy about porn. Like no 2d or 3d, but i get nudes

I dont wanna incognito this shit, its my 2nd homepage

How should I break with her?

>its my 2nd homepage
bruh you need a fucking hobby, jesus