is he the Sargon of music community?
Is he the Sargon of music community?
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He's the Filthyfrank of the music community. Or at least he tries to be.
But he's never right
Filthyfrank is the Filthyfrank of the music community.
Also stop making this thread
as in that he's a fish out of water who sticks inside his comfort zone of mediocre content without ever creating anything of genuine quality, despite having massive platform to do anything he wants with?
I love how Sup Forums has become the best place to discuss politics on Sup Forums, because there's an equal amount of right wingers to left wingers. Just wait, here comes the far left to complain that Sargon is a misogynist for saying he wouldn't even rape Jess Philips
thanks for bumping centrist liberal cunt
sucking too much sargon's dick is bad for your health
but that is misogynistic...
A lazy hack who doesn't do any research and just rambles on for way too long? Yeah sure
Oh damn, I was wrong. The alt right was here first. For the record, I don't suck sargon cock. I'm more sympathetic to the alt right than he is, even though I'm not white. I think he's overly dismissive because he has to distance himself from it. Though, he admits he can't dismiss the bell curve and IQ. You just can't base a political and moral system around it, and that I agree with
Here we go
but women are sub human
>I'm more sympathetic to the alt right than he is, even though I'm not white
ah damn, good argument. you got me there. that was cringey xD +1 upboats
He is the H3H3 of music imo. Less fat, bold and without a cute wife.
Sure, like how an ugly pug or a hairless cat is cute.
holy fuck the edgelord is here give a you's and "not an argument"
forgive me master
>no idea what he's talking about
>all his fans are poser dweebs
yeah pretty much.
>I'm more sympathetic to the alt right than he is, even though I'm not white
who gives a fuck
Yeah. I didn't say she was a supermodel
>I'm more sympathetic to the alt right than he is, even though I'm not white
>good argument
I don't need an argument to mock you for being retarded.
You should stop browsing Sup Forums and get your head out of your ass, my underage friend.
you user
>I'm more sympathetic to the alt right than he is, even though I'm not white.
i needed this laugh
Because of the progressive redefinition of the term "racism" has made it mainstream and acceptable to say things like "fuck white people" and not receive consequences. Other absurdities include
>cultural appropriation
>affirmative action/positive discrimination
>mass immigration
fuck white people unironically tho
chill out user you can get western visa without supporting them
Its not misoginystic, its just extremely childish and telling of the intellectual level he usually operates in. He's a retarded manchild who didn't even attenmd college thinking he cas provide useful insight to a topic he knows jack shit about, just like all other youtubers in the "skeptic community".
I can only hope they keep going strong, watching the Alt-right get bashed on the internet, and soon enough IRL, is extremely entertaining.
smells like a pajeet, why are indians so uncle tommish
holy shit is this non-white idiot is retarded or some shit?
and one thing more fuck white people
fuck you pajeet those alt-right guys think you eat shit unironically
Those dudes are all about muh rationality, but they fall for simple heuristics so many times it's hilarious.They're still stuck in this Enlightenment logical way of thinking, but they're still in the end prey to their emotions. Everyone is.
I dare you to say "Fuck white people" outside of tublr or a radical feminist group. Most people will tell you to shut you retarded ass up.
>cultural appropriation
Not an issue outside of the internet
>affirmative action/positive discrimination
Only happens in the more radical circles of feminism, regular feminist is uncomfortable with that idea. Don't like it, don't go there.
>mass immigration
has nothing to do with feminism and everything to do with the world going to shit. War in the Middle East, Insecurity and lack of jobs in third world countries are at fault here, not people demanding that human rights be respected.
No, no ,no. H3H3 literally has nothing of value to say eve. His dialogues are the thoughts of an uncultured, unexposed, simpleton without a shred of complexity to be found. Anthony can at least communicate a complex thought or a well thought out opinion.
>far left
>playing identity politics like Sup Forums does
Nigga we just want the violent uprising of the proletariat against the bourgiousie so we all get to work less and don't require price tags barring us from having necessities, we don't give a fuck if you're white, back, female, straight, gay, whatever. Just help us set up a better way of valuing labor and distributing goods and then we can sort out things like racial, gender and orientation inequalities much more efficiently.
all these faggots bitch about muh affirmative action but that doesn't apply to you know, actual fucking jobs anyways
except for you pajeets but that's cause you get paid peanuts
>uncle tom
I don't support racism, I'm a liberal. I just understand racism and how people turn to to it. You've all just proved to me that you are complicit in the continued rise of the alt right. Stop rubbishing people's concerns and othering them or they'll eventually turn to their own brand of collectivism. And that went so well for the world last time.
The better way is called Keynesian economics and the Nordic model, not communism
Its depressing that so many adults actually eat their shit up wiithout thinking twice. I mean, I remeber being an edgy 13 year old watching Amazing Atheist videos thinking I was smart, but actual grown ass people have no right or excuse to be that fucking dumb.
The only value the skeptic community has is unvoluntary entertainment. I pop in once in a while in a Molyneux or Sargon video to have a laff, or revel in K&T shitting himself and the community up. Its when people start taking them seriously that I get worried.
>alt right is literally LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO
please clean you shithole of a website so I can shitpost there instead of memeing over at Sup Forums.
affirmative action can be good
Sup Forums's underage rat fuck you
It is. Grow up. They started out as a response to all the "cuckservatism". And Charlottesville wouldn't have happened if Antifa violence didn't go unchecked for so long. Her death is on the shoulders of everyone who advocated "punch a nazi". Political violence is a slippery slope and that is what started it off.
What's wrong, pedos, furries and literal horsefuckers got you scared? It's just like Sup Forums in the early days.
>so we all get to work less
What's this reactionary whining and acceptance of capitalist realism's notions? We shall abolish the false capitalist notion of work as such. Perhaps we will work much more in new conditions, without capitalist coercion. You want a new moral universe or just "less work"?
>Her death is on the shoulders of everyone who advocated "punch a nazi"
I'm pretty sure its on the shoulder of the retard that ran her over actually.
Or are you actually saying that its okay to run over people because someone on the internet said that punching nazis is ok. It is btw. Punching nazis is self defense.
i don't really care if they're racists, i got my degree and a job and their bitching online doesn't hurt. doesn't mean they can't be called out for the massive faggots they are. the alt-right is allabout bootstrapping and personal responsibility, yet they're the first to point at any scapegoat they thinkis preventing them from having an idyllic life. can't have that from mediocrity tho. you wanted a meritocracy, you'll get one.
since they have no personal accomplishments they have to do with a collectivist sense of pride to forget they're failures
how do their cock taste btw
>Punching nazis is self defense.
especially if you're not white
>It's just like Sup Forums in the early days.
Thats exactly why I avoid it. Its a shithole.
How would you go establishing an actual communist state? Not bashing you here, but the only way I see communism working is by making a global chang, and it seems Utopic at best.
can they do ANYTHING wrong in your eyes? i wish i had my own pet pajeet like you
>the holocaust is blood on the hands of churchill or some shit... lol I dont care
Fuck off spic
Well that was fun
If faggots like Sargon or AmazingAtheist taught logic, fallacies, proofs and probability they'd be useful and they would be actual skeptics. But they come with an agenda already.
I want fully automated luxury space communism to be honest. I know getting it will take a lot of work, infrastructure remodeling and innovation to make it happen, but that's the communism I want.
It was a shit topic, OP. This is way better.
It's on the shoulders of all the radicals who get together and clash with other radicals in the belief that they're accomplishing something.
Anything to stop talking about that melon shitter
poor pajeet you're so fucking stupid
Please tell me where I've advocated for the alt right. I recognise similar problems as they do, but my solution is vastly different.
>Le centrist "all radicals are wrong"
One side is a neo-nazi, fascist supporting, white ethnostate proposing group of shutins backed by the KKK. The other side is a bunch of people who, big surprise, don't want that. There's communists, social democrats, even conservatives in the non-nazi side. By your reasoning, Its on the shoulders of the nazi LARPers who thought it was a good idea to push their views on reasonable people. Guess what? People really hate nazis, and will respond with any means necesary to them, from discourse to shaming them, to violence. And its ok, because nazis, much like communists in the hoppean snake memes, rejected their right to be treated like an actual person. There is one distinct side that is acting within the bounds of reason here.
waiting for the criticisms
>if you're not a radical you're a centralist
I think its nuts how many of you fucks put yourselves in a box and how ya'll think you can only watch someones videos if you agree with everything they say. Rather bizarre imo.
Sup Forums is a shit place to talk about politics because 9/10 people have no idea what they are talking about, and a good amount are underage faggots too
even Sup Forums is better
Okay. They're LARPing faggots who complain about the future of the white race while simultaneously be fat, lazy, unattractive keyboard warriors. Turning America into a white-ethnostate would be impossible without oppressing minority citizens who are there legally. The irony being that many minority groups have a higher IQ and work ethic than the native population.
I thought this stuff was self evident, I shouldn't be assumed guilty for not saying something.
I'm starting to believe you are right.
Yeah but neither of you fucks are right about almost anything. Like why do ya'll feel the need to be so radical, why not be sensible?
He's alright
Sup Forums is indeed better for politics. so fuck off to there, and stay there. This is a music board in case you fucks can't read.
...and neither is Sargon.
they're perfectly analogous
You're obviously trying to blame both sides for someone being run over by an Alt-Right supporter. Thats retarded centrist logic. If you don't consider yourself one, start using your brain and analyzing the situation you're talking about before spewing meaningless shit.
Fuck, I'd rather talk with a nazi than a centrist.
>why not be sensible to a nazi
Are you actually this dumb? Violence against actual Nazis is good for eeryone. It neutralizes nazis, deters or scares retarded LARPers and makes them consider joining an actual, sensible political movement.
>This is a music board
Are you new here?
But this is the worst place to discuss music now. nu-Sup Forums has awful taste and just listens to pitchfork and fantano
Get fucked radical.
Fanatano a shit. Spectrum Pulse is /ourguy/
>How would you go establishing an actual communist state
A state can never be 'communist', you'll establish a socialist state at best, and it won't last for too long since it will be dependent on external capital's fluctuations and foreign pressures. The point of liberation in the 21st century is not a state anymore, since the actual states are becoming more and more utopian. In fact the ultimate domain of utopia today is a liberal capitalist state, so we are destined to redefine communim as a rather negative thing, and consequently redefine the radical communist action and its point. Fortunately our modern science (genetics, biology, psychiatry, studies of the brain) offers us the basis we need, like the final elimination of the notion of a subject, i.e. a capitalist "individual", and thus the disclosure of an impossibility of any truly collective human action based on this notion of being an individual, the notion that was supposedly universal but in fact is based on certain historical fabrications of the late Christian and early secular thought. What we really need today is to stop living in the 18th century and to fully realise the tremendous potential of our moment.
I mean ideas fuck head. Your ideas are bad, just as bad as the nazis. Also poltical violence is never right and completely pointless in a democracy.
fuck democracy
>it is acceptable to say things like "fuck white people"
>this is what retarded alt-rightists actually belief
outside your fucking neo-nazi bubble no one thinks this.
literally a few fringe retards on the far left make retarded jokes and the right act as this is in any way representative of the whole of the left. It's not even representative of the far left, like I say it's a few fringe retards, say this at a left or far left meeting and you will get shut down. the left has always opposed racism and bigotry, Nazis have always supported it.
Shit user maybe having veiws grounded in reality is the radical thing in these silly times.
the thread went in exactly the direction OP intended.
you can't seriously think an OP that compares Melonhead to Carl of Swindon is anything other than thinly veild Sup Forums-bait.
>it's normal when I do it, I'm the logical one
It's so hilarious to observe how warped and delusional someone's mind can get. Majority of liberals and leftists(they always conflate the two anyways) couldn't care less about petty online drama. Which is what all of this ultimately is.
Way to prove my point.
I say fuck white people shit all the time and no one ever acts like its bad, even in front of whitey. It has become socially acceptable, just cause a nazi points that out don't mean they're wrong.
>political violence is never right and completely pointless in a democracy
>women's suffrage movement was pointless
>civil rights movement was pointless
good joke
But I like my ego.
What about us socialist friendly egoists? This world you describe puts us more like ants than humans. Not to mention it would possibly destroy artistic and cultural progress born from individual impulses. I've always though that the beauty of socialism is the bonding of individual, despite our own individualism. Removing the notion of a single person make socialism and communism void and meainingless imo. Or am I taking it too literally?
>Your ideas are bad, just as bad as the nazis
Yeah, fuck having basic human rights and not being opressed by a certain group of people! What are we, fucking gay?
Or do you mean the ideas armachair activists push on tumblr, calling you a shithead and complaining about TV shows and video games? Because THAT'S the REAL issue here.
lmao you faggots are so fucking stupid who took the bait
holy fuck this board is so retarded
the faggot who created taste of the this board you guys throw shit on him, lol nice boyos
Sensible and normal aren't the same thing, it's almost as if you're trolling but golly g shucks what do i know?
>the [bad word] who created taste of the this board
are you fucking kidding?
melonhead is a fucking meme with no talent, Sup Forums created him not the other way round.
They weren't violent though. In reaction to violence (self defense) then yes. But neither of those groups achieved anything though violence. Unless you have a specific historical example, which lets be honest you don't kek.
See this kind of freak out is exactly what i expect i criticise one side of this false dichotomy and immediately get ascused of being the other.
Can ya'll agree Fantano does the best reviews. Way better than pitchfolk or whatever and hes only one guy!
>Violence against actual Nazis is good for eeryone. It neutralizes nazis, deters or scares retarded LARPers and makes them consider joining an actual, sensible political movement.
Funny because that's not what's happening...
Damn, I forgot your second point
>Also poltical violence is never right and completely pointless in a democracy.
What if you have to defend it from and Anti-democracy movement? Like, I don't know, nazis, or radical communists if you wnat the red scare version. Do you really think these people can be swayed by talking? Fuck no. Violence is necessary. You need to grow up and get this "all is well we can all be friends nazis are just misunderstood" view out of your head.
Allright then, what's your stance then? All you've said so far is that an Anti-Nazi movement is just as bad as a Nazi movement, so I don't really see your point. Or you seem to think I'm a radical communist because you used the same logical path you're bitching about.
The violence has barely begun, dummy. All this civil war shit Sup Forums raves about might happen, but nazis will be the ones to suffer on the day of the rope.
Right so basically your caught up in a moral panic. So if this was 1950 you'd be all about opposing communists and communism. This is 2017 so you are worried about Nazis, the thing is actual nazis are a very tiny minority of your country's population. This moral panic has gotten so insane that people who aren't nazis are being accused as such. So much like how liberals were targeted during the Mccarthy red scare. Plain ol' everyday conservatives are being targeted and labeled as nazs.
I think you missed the point of my post, dummy. By meeting them with political violence you actually are not making your side look good and are driving those on the fence to the right.
Literally who?