This guy has incredible balls

This guy has incredible balls
Our fucking guy

Other urls found in this thread:

That isn't real

holy fuck it is

That is fucking awesome

Right?!?! Same reaction


America needs to wake up an smell the bullshit!

Wait that's actually not shopped


What kind of faggot are you?

Fuck the Japs!

Kim jung oon confirmed for being short and fat lmaofroflcoptr

What kind of faggot are you? Fuck the Americunts!

Someone post the picture where Donald Trump is standing next to the Chinese President and the Vietnamese President

Two commies. Americans sworn enemy - being catered with the President of our nation. Pathetic.

>someday he will call him fat and short


This guy just keeps becoming more retarded by the day. Fucking old ass geezer got his feelings hurt and needs to tell the world. What a whiny bitch.

Japan bombed Hawaii for no reason so we went and made them into the hello kitty transgendered faggots they are today, rah

like obeezy bowing to them and the saudi king?

Japan had no reason to strike us soil (pearl harbor) we bombed them once and got no response of backing down so we bomb again, its not that hard to wrap your head around. Dumbass

kek. preach

I was a supporter until now. This guy is a big retarded child

Next level b8

The one that ended the war instead of allowing the casualties to go into the tens of millions when the Japanese mobilized their entire population to fight endlessly.

>transgendered faggots they are today
there is literally a transgender congresswoman right now. None in Japan.

This. NK is no threat to us they grow their food in human shit for Christ's sake because no nutrients in the soil.

No kidding. Their people are required to give the government their shit.

All we have to do is stop the gibs and they'll collapse eventually.

Or drop a shitload of ipads loaded with porn and movies over their soil.

Yes the Japs bombed pearl, but it was not with a nuke, the Americans are the only country in the world ever to use a nuke as an act of aggression, and they did it twice on two densely populated civilian areas, not the government, not the military, but people who did not want a war but got fucked because the Americans wanted to swing their dicks.

There sure a re a lot of tattoed pierced drug using Obama voting fuckwits in this thread. Trump is the most amazing president of our time, and no Social Justice Faggots are gonna ruin that. In the upcoming civil war - we have 9 quadrillion bullets, and you don't know what bathroom to use, you transgendered mentally ill degenerate faggot weirdo fuckball

You did not understand the last one you responded to.

and we swung them proudly

you're confusing the word balls with the word stupidity

It's just embarrassing. Anyone who thinks this is worthy of praise is just as juvenile as he is.

You've never been to japan, lots of faggots in wigs.

Oh, dear god, the idiot thinks he can play four-dimensional brinksmanship.

What could be more american than that?

Amen brother

how is acting like a 14 year old girl considered having "balls"

No they didn't. They just scuttled a few ships that the Navy was wanting to mothball anyway.

You have any idea how the United Snakes makes its food?

This guy.

Japan wasn't just going to give up, they were going to fight until the very bitter end. Wake up and realize that if we land invaded Japan MANY more people would have died no matter how you look at it.

We still won the war.....dumbass

He is a world class troll

Compulsory love. As required by communist.

That's the kind of history people learn from comic books.

>Scuttled a few ships

You're telling me that you wouldn't act against another country who decided to bomb a military base?

What is that even supposed to mean?

Change the subject much?

China earlier said there'd be repercussions if the US launched a preemptive strike on the norks, so Trump is publicly humiliating Kim to get him to attack first.

Oh, I'm sorry...I see now it was complete justification, thanks for the clarification.

Goddamn that art is shitty, Garrison makes better stuff

FDR was in on it. His complicity was established in sealed records released a few years back.

>densely populated civilian areas, not the government, not the military

Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the main industrial centers manufacturing equipment for the Japanese war effort.

If you use your own civilians as human shields to protect your war infrastructure, you can't complain when they die as collatoral damage.


Don't get me wrong I love Donald Trump she really knows how to diss people but the same time you can't do that when you're the president of the fucking United States don't get me wrong it's hilarious but come on dude like you're running one of the most powerful Nations in the world, show some maturity

I'd say this is beyond retarded but its from trumps twitter feed so thats the kind of stupidity I have come to expect


And so much for the Geneva Convention.

fucking dotard

Google is your friend.

The only difference between "Freedom" and "Terrorism" in America is solely down to if the US is attacking or being attacked.

still seems uncharacteristically clever for him, has he got writer working with him now? Is it John Stewart?


The ones in violation would be the ones using civilians as human shields. A nation has no obligation to sacrifice its own soldiers' lives because their enemy is being a dick.


Human shields or workforce?


This right here. It's fucking pathetic.

Quads demand someone must assfuck this fag.

Jesus christ, go cry to Hillary or someone who cares. If you think you're arguing from some kind of moral high ground by claiming that Americans should die because our enemy decided to utilize their own civilians as shields, you should strongly consider suicide.

That's a common historical misconception. The expressed reason we had for dropping the atomic bomb was to let the russians know not to fuck with us. The Japanese were already going to surrender to us because Russia had declared war on them and they didn't want to risk losing territory.

Both. The manufacturing facilities were intentionally place in the middle of densely populated cities. It was the 1940s, not the dark ages, they could've manufactured anywhere and brought the workers in.

>tweeting from his golden toilet, in his old fart PJs, under the protection of the secret service, in the safety of the white house
>incredible balls

Okay, I know you Sup Forums shitheads like to collectively suck on the orange cock, but this is just incredibly stupid, even for you, poorly educated inbred filth.

Nice dubs,
Seriously, Japan had it coming and if we had capabilities sooner we should've used it immediately on Germany and the Kremlin

Is that what the US does? Or is its manufacturing sites near populated areas and staffed by civilian workers?

>Don't get me wrong I love Donald Trump
Opinion discarded.
>don't get me wrong
Yeah we heard you the first time faggot. You didn't need to say it twice.

The Hague, February 1923

Besides the prohibitions provided by special Conventions, it is especially prohibited:
a. To employ poison or poisoned arms;
* * *

The attack or bombardment of towns, villages, habitations or buildings which are not defended, is prohibited.

(1) Aerial bombardment is legitimate only when directed at a military objective, that is to say, an object of which the destruction or injury would constitute a distinct military advantage to the belligerent.

(2) Such bombardment is legitimate only when directed exclusively at the following objectives: military forces; military works; military establishments or depots; factories constituting important and well-known centres engaged in the manufacture of arms, ammunition or distinctively military supplies; lines of communication or transportation used for military purposes.

(3) The bombardment of cities, towns, villages, dwellings or buildings not in the immediate neighborhood of the operations of land forces is prohibited. In cases where the objectives specified in paragraph 2 are so situated, that they cannot be bombarded without the indiscriminate bombardment of the civilian population, the aircraft must abstain from bombardment.

He needs to get in line.

MuriKKKans have an incredibly simplistic view of the world, most especially of their own history.

You are fucking pathetic.

There are no rules of war. The rules are decided by the victors and the losers become victims. Look at the atrocities perpetrated to the German people after the war. Women, children and the elderly, raped, killed, tortured. The bombs are at least quick, we had killed way more Japanese with fire bombing than fat man and little boy killed. War isn't civil, so to try to sanitize it is futile and moronic.

Says the whiny little bitch.

The United Snakes violated these same rules with the carpet-bombing of Dresden etc. Such a nice, decent democracy!

poor little guy

Embarrassing for every 'merican.

Do it. Or shut up.

'straya ya cunts.

The Laws of War

>i killed her parents
maximum lol



Does anyone else suspect that Trump is secretly a Sup Forumstard?

If he's not one of us he at least checks Sup Forums from time to time.


this is not even his final form

Dumbass, Trump was dancing with the Saudis, he's literally trying to convince them to go to war with Iran for the oil.



Kim Jong Un needs to set up a verified account immediately, and throw some Twitter flame back at DJT. Just imagine.

Nice to see a president who isn't ashamed of freedom and America being a great nation

such tact ... hes being a nice guy and not being a bitch

damn ... obama was such a sucker compared to this dude

why did we elect the whitest black guy?
Now we have the white dude with all the good black parts.

America boyz. The few, the proud, the ones not to fuck with.

I hate to say it but Eminem is right. He doesn't care what he says and dosent care if he pisses off North Korea and let them bomb us. He will just fly off to somewhere else while we get nuke and die

babbys first presidency.

Anytime you feel you can do it hero were right here, and not hard to find

Nice to see a president who fit the autistic ameritard so well

also a fatass calling someone else a fatass HAHA

>inset butthurt

they were warned days before the attack to gtfo