QUADS Gets the senior quote

qUADS Gets the senior quote

Its okay to be white. Also fuck all of you.

qUaDs GeTs ThE sEnIoR qUoTe

We must destroy all niggers. Also traps are fucking gay.

this is my senior quote

pineapple goes on pizza

also, sauce on OP?

No one exists on purpose, no one belongs anywhere, everyone's going to die. Come watch tv.

I'm pickle RIIIIICK

What doth life?

Nigga wAt *smacks lips, hol up u ben sayin tha i aint havin pay child support?

American freedom is an illusion.

...and yes, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo.

Every time you fall asleep you die, then someone else wakes up in your body thinking they are you. You are alone and trapped in your own mind. The world around you is your lie. Soon you will be nothing. You will never again hear sounds, never again see colors, never again be anyone

Honey, where are my paaaaaaaants?

im a registered sex offender

I won't tell you what to put, but it has to be from Elliot Rodger's Manifesto

I'm not racist! I love niggers.

[reroll] Proud member of the brony community.


[reroll] I'm a registered sex offender

I wanna burn all the niggers

are you sure?

Anything from r/atheism and make sure you have a fedora in your senior picture

[reroll] I'm a registered sex offender

I am the Supreme Gentleman

Hot Iodized Tea Leaves Earth Ruined. Don't Intercept Divine Numbers. Over Thinking History Inevitably Never Goes Wrong. Remember Only New Goals.

Some form of "Hitler did nothing wrong"

"Kill all niggers"

Around blacks, never relax.



Reroll again

It's been fun.

Black lives don't matter

I am a big gummy bear

[reroll] I'm a registered sex offender


reroll again

"Thanks, Coach, for helping me learn how to pleasure a man."

roll again




I waste my time on Sup Forums

me too

Life is a joke

Consent is a myth

It's OK to be white


roll this


rip and tear


Art wont save the world you pretentious fucks

If a man likes cock you give him a shock

Words build bridges into unexplored regions.

The victor will never be asked if he told the truth.

Hitler was a sensitive man

Mankind has grown strong in eternal struggles and it will only perish through eternal peace.

How can mirrors be real if reflection are real






My pepe hurts.

There's no I in pedophile

Oh wait...

If you like traps, you’re gay. No further questions.

I fucked my sister then shit on her

I wanna fuck donald trump in the ass

i am sexually attracted to hitler don't silence my sexuality

I dont have peepee



This is great


Midget hookers raped my asshole reeeeeaaaaallll good.

Dumb nigger, you're never gonna get quads.

>damn you fine

hahaha lit daberoni xd xd xd

Fuck niggers


Hitler had some good points

The school system is fucked

Make america great again

Oh baby a quad! Oh yeah!


My name jeff.


I smashed Carol

Louis CK is innocent

yolo swag


I’m a registered sex offender



Please be patient I have autism

He is

Wubba lubba dub dub

Rolling for this
