Whats Sup Forums drinking tonight to scare aware the depression and fill the void?

Whats Sup Forums drinking tonight to scare aware the depression and fill the void?

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Ambien and wild turkey

Cheap whiskey. Northern Lights, its called.

Cheap vodka. I may do a drunk snack here soon.

drinking to get DRUNK AS FUCK tomorrow night
sober tonight
it's not so bad, been sober for a few days now
feels okay to take a break

water and codeine washed down with nicotine withdrawals

I could never take a break.

But by tomorrow do you mean sunday or monday? Either way an odd day to drink.
I am glad I'm just addicted to alcohol and not smoking or pills. That stuff is harder to get and less fun it seems like.


fris and pizza hut lol

50% off pizza ftw

Bulleit rye

it's the same difficulty to get and i enjoy the pills more than alcohol but smoking is shit especially at $30+ a pack in shitty australia

Well I can always just go to a gas station and get alcohol aside from 2 hours a day, 2 to 4 here where I live.
For pills I'd assume you'd have to have a prescription or know a guy which means no beer runs at 1 am.

But whatever works, while I don't do cigarettes I do smoke the occasional once every 3 months cigar and same for weed. Though I'd probably do weed more if I had a consistent source.

Dr Pepper because underage and also broke

nah the pills are legal here, you just buy them from the shop

i'd smoke weed instead of pills if i could afford to

Is it expensive down there is australia? Here its not too expensive but I live in US on top of a state where its legal. But no where around me has opened up shop yet cause apparently getting the license is a bitch.

but first I coated my stomach with a couple Redds apple ale (don't judge, I got it free)

I miss getting drunk. I went through alcohol withdrawals cold turkey and it was fucking horrible. I've gotten drunk here and there ever since but I regret it the next day. I give myself panic attacks thinking I'll go through withdrawals again or thinking I'm kindling. My birthday is next week and I don't care because I'm cant/won't get drunk

About to pop a Xanax and drink a beer to sleep

$200(shitty bush weed)- $400(nice hydro) an ounce

average hydro is like $300-$350

>tfw I could get 175 top shelf ozs when I smoked
I feel bad for you m8

It seems every drug in Australia is more money than other places.

that's still $228 of my dollars
if i knew a higher dealer i could get it like $250 but i don't anymore i only know the shit kids

heaven hill bonded six year. best $12 whiskey ive ever had.

What I'm paying currently.

But I'm buying from a friend who goes through a dealer

A ketchup, hotsauce and milk cocktail.

Wine, beer, vodka, calvados, more different beers, prosecco

$20 sticks are harsh but it's normal in a lot of places

this. had a good 4 day withdrawl leading into and out of last weekend mostly wrecking my sleep going into a new job. feels good after a week sober

I will say best high I ever got was off of some Weed Beef Jerky from some hippies who gave it to me for free. Was a good two days.

Vitamin C pill with a glass of cold water

Johnny Walker Black with Perrier

Well, good luck with the new job user.

Oh shit you getting fucked up tonight.

Some shitty local stuff called hayride, aftertaste on it is nice though.


thanks user, if you're of schooling age, stay in school. warehouse work isn't fun

Not bad for 12 dollars

Had a couple Buds and about 6 shots at work(bartender) just got home and smoked a bowl. Currently having some Jameson. Has anyone tried Jack Rye yet?

Cuervo, taste good and gets me shitfaced real quick

How can you be so tard? Alcohol its a depression booster and will lead you to kill yourself in long period, it doesnt fucking fill the void but rape and enlarge your hole

Meh, one day we'll all be in the ground

I'd say it's one of the most underappreciated whiskeys of the pas few years.

I have nothing to scare away the depression, fear or anxiety. I can't sleep. feel internally shaking all night, afraid, I will be living on the streets, I don't know what to do. thinking of hanging myself to ease the pain

Angry orchard man or Redd's Apple Ale man?

Oh, I'm 31 and have worked warehouse before. I feel you!

Shoot yourself, its quicker, and why would you want to suffer while dying?

I use it as a generaly joke and to relate to for this board.
I'm actually having a blast and watching its always sunny in philly while being plastered. Never seen the show before but its great.

Either way as the other user said, we all die someday, so if alcohol happens to be what kills me, well then so be it.

Jim beam and Rainier beer

I have to work in 7 hours after working 17 so I'm stalling

I can't get a gun, my history of suicide attempts and anxiety prevent it and i have no friendsor money anyway

Toast to that shit right there!

Taaka Gin.

12 bucks for 1.75L. Can't beat the price!

Bridge headfirst, how i would want to go if I was in your situation

Banana bread beer. Thought it would be disgusting but it wasn't bad actually.


On phone, Fat fingers, sensitive screen. Recipe for disastor



I'm afraid of heights. Ropes and belts have worked all throughout history, I just need to over dose on some Tylenol so I don't feel it. Many actors, singers etc have gone out this way. Ropes are cheap,l I already made the noose. Failed the past 2 times so I need to find a way to make it sure thing this time.

Taaka bro!! been killing it for 3 years now cuz price. people talking about taste are chumps. good to know im' not the only

Weed beef Jerkey some hippies gave you?

I've been buying this lately for hard alcohol. it's probably the strongest and least awful tasting cheap whiskey I've found other than Cabin Still.

Is this a joke? OP claimed he drink for fight depression, I just sayed he cant be more wrong with it, if you like to be suicidal boys and dont give a shit of your life who care

That plus alcohol sounds about right.

Yeah I was visiting a bar and they invited me back to their RV and gave me weed beef jerky. They said they just got back from some hotspring near by.

Alcohol helps me not feel so shit, but I can see how someone more depressed could just make it worse with it.

I'm both OP and the post that replied. As I said I use it as a joke you daft cunt.
That on top of people can come into the thread and vent while drinking, my only goal is to have a drinkin thread at the end of the day. Why you taking it so seriously?

Wife beater + bromazepam

Wtf is weed beef jerkey? How can you even make that?

I know people IRL that are getting every year more addicted and depressed, just to warn all of you anons .

Thanks for killing the thread.

No idea, the packaging had some shit like they fed cows weed on top of it just being lined with it as if it was a seasoning like salt or something.

Apparently there are one or two brands of it out here in cali but the one I tried I can't seem to find. I probably should have taken a picture of it.

30? 30 fucking dowwa! Sheet I thought 7 pound a pack was bad in blighty.
I started smoking rollies though £20 for 50g and that lasts about a week.

think it's close to $70 for a 50 gram rollies here

My mum dosen't like me drinking, she spent 5K sending me to rehab.
I managed to convince her to let me drink at a weekend though.
I'm now allowed to drink 2 bottles of cider on a Fri/Sat night.
I buy vodka too though and stash it under my van until she goes out.
28 YO basement dweller reporting in. (don't even have a basement)
Good job I fell asleep early and still have some left over.
Once an alcy always an alcy.

Well you are limiting yourself so thats good, but being a 28yr old basement can't be that great. Did you ever try to go to college or get a job?

I'm 24 and live with parents as well but I have a job, bartender if you can believe it, so even though i drink every night I can at least support the habit.

Why don't you just grow tobaco plants my upside down friendo?

I've worked since leaving school, on and off.
I'm really good at my carrear path, truck and trailer parts.
I'm so good infact that employers tolorated my alcoholism even after I stacked my works van into a house.
Stress, depression and alchol killed me though. Now I just sit and binge watch boxsets of tv.
Did the walking dead in under a week and Mr Robot took me 2 days.
I moved out when I was 18 but I got evicted for having house parties and trashing my flat.
Really crippled at the mo user.

because you get in more trouble for growing tobacco than if you grew weed and weed is more profit anyway

Granville Island Winter Ale. Good shit

Aw I kind of understand that, I actually ran away at 16 cause I hated the shits, but after working retail moved back in with parents at around 20, tried college, hated it since programming wasn't as fun as I thought, and now I live with them as a bartender.

For me I'm just gonna bartend till I get a few years of experience to where I can move to any city I want and do the job, it pays enough to live alone but I'm using staying with parents to save money.

You just need some sort of plan as well to persevere, can you not go back to doing what you were before now that you sobered up for the most part?

Some Sapporo I picked up at 7-11. I feel like all the beers they have at 7-11s in Japan all taste practically the same.

You get into trouble for growing tobaco?
Surely it grows in the wild in your climate?
If I was you I'd have a forest for a garden, weed and tobaco.
I'd also have a moonshine machine.
I'd have one know but my mum won't allow it.

I don't want to.
Like most things in the digital age everything has gone computurised, now a 16 YO girl can do my job by clicking on a computer. Whilst experiance is still king it's no longer needed and it's all sales sales sales.
Whilst I could run rings around others in knowledge who do you think faggots would rather speak to me or the jail bait?

I'd assume you as long as you have social skills, nearly any job people prefer older people with experience to talk to, but again, if you have no social IE customer service skills then maybe not so much. I worked in retail so I was able to get mine through pure bullshit, but still you should at least work part-time doing something for some extra cash on the side.

Safety money is always a good thing. I mean I'm nagging and you are older so probably know this already, but just hate to see another person fall victim to the full on neet life instead of living a happy medium lifestyle.

It's too stressful.
I want a more relaxed job where you get left alone.
Night security would suit me better.

I have the social skills required and can deal with customers.
They're all assholes... That's all you need to know.
It's a job for robots now. Unless I start my own business I'm not going back into the industry.
Like I said, night security guard is what I want to do now.
Just walk about, alone in the dark. What could go wrong?

we have "native tobacco" which isn't actually tobacco and you go to jail for growing real tobacco

"Just walk about, alone in the dark. What could go wrong?"

All depends on where you are working lol

Nothing most likely, most night security jobs are fine. Now one or two weaboos from back in my Sup Forums days that did or do it. Of course depends on location and the like but you'd be fine, issue is actually finding a position as its one of the jobs that generally when people get it they stick with it for life.

Don't live in a town/city, you're doing Oz wrong.
If I lived there I'd live in the outback with a weed/tobacco farm and a Fosters distillery.
I'd also have a pet kangroo called Jack and a wollabee. I'd also have a didgeree doo sat in the corner that I never play.

>people get it they stick with it for life.
Because it's awesome!
You just walk about alone, in the dark. You can drink, smoke and invite prostitutes over.
Job would be awesome!

Reverse Osmosis Water.
Quit vaping and weed, all other OTC and prescrip meds, currently on day 2 of water-only fast.
I'm walking into the pain and feels head on.

I can't believe all the crap talk you so called 4channers are doing! Yes, I am upset. BUT! We are doing the BEST we have done in years! I am so proud to be a 4channer. You are either for us or against us! GO Sup Forums!!!

I feel you user.
What made you quit?

My boyfriend


Or feet, I like feet?

You sound gay
You sound gayer

I'm a dude and it was my boyfriend that got me sober.

I'm in a relationship with another man but I don't consider myself gay. I don't believe in sexual orientation.


Tits or feet?