Fuck all this negativity on this site

Fuck all this negativity on this site.
Tell me something you achieved lately.

I managed to get out of bed to shit

I told the boss man to fuck himself, literally.
And then he apologized to me later on.

spent the whole day working out how to pirate rosetta stone and learning japanese on it, but damn that painting is great, who did it

Got into weight lifting, jogging and core excersize on a routine basis

bought my own house. 3 bedroom, two bath, 1/3 of an acre plot, and an awesome screened in porch with a roof. it was a foreclosure, so I got it for 12k USD. it was a fluke I saw in a real estate ad when I was looking for apartments. absolutely serendipitous. paid cash, fixed her up, and now I am a home owner for the first time.

now all I need is a job.

I did a 1 rep 100kg squat, which was my goal for the longest of times.

I managed to pay taxes

Carl Heinrich Bloch (1834 - 1890)



goals man.

I went to the antique fair, bought 5 planes in various states of disrepair and a small ish Spear and Jackson saw. Have all the tools to make drawers, just need to start making the woodworking bench.


ITT: over-rated art that doesn't look all that good.

my brother moved in with me, him and I are real close friends so its awesome. he is super into that kind of stuff too, and we go to thrift stores and shit looking for tools like that. He is planning on building a shed in our back yard and get back into his metal and wood working.

ITP: guy who hates art because the only time he ever went to a gallery is when he was 12 on a field trip and has bad memories because he wet himself and got laughed at on the bus.

Well someone asked for the name, so i figured i'd post some more of it.
Go browse one of the 20 gay furry trap threads if you prefer that.

Became a millionaire.


Lel salty artfags can't take an opinion.
Have fun in liberal arts class.

He just posted art.
Literally nobody in this thread is salty but you.


After 15 years in the New World, I went back to the Old World, because of my mom asking for it. Then mom died on a heart attack while taking a piss.
Unemployed for a few years, then got a new GF who keeps my belly full and balls empty, new job, new high-end PC Gaming rig, drive a new, nice V6 rice bowl (Hyundai Azera), getting my Teachers License soon beginning next year.

Life's good

Now only Star Citizen needs to hurry the fuck up


chatting with childhood heroes of mine like they're old friends. they know of me due to my work, which i still find amazing.




Became a billionaire over night


>gives opinion
>gets opinion back


Sorry to hear that man. Working nights sucks.

I achieved fuck you. How’s that, faggot?




Haven't even started working yet bah

I pitch next week. I kinda need help ;(

finished my thesis on personality disorders and genetics in relation to adverse life situations

Were your findings positive? Tell me about your thesis. If you don't mind.

>Tell me something you achieved lately.

Straightened money out so that I can make ends meet. Major relief. I no longer lay awake at night worrying.

let's try to summarize it, basically what studies have shown is that there seems to be a certain genome that makes people more susceptible for adverse life situations, this means that these people are predisposed to have certain disorders that influence their life in such a way that it appears as if they are born to have "bad luck". ie. you do dumb shit, because you have a bad mental state, and make bad decisions that you otherwise wouldn't make and experience adversity trough the impact of those decisions.

Also it appears that that certain personality disorders, like bipolar (BPD) and antisocial (APD) seem to inheritable traits. this "weaker" set of genomes shows that these young kids and teenagers, whom have parents with APD or BPD have a much higher chance of getting either of these disorders themselves, or otherwise end up living a life full of adversity.

in the end it's all a nature vs. nurture thing though.

Egh I don't really care any more

with the nature vs nurture i mean that eventhough you have this "weaker" genome, a good, healthy and stable enviroment, especially in early childhood can prevent these kids in risk groups from ending up like their parents. there is still a lot of research to be done, especially amongst minorities and weaker groups in society though.
A lot of people it's like opening the door to eugenics again, but you can't deny the results of these researches