So he jerked off in front of some bitches, he asked and they said yes, i dont understand what the big deal is

So he jerked off in front of some bitches, he asked and they said yes, i dont understand what the big deal is.

Other urls found in this thread:

publicity stunt

It's all about women and their feelings and their emotions and their insane chick logic

It’s coercion. They thought they would lose their jobs. He’s just as bad as a rapist and he should be in prison.


It's a double standard. If a woman were to ask a man to watch her masturbate, only uptight virgins or faggots would say no. Even if She's not the best looking girl, Most guys would stick around just to have a story to tell.

It's not like he Cosby'd them. I'd like to know what context it was in. Why were these women in private with him, and did he just pull out his dick? or was there sexual charged context before hand?

>They thought
what fucking nonsense.

If he really asked and they said ok then there is no problem.


its rape, because they said yes, but later meant no, and because he abused his powers. They were afraid of losing their high paying dream jobs.


wow this is why this site is such shit now because of lazy dumb kid idiots like you who don’t even know how use google before you post something stupid like you just did because if you had you’d know there’s like 8 million articles out there answering all your stupid fuck questions you faggot eleetardnb holy fuck


This sums up 2017

You don’t understand because yo didn’t read his apOlogy letter or else you would understand but alas op is a faggot retard naturally

I don't know your standard but if a fat ugly bitch asks me to watch her masturbating, I'd say no and I'd be quite embarrassed

well, I have a great job. and if my boss pulled out his dick and started wanking, I would find a new job.

If it was that bad, then shame on them for putting a high paying job before there morals. im not buying the coercion gimmick. Louis c.kuck is a freak. he likes to have chicks watch him wank. who cares? I guarantee these whores complaining have done way nastier things in the bedroom then watch a dude jerk it.

>how to garner more followers
>follow the current trend!
>the current trend is butthurt feminazis crying about being sexualized (even though they flaunt their genitals at every opportunity...)
any publicity is good publicity when trying to sell something, even if that something is yourself.

what i understand even less is how a country that has a national holiday dedicated to a psychotic murdering rapist, is in any way outraged at a few men's lewd acts.

read his statement, you retards. he explained it well (in the first half)

he had power over them. they didn't dare to refuse. basically same as the walmart fag describes.

besides his career would be dead if he had said anything else.

I read a hand full of them, I didn't see anything about what led up he wanking. calm down bro, It's just a question. Maybe you should go rub one out you uptight virgin fuckwad.

Louis Cuck King didn't even get laid, resorted to masturbating in front of women and still got in trouble for it

what a faggot lmao

Why would you be embarrassed? If anything it's a compliment.

Don't be a little pussy bitch.

god damnit, men are not men anymore. fuck you millennials.

Ah, Columbus day.

Fuck you, don't be a bitch. Colombus discovered America. let him have his day. what have you done user? not jack shit, so shut the fuck up, and get off of your high horse.

here you go you fucking dipshit dumbfuck

>can I get naked and jerk off lol
>um... haha... I guess louisck lol (he’s kidding right??)
>gets completely naked and jerks off
>have to sit there and awkwardly listen and watch this fat old idiot jerk his little dick because if you don’t he will ruin your career probably

FFucking moron took .25 seconds there you go and I’d rather be a virgin than a stupid shit like yo at least my reading comprehension and intelligence will take me further in the long run you idiot

True, it does seem pathetic, but hey, if that's what he's into...

butthurt landwhale detected

a generic copypasta?

lazy libtard detected.

>I'm a civilized european male
>discover new people with possibly many cultural and material things to trade
>first thought that comes to mind, hmmm
>I know! rape, murder, and plunder everything i see
>i'm not ape

yea give me a small loan of a million dollars, and i assure you i can discover a new land ripe for raping.

>New York Times.

this. this is your link?

fuck you you liberal twat. didn't read. fake news.

no, your fake news.
see how easy it is.

I read it and I still don't get it. He said his status means they couldn't say no. Weinstein used his power to convince them if they complied he would help them. CK said he basically did the same thing because he was kinda famous and it was implied saying no would be bad for them.

That's bullshit. That means every man who has any bit of power in a situation cant pursue a sexual relationship with out it basically being rape because women aren't allowed to say no.

The real answer is that systems and expectations need to be changed so these victims could just feel comfortable with saying no, and if there was anything forceful legal action can be taken.

fuck off with your reddit spacing


typical millennial, Thinks he has to be rich to accomplish anything.

quit dragging down people who actually did impressive things. you literally think you could do what colombus did in 1492? please... you would have been the one raped like the little pussy bitch you are.

tell me, what have you contributed to modern society? what have you revolutionized?

This is what I don't get, unless he held them down, they really weren't forced into shit. Yes, you could have said no. You were not forced into saying yes. Did he pull a gun? No? Then shut the fuck up.

Women will find literally anything to complain about

I'll put my spacing

Where I damn well please.

Fuck off ya cunt

Not a big deal. The NYT has jumped the shark on this one. Now let’s go back to pressuring chicks into sex, like mammals have done for tens of millions of years.

newfag detected

Doh kay

you claim this is a stupid thread for people discussing what happened, but you think you're so smart, becaue you were spoon fed an article from the NYT. go ahead and believe that horse shit you're posting, but quit criticizing everyone in here for thinking for themselves, and asking questions. go back to CNN and fuck off ya cunt.

been here since '08 pal.

fuck off with ye.

>been here since '08
>still a massive cock sucking faggot

you mean sail west? I have just the slightest idea of how a compass work, so perhaps. I don't think Edward Jenner was given a loan of half a million dollars, and you know, he did just a little bit for modern society. But seriously, what exactly did chris inbred colombo do for modern society? I honestly don't know

it's not ok to be white. It's not okay to be male. It's not okay to be straight. It's not okay to have any sort of sexuality if you are any of the former.....unless you're hot

then you're a newfag
08 is literally the newfag phase


Why is her room so small? I thought she was a bazillionaire

thanks to modern society, you have a concept of how everything around you works, because smarter people already figured it out. you merely stand on the shoulders of giants.

Lets do apples to apples: If you lived in Columbus's day, you would most likely been a peasant, and worked some shit job, or been a slave, then you would have died from some easily curable disease at the ripe old age of 15, all while thinking the earth was flat.

Jesus Christ, you put yourself on a pedestal or what?

I never in fact even implied that you have to be rich to accomplish anything in more fact i said that he was an ape, not even human, let alone that he accomplished something impressive. a creature with the brain size of walnut manages to figure out how to navigate, with out tools. If this impresses you... well i don't even know m8, don't go outside it might blow your mind.

Celebrities in Europe like to virtue signal by living in small apartments and live so called modest lives.

yea whatever dude.

you're so cool!

"I've been on 4 chan forever! and I'm part of the special club! anyone who found this site after me is a NEWFAG!

kill yourself.

>a creature with the brain size of walnut manages to figure out how to navigate, with out tools
Side note: It's not about brain size, it's about brain-to-body mass ratio

someone shoop in Harvey Weinstein in the mirror.

right... because people in antiquity didn't figure out the circumference of the earth.. oh wait they did, without any sort of modern tools. So you know that guy that discovered vaccines? no obviously you don't, because you read right past his name. Once again, Edward, not bird brained inbred, Jenner made you know, just a small contribution to society, with out the loan of a million dollars and without being a murdering rapist

I see nothing wrong with that. I was just used to seeing american celebrities with huge mansions,

Modern society is a mistake. Hopefully we will correct society soon

>You're shit if you live rich
>You're shit if you live poor


you are ape
side note: don't go outside, your brain might explode. seriously m8 i feel empathy for you, did you grow up somewhere without access to elementary education? Cuz i've got news for you, you might discover there are more impressive things than being able to move in one direction continuously for a prolonged period of time.

explain to me what a sextant is, and how you would use it to navigate a sail ship across the ocean, do you really think you could have sailed across the atlantic ocean, and established the transatlantic trade route?

I bet you haven't even moved out of mommies house, and you think you could navigate a sail ship from spain to south America and return without dying? you honestly believe you could do that? without GPS, smartphones, or even a fucking map?

kill yourself, literally, please eradicate your retarded genes from this planet.

I don't think anything is wrong with living rich, but celebrities do. It's why they all dress in designer clothes that look like hobo attire

It's because the average person thinks the rich are shit for not giving their wealth away based on their "needs"

>defending ck


i been here since '02.
Your nothing but a dirty newfag who cant find his place in the world. Welcome to Sup Forums newfag.

The women failed to stand their ground in say no, as an attempt to advance their career. And somehow still manage to claim the high moral ground.

The world is mad.

You do realize you're on a website that is defending the Cuck-in-chief since the elections?

>inb4 b-b-but hillery
nobody cares

He is being harassed by a government that has turned social justice warrior based on unconstitutional laws that were adopted at the request of the descendants of the idiots who invented and promoted communism as a new age version of civilization. What's so hard to understand?

nice generic copy pasta, newfag

Been here since the founding of website on 99. Everyone after that is a newfag

Just eliminate the jew, the wealth would sort itself out after that

The average person thinks the rich are shit for sequestering all their wealth where it's safe from ever being taxed and therefore contributing to the society it profits from.
But thanks for your kool-aid post.

No. Youre a bitch and should be in prison for being a little bitch.

The problem is instead of saying I did nothing wrong it was consential Louis decided to be a cuck and try to appease the SJWs which never works by saying he now understands it was wrong and he is sorry, there's no coming back from it now he played himself

>asked permission
I dunno man this kind of mentality will create a world you don't want to live in. Pretty soon you'll go to jail because you were predetermined at birth you were going to turn into a criminal.
Thanks Obama

apparently they didn't say yes. that said, your average creep thread on this board is worse than anything alleged against C.K. so whatever.

>Thanks Obama
Obama is the president anymore. This is all happening under the watchful eyes of the Twitter-in-chief.


You are such an ape man. You are missing the bigger picture. Have I ever used a sextant? No. Does an instrument that measures angular distance between two objects impress me? No. The greeks pretty accurately estimated the circumference of the whole earth many centuries before using the exact method. by measuring the angular distance between two objects. Can i acquire knowledge to sail from spain to cuba on a wooden ship using primitive tools using 500,000 dollars? Absolutely.


>Can i acquire knowledge to sail from spain to cuba on a wooden ship using primitive tools using 500,000 dollars?
No because dollar is just worthless paper.

>unless you're hot
But you cant be hot if you're white

i thought they went along with it so that they could advance their careers?

what is it really? were they gonna lose their jobs or were they using him for advancement?

>tfw cuck comedian's esteem raised in the eyes of Sup Forums following sexual assault allegations
>tfw Louis CK now beleaguered victim of media harassment

it was 2005 no one knew louis ck

>literally only white celebrities top the world's hottest, sexiest, etc. lists(either male or female) every year
>muh swj boogeyman
dude plz.

you're literally regurgitating information and trying to sound smart. you sat through one chapter in 8th grade history class about Edward Jenner, and think you know everything about history. You're comparing an explorer to a scientist that were born centuries apart..

This argument started because YOU claimed you could accomplish what columbus did, then when I asked YOU what have YOU done to contribute to society, you start talking about Edward Jenner.

Can't argue with that logic...

I'm done arguing with a brainless chimp.

His options at the time

1) Deny the allegations.

2) Drop any appearances he had planned and go silent.

He picked, the really fucking stupid option.

Honestly though, who the fuck waits that long to talk about some guy jerking off in front of you? They're lying their assess of and they're working in Hollywood and they're going to say that's the worst thing that's ever happened to them.

Shit, I've seen worse on late night public transportation and I sure as hell didn't ask for that.

actuall he did do something wrong. guess what bitch, Im not a faggot at all.

Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination that violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Title VII applies to employers with 15 or more employees. Sexual harassment can be unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that explicitly or implicitly affects an individual’s employment. These acts can also rise to the level of sexual harassment when they unreasonably interfere with an individual’s work performance or create a hostile or offensive work environment.

so because he's popular now, all the chicks who said yes to him then now claim they said no?

lol. whores

dude really? I believe it is precisely BECAUSE i don't live with my parents anymore, and i'm not longer in highschool, that basic navigation using a compass does not impress me. Can I build a LaFerrari? No. Can i produce a combustion engine with 500,000 dollars? Absolutely. You are an ape my friend


What constitutes sexual harassment can vary depending on the situation and people involved. Sexual harassment might include unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favors. Direct or indirect threats or bribes for sexual activity may be sexual harassment. Sexual innuendos and comments, or sexually suggestive jokes may be sexual harassment in some contexts. Unwelcome touching or brushing against a person, or displays of explicit material may be sexual harassment. Finally, attempted or completed sexual assault would be sexual harassment.

actually he didn't do anything wrong.


>I've had several dealings with sexual harassment in the past
>now I come prepared

actually meant to reply tobecause he can quote fucking articles about it

Back to ribbit you frog posting deplorable.

>sailing in one direction until you hit something is exploring

Are you by any chance European? I think you might be inbred

he broke the law so.....

you sound like a dindu. grow up

You're only thinking about it from your own perspective in 2017. If this were 1492, you wouldn't have the education that modern society provides. yea, it's unimpressive in 2017, because we have that knowledge. The Greeks only hypothesized, and that idea of a round earth was only held by intellectuals of that time.

your ego man... it's embarrassing. I feel bad for anyone that is cursed to have to be in you presence.

Ryan gosling saved a feminist and she asked everyone not to call him a hero.
And if he aint hot by hollywood standards i dont know who is.

>>sailing in one direction until you hit something is exploring
Not that user but that is ironically exploring if what you hit is undiscovered by your people.

"he dindu nuffin"

The majority of you basement dwelling loners would piss your pants if some big ass rich dude made you do sexual things. you would do it out of fear and then go home to cry into your pillows like a bunch of scrawny ass faggots.