Been looking for more information about this picture, most likely the video. Anyone has any idea?

Been looking for more information about this picture, most likely the video. Anyone has any idea?

Posting cp. Enjoy your ban faggot

It's not what you think.

>also: that version of the pic is purposely edited to look like it was shot with a low resolution phone, most likely for clickbait purposes

Other versions include

... NEXT

Cancerous whiteknight detected. Go back to faggobook.

lol sure if it was real


How old is she anyways?


like 18 or something

bout tree fiddy

/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ here you go

Why are Americans always this gay?

Based user delivers


thanks user

which site?

YouTube Rick roll

Fuck off, retard. You're such a fucking dumbass.


No reason to be so rude

I'm so amused of people being looked down upon because they are new or aren't familiar with Sup Forums.

You can't fool me user. I've seen that link so many times I recognize it even without the hyperlink.

kys newfag

400 and one 400 and two...

is it true that she does it to save the boyfriend?

Where is the fucking vid?

Bumping for vid

She looks 19

Ok does anyone know how old she is?

19, we are fine .. anyone has the video?

That's some scoliosis right there.

ive seen the video and that's some scoliosis right there.



Need a liiiink


I think I saw this on a post about someone getting arrested on reddit (serious lol)



How do I use this link?

you carve it into your forehead

Too old